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The Awakened Salad

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Everything posted by The Awakened Salad

  1. I’m honestly not a big fan of having people on the covers of books in general (unless it’s more of a stylised illustration), so I’ve never been overly fond of any of Brandon’s covers. The art for all of them is fantastic but it’s not my sort of thing. If I had to pick from the Stormlight covers, I’d say the French and German ones are my favourites. Though while we’re talking about UK covers may I bring to attention the fact that the UK cover of HoA is just the cover of WoA but zoomed in.
  2. I feel like it would be Condensationesque. Conniesque? (I know there should be two e’s but I don’t like the way Connieesque looks)
  3. *horrified cheese-lover noises* What makes you say that? Is it the taste? The texture?
  4. Hello and welcome! What are your top three ice cream flavours?
  5. And a cozy fireplace, with chairs, beanbags and hot chocolate/coffee/tea always available. Also, SWORD ROOM. With replica Shardblades and other weapons from the books. Would we all sleep in dorms? We could have seperate rooms but that would be a lot of rooms. Okay someone stop me before I get ahead of myself and plan an entire storming mansion.
  6. We are definitely having a secret library inside of the main library that you can only access by pulling on a certain book. Or we could do it Ravenclaw style and have to answer a question, but the question is Sanderson-related.
  7. Welcome to the cheese club: A thread for the appreciation of cheese. We also have free samples for your enjoyment. I don’t know if anyone will actually post here, but this is a thing that exists now. ...Oh, you wanted the chess club? *points across the street* It’s right over there.
  8. HoA spoilers If I had any skill in video editing I would make a cosmere vine video literally right now. I already have way too many ideas.
  9. I don’t know what it currently is because I’m on mobile, but the last member title of yours I remember was “potato in a minefield”, so I’ll say 10/10 for that because it mentions potatoes.
  10. That’s great Emi! Yay another arospec!! It’s 100% normal to change labels and there’s absolutely no rush in figuring out these things (not saying that you will, but if you do). But it’s great that you’ve found some that fit you!
  11. I'm on mobile literally 99% of the time when I'm on the Shard, so whenever I'm on my laptop I'm like "you guys have member titles? You have signatures??" and it's like a whole new world has been revealed. 

    1. Honorless
    2. Condensation


      :) That's awesome, I think that would be cool.

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Yeah. Same here. I just switched to computer. It's weird.

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