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The Awakened Salad

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Everything posted by The Awakened Salad

  1. It’s actually a Halloween salad, if you zoom in closely enough 10/10 for Link and Dark Link
  2. Yeah, that was my fault for phrasing it badly. I meant to say that we might not know if Shallan’s oath regression pre-WoK had any other effects. I’ve heard that memory suppression can lead to amnesia. I’m not a medical expert, though.
  3. *pats A.C.’s shoulder comfortingly* It’s no problem at all! And thank you for your kind words! Thanks Bearer!
  4. 9/10, appropriately creepy and less disturbing than Stare-Into-Your-Soup Shinovar
  5. La la la la la la la la love Is something you don’t even know Ugh, that’s the worst. I’d personally say it’s worth it, because regardless of the plot the characters are all so good, but it’s up to you.
  6. Hello and welcome! Though it seems like you’ve already acquainted yourself pretty well with the Shard Hope to see you around, and feel free to join in with the community side of things!
  7. Welcome! Aside from book discussions, we also have a pretty lively community. Feel free to come join us in the forum games!
  8. To answer your first point, yes. Kaladin is confirmed to have depression, and Brandon has stated that Shallan experiences something similar to DID. Many other characters like Dalinar and Jasnah also suffer from mental illness, but I’m not sure if it’s been confirmed what, and I don’t want to haphazardly apply a label to them. I’m not an expert on Realmatics, but I believe healing with Investiture has to do with how the person perceives themselves. Similarly to how Kaladin’s slave brands are a part of him, his depression is as well. There’s also the issue of the thematic implications if stormlight was able to magically heal mental illnesses. Obviously that’s not how it works in real life, and it invalidates the struggle faced by many. I’ve bolded some parts of the WoBs below that phrase it really well. And to answer your second question, also yes. Shallan does have amnesia, and it’s been confirmed that she has regressed in her oaths. I can’t find a WoB on that right now, but it’s likely we will see the effects of her regression as the series continues.
  9. You should! Definitely not biased here. Though I understand randomly stopping a series, I’ve done that before.
  10. A pretty girl walks by my window My heart gives a flutter but I don’t dare utter a word CAUSE THAT WOULD BE ABSURD
  11. I have returned bearing more alignment charts. I’m not too happy with these ones, but I hope they’re all right.
  12. I was adopted when I was two My parents spoiled me rotten, often
  13. Yeah let’s do this! *da da da* Head of the student council! I DON’T BLACK OUT AT PARTIES I just listened to it and it’s perfect for Luz!
  14. STRAIGHT PATH (I will do the entire song if you don’t stop me ) I’ve heard of Ordinary, but I haven’t listened to it yet. YES COME JOIN US. I don’t know what the rating is, but it’s a show aimed at kids and it’s been compared to She-Ra and Gravity Falls in terms of content levels and tone.
  15. Okay I only just now realised that your username is revelry-in-the-art, not revelry-in-the-heart. I’ve been reading it wrong for months *facepalms* 

    1. revelryintheart


      lol you're not the only one

      I've considered capitalizing the words but it ruins the aesthetic

  16. Glad to see another fan! I was convinced this thread would stay dormant forever. And Eda and King! I love those two so much. *wildly bangs hands on piano* STRAIGHT HAIR STRAIGHT A’S the Hooty version is the best

    Every so often this past month my brain has been gently reminding me “it’s your Shardiversary soon!”, but now that I’m actually here I can’t believe it. I still feel like it was yesterday when I timidly posted an intro thread and found myself gravitating over to the Forum Games and Community side of the Shard, where I’ve stayed for most of my time here. Since then I’ve *wins*ed, rambled (often incoherently), joined RPs (which either died or I had to leave, whoops) and honestly stumbled across such a wonderful community to be a part of.

    To the forum games crew, you guys never fail to make me smile! I love going on adventures with you, granting boons and banes, and all of the general randomness that happens along the way.

    To anyone I’ve ever RPed with, you’re awesome and thank you for being patient with someone who had/still has no idea what they’re doing :P. This site is full of amazing storytellers and I’m so glad that I’m able to write with you all.

    And finally, thank you. Yes, you reading this. For making this community such a great one to be in. Whenever I’m in need of a laugh, a fun conversation, or a virtual hug, I know where to come. 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. AonEne



      Most of my thoughts are just a keyboard smash if I’m being honest

      “oh hey a uno game” “NOPE, IT’S BLOODSHED TIME” 

      Okay this makes me feel immensely better because most times I’m thinking “jdswjeidjd i’M bOtHerInG eNe” 

      You remember! *happy Salad noises*

      I’m flattered that you still remember Rip it or Ship it ^_^. I’m glad you enjoyed it, even though I feel guilty about it dying. 

      Okay that’s the best thing I’ve ever read in my life because YES, may I quote that? 

      Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh I remember that, that was amazing

      That’s how I feel with like half the people in the world, so trust me, you are never a bother, you are one of my best friends and I love you, so there, anxiety. 

      Of course I remember! It was cool! And we were in sync with N!! :lol: 

      Okay, it was looking super fun though. I wonder if we could get it going again, maybe with timing changes because I think that’s what killed it last time? Idk. But I’m seconding Mist, that was Not your fault! 

      Sorry for taking a few days, it got lost in the notifications. 

    3. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad


      Okay that’s the best thing I’ve ever read in my life because YES, may I quote that? 

      That’s how I feel with like half the people in the world, so trust me, you are never a bother, you are one of my best friends and I love you, so there, anxiety. 

      Okay, it was looking super fun though. I wonder if we could get it going again, maybe with timing changes because I think that’s what killed it last time? Idk. But I’m seconding Mist, that was Not your fault! 

      Sorry for taking a few days, it got lost in the notifications. 

      Of course you can quote it!

      :wub::wub: *hugs* *beats anxiety with a microwave*

      If I become less busy, then I’d love to try and restart it, with some changes and feedback!

      *hands you a No Apologising card*

    4. AonEne
  18. When you finish writing up your Shardiversary post, click submit, but forget that that Shard’s probably logged you out for inactivity and the whole things deletes so now you have to rewrite it. *facepalms*

    1. Turtle


      Happy Shardiversary anyways!

    2. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      Thanks Turtle! *facepalms again upon realising how many typos they made in the above status update* Oh how I wish we could edit them

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Happy Shardiversary! Woohoo!

  19. 20 years is a long time, so I honestly can’t say. The Shard’s seen a lot of change even over the one year I’ve been here. The site may still be active, or maybe people have moved elsewhere. If it remains active, it’ll probably be filled with completely different people, and everyone that’s active now will be considered to be old Sharders by then. TLT and TLPW might still be alive, and who knows what will happen to the various RPs.
  20. I just glanced at your interests while looking at a status update and YOU HAVE A DOG?? Can we see photos?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. AonEne


      I went out and took more pictures because the world needs doggo pics, they’re not top quality photos, but they are a good boy 





    3. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      *teleports to your house and snuggles him* 

      I will probably randomly stop by your AMA on occasion to ask about him :D

    4. AonEne


      I’m always happy to fangirl about him! And yes, good, he doesn’t like my snuggles so hopefully he likes yours :D

  21. I have the worst memory, but do you have a Shard nickname? I couldn’t remember so I just went with your full username.
  22. After I read your posts I couldn’t stop thinking of this @Emi here’s a meme about you that isn’t about niceness (I feel this would also apply to Star)
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