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Channelknight Fadran

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Everything posted by Channelknight Fadran

  1. She held to the Truesight, and slowly but surely... the senses started organizing themselves. Not enough to stop the splitting headache, but her instincts began to catch up with the Perception. It was like when her eyes finally adjusted to the dark, only much more gradual and painful - and her strikes began to swing more fluidly, if only by the slightest amount. "Closer! Three attacks next: get them right." Feisyyd stepped at Cloud to send three consecutive strikes at him. With how aggressive her other students were performing, perhaps it was the right idea to unlock Cloud's potential through trial by fire.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. That1Cellist


      Indeed, the hobbit is amazing.

    3. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman


      now I am become Bilbo, destroyer of Lobelia

      That is NOT what I read the first time I saw that.


    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      time to change my whole thing- 

  3. Nayla held out her own blade, the action immediately drawing her Perception to the dozens of layers of thought and reaction. It pulled at the ends of her veins, pierced between her eyes, and once again the horrible nausea tugged at her stomach - there wasn't anything left there now, so at least that pain felt a bit emptier. The only principle she could think of was to "clear her mind," but the mind in question was muddled and muffled and murky. In fact, the thought itself was slow as warm sap, and only half as clear - there were just too many senses bombarding her at once, and they compounded over themselves so confusingly that it was impossible to tell which sat at the top. Master Aria had said Truesight was used to predict someone else's actions, and that whoever's was more refined would ultimately win the battle of foresight; but this wasn't like that at all. Instead she was being slammed over and over by a million possibilities, incapable of sorting through and deciphering them. She deflected his strike, but even that was painful and difficult. It had been so long since her swordplay had been this slow... did Aria really believe in them enough to not only break even on this new challenge, but become more powerful by it? In three days - two, now? But we have to... or everyone will die.
  4. naniiii.JPG.ceba79626c0a026870e3108abd5ffc4c.JPG

    can someone explain why I have THIRTEEN OF THESE????

    1. Ancient Elantrian

      Ancient Elantrian

      Somebody really really liked your posts.

    2. Aeoryi


      because someone has an alt 

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue



  5. Returning to Truesight was painful, akin to the sense of helplessness and dread one faced when preparing to clean a wound with rubbing oil. Just starting to pull herself into the sensation begged her to stop, as the nausea reared back again for another bout and sweat continued matting at her hair. Nayla took slow, deep breaths - they didn't help much. Was there a trick to it? Probably not - or, at least, not one most people were aware of. If this technique was as rare as Master Aria made it seem, then she doubted there were many records of how to master it effectively. It would just take time, effort, sweat, and blood to get it down; and if she was actually going to be useful when they encountered that Sith, then she'd just have to work and sweat and bleed as hard as she could. Waiting could wait - they didn't have the time for that sort of thing. "Right... 'm ready."
  6. It was the first step she'd had to take in the encounter, sliding one foot behind the other to keep Cloud in her field of vision. The attack was easy enough to deflect, but he was already improving at a rapid rate - the skills and instincts had most likely already been well-ingrained into his Awareness, meaning all it would take to bring them out was a quick explanation of what they did and how to use them. The next test was a feint: a slash at his face disguised as a jab. She was curious to see what he responded to. @Justice_Magician
  7. "Yeah. Mhm." Nayla pulled herself back into Form One. The next move in question was another slow jab. "Better - now try to automatic."
  8. oh also btw I've updated the Iconar Beta Doc to have the full Chapter 1. Idk go read it or something


    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Indeed, my dear Eddie, sleep is what free-eth thine soul from the troubles and travails of the waking hours, from thine walking life in this mortal plain. And, furthermore, for thine health, sleep is the greatest promoter of thine well-being.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      The sock is correct. And so, Fadracula, it behooveth me to tell you that you must sleep.

    4. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      My mind is not styled of the same component ratios that is customary in, as they say, neuro"typical" individuals. A divergent style of attention span and object fixation has led to a healthy - albeit nocomformist - sleep schedule.

  9. She stood, wobbling at first but managing to stay steady. Nayla wiped at her mouth, only to find a steady dribbling of blood from her nose. "Oh... carabast."
  10. My brain:


    My brain:


    My brain:


    My brain:



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Most musicians to use loopers just do them on the fly, so I don't even think prep time would be particularly necessary.

      Also here are some other observations I've made:

      Most Music Wizard duels would start slow and build up into more crazy stuff. You could start a song by going ham on a bunch of drums and distortion bass, but at that point you've pretty much locked in what kind of tone your song is going to be, and any Motifs that don't fit will become a lot weaker; meanwhile, slowly building suspense and various calls would allow for a much more flexible song with room for all sorts of things.

      However, you could also very well finish a Music Duel right away if you start strong - it's a risk/reward play that pits your ability to end a Duel quickly, against their ability to pull you into a song of attrition. Duels would always start with something of a Prisoners' Dilemma, with either party choosing an opener based on how they want to play the duel.

      If you both start slow, it'll be a pretty standard battle; if one starts fast and hard, they can quite easily finish the duel in record time, but become vulnerable for longer songs; and if both begin with loud and brazen openers... well, then one could say that the proverbial crem has hit the fan and sliced its head off.

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Worldbuilding idea: Motifs are powered by personal Attunement, but some are so well-known that they tend to have preestablished abilities baked into them. Stuff like the opening notes to Beethoven's Fifth or Fur Elise or   Da Da DAN DA  (You feel like you're going to have a bad time) - these are so ingrained into musical culture that just about anyone can learn them, but can't really grow in power as a person Attunes to it due to their semi-objective nature.

    4. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      OOOOh that's so cool!


      This reminds me of (Marvel multiverse of madness spoiler)

      Oh that's weird. Was just talking about that movie earlier today.

  11. yeah, cuz... I want to publish my stuff someday?
  12. "We gotta. I don't want Aria to die." "Your instincts are powerful, but unrefined." She deflected the attack easily, then made to thrust at his chest. "Teach yourself to sense details."
  13. Remember the quiet nights you forgot

    Remember the old things you once sought

    Forget today, if it pains you,

    because the evening comes anyway


    Recall the day where nothing happened

    Recall the stranger that you once gladdened

    Forget today, if it hates you,

    because the morning comes anyway


    Forget the times you could have changed

    Forget the pains that you estranged

    Remember today, if it forgot you

    because the next one comes anyway

    1. Morningtide


      That's beautiful and I needed that today. Thank you!

    2. Cinnamon
    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I love that! It's so good. Beautiful.

  14. wait what

    1. Nathrangking


      Which part? My getting married or inviting Brandon to attend virtually?

    2. Channelknight Fadran
    3. Nathrangking
  15. "N...no..." Nayla's shoulders were hunched all the way back as she panted at the floor. "We gotta... beat him." Decent start, awkward execution - but still surprisingly deft. Most Jedi learned to use their lightsaber only after Attuning to the Force over several years of training, but this Cloud was the opposite. How would traditional combat training factor into his growth in the blade? She was quite curious. Feisyyd stepped aside, silently projecting her intent for a counterattack in the moments that followed - his reaction would determine how sensitive he was to Presence.
  16. The weirdest part about being a Play By Ear pianist is that you get, like... "Mains."

    In Super Smash Bros., I main Link, Zelda, Sheik, Corrin, and Inkling Girl. Sure, I can play other characters from time to time - and I can play many of them well, or even better than I do said Mains. But I always come back to my Mains because they're familiar and fun to play.

    It's the same with the songs I know on piano, but... a little more loosely. Field of Hopes and Dreams, the Legend of Zelda main theme, a couple scuffed anime OPS; but because I don't play them by sheet music or even just regular memorization, they tend to sort of fuse together with other songs at random intervals. I know a boatload of Zelda songs, which are pretty easy to incorporate into the main theme as long as you aren't deaf; and melding the Asriel Dreemurr bossfight theme (which, btw, is called "Hopes and Dreams") with the Field of Hopes and Dreams theme (which, btw, is called "Field of Hopes and Dreams") is just so satisfying as long as it doesn't suck.

    Did you know that every single song that isn't in 11/14 with eight billion natural indicators can be transferred into Zelda's Lullaby? And every Mario song is so frighteningly bizarre that learning them by pattern is nigh-on impossible?



    I bring this up because I've figured out Those Who Fight from FFVII and it's so much fun

    1. Aeoryi


      "Play by pirating sheet music" is how that happens.

    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      it's not pirating if I'm just following the .midi videos from Sheet Music Boss to conceptualize the key rhythm before figuring out the rest on my own

  17. She was coughing now. Her eyes watered. "Keep your focus, Cloud," Feisyyd said, though it was taking an ample fraction of her own willpower not to rush to her padawan's side. I'm already pushing them far too much... @Justice_Magician
  18. Master Feisyyd's Intent displayed nothing, save a thin projection of neutral defense. The idea would be clear even without Truesight - it was up to Cloud to determine how this situation played out. Keep... going. ...Slowly... She didn't. Nayla collapsed, buckling over onto her hands and knees, as the nausea bore over and pulled the bile from her stomach to the surface. Her focus on the form vanished, and with it her Perception; that helped the sickening awfulness in her stomach, but not enough to spare her from pulling her head aside and coughing up a nasty green slime. There wasn't much, thank the Whils - she still shook from the exertion anyways, and the aftertaste settled into her teeth. Blood dripped from her nose as well, but she hadn't noticed that yet.
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