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Channelknight Fadran

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Everything posted by Channelknight Fadran

  1. “Oh hey.” Zodiac appeared beside him. “You’re pretty good with that.”
  2. "No, the lowest would be one." Zodiac would have looked confused... except no, he wouldn't. "Fourteen thousand would be the most killable, and one is the least killable. It's quite simple."
  3. Feisyyd smirked a little. "So you consider yourself lucky to be here?"
  4. "Hm... I'm going to tentatively give him a score of three hundred and six."
  5. "What do you think it was that brought you here just minutes before the Assassin arrived? Luck?"
  6. "That's pretty killable." Zodiac would have frowned, but his mouth didn't move. "Oh, wait, I think you guys got my scale backwards."
  7. "I don't think there's anything wrong with being a morty... ah, 'human.'" Zodiac shrugged, then exploded a Nightmare with his mind. "Being weak just means you get to do what you want." "On a scale of one to fourteen thousand, how killable is 'he'?"
  8. Zodiac's free arm had extended into a twisted, vine-like length of thorns. It impaled through several of the Nightmare creatures, which he had convinced himself were not made of mayonnaise, but instead plain butter on plain white bread. "The heck's a human?" He asked.
  9. Well... there was quite a lot going on. Though as adventures went, this one was probably only the fifth... maybe sixth weirdest.
  10. "The Force has a will of its own; and a difficult one to define."
  11. Feisyyd scooped up Rukk and hiked him up onto her shoulder. "They'll be alright. You tend to fall unconscious a lot when learning to use the Force - it's even possible they'll awake having seen some sort of vision."
  12. "Oh neat! I haven't gotten to fight a Dream Demon in ages."
  13. Oh. Master Feisyyd stepped away from Cloud, lowering her blade. "I... suppose a break is in order." @Justice_Magician
  14. "Weapons? Of what sort?" "Oh. Of that sort." Zodiac reached into a Subspace Gateway Rift and brought out a gigantic sword: about twice his height, the blade spanning wider than most the people here, and colored a dark, piercing red.
  15. "Thanks!" The mouth didn't move when they spoke, but their voice was a lot clearer. "Okay. Where are we going?"
  16. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Just a line, please."
  17. The eyes in question blinked. "Whoa! Nothing here looks anything like I thought it did!"
  18. "Anything'll do, from dots to... whatever it is you can come up with. As long as they're symmetrical."
  19. "I would prefer you don't, but thanks for the offer." "Perfect. Can you draw me some eyes?"
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