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Channelknight Fadran

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Everything posted by Channelknight Fadran

  1. "Except in the universe where it does." "Except in the universe where it doesn't." "Okay. Good to know."
  2. "You mean like without a sun? Or just light in general?"
  3. "...You guys sound confused. And rather contradictory. Have you considered paradoxes?"
  4. "Yes and no, actually. Your 'Dream Realm' is only mostly infinite."
  5. "...By the sound of things, our Multiverse here is rather non-comformist."
  6. "Yeyeye. Sub-Multiverse Theory. And don't go to TLT - bad idea."
  7. "Well that's good, because I happen to be a little low on them currently." "Shakespeare died in my universe. He was consumed."
  8. "I could hook you up with an Eldritch Demon, if you'd like."
  9. "Exactly! Killing everyone else is too much of a hassle." "Dunno."
  10. "...Cloud." Feisyyd's smile fell. "There's a fear in you that seems... unfamiliar. It resonates deeply with the Force itself." @Justice_Magician
  11. Oh hey btw if anyone happens to be an absolute MC Redstone genius and know exactly how to make a fully-automated Pokemon-style TCG system then lmk


    Things that I can do easily:

    • Player Health (it's a vertical 6*1 line of red concrete powder, which I think is neat)
    • Player Mana (it's a vertical 6*1 line of lime concrete powder, which seems like it should follow the same exact same system but NOPE)
    • Monster Health (redstone lamps)
    • Monster Mana (redstone lamps)
    • Card Shuffler / Dispenser (it's called "Droppers")
    • Card Processor (it's called "Item Sorter with Passion")

    Things I cannot do quite so easily:

    • Card Effect Processor (Each card has pretty basic functions, like "Heal Player" or "Damage Creature" or "Focus Mana" - the problem is that trying to hook up the Item Sorter system to the actual circuits for those things has become massively overcomplicated, with lines upon lines of redstone completely overlapping each other at an exponentional rate)
    • Mana Check (Some cards require Mana to use, which makes sense; but due to the already nigh-on unnavigable mess of redstone lines, I can't fit a system to check if you have enough Mana for a card. If it needs to drain 1 Mana and you have 0, it'll just dry-run the circuit and play the card anyway)

    Things I did but probably shouldn't have:

    • Minecart Rail junction for various creatures to act as the Not-Pokemon sprites (the Player Creature selection is simple enough... the Monster selection is randomized, and therefore more complicated).
    • Half-Effect (If a card does 1.5 Damage, it'll do 1 flat damage and then roll a 50/50 chance of dealing another - which seems harmless enough, buuuut...)
    • Defend (I just had to make an additional system that completely locks out any Chance Damage with two separate stats for Defense and Duration, meaning I not only have to wire an entire blocking system into the Chance circuitry, but I also have to give it a turn-by-turn countdown for how long it lasts, that can also also be turned off after the effect has been effectively "broken"; which, as you might expect, only adds to the mess of wiring by a lot).
    • Creatures in General (There are currently a total of 9 creatures: four Player Starters, and five Randomized Monsters. I need to come to terms with the fact that this system cannot stay, as there simply aren't enough minecartable entities in vanilla minecraft to fill out what would eventually become a full roster of various creatures... and I also have to come up with creature-specific cards, which means I eventually have to rig up a whole system to check if you played the right creature before using a card with their move, and I had to add another item sorter to give the Randomized Monsters their own Randomized Attacks, which will also have to be hooked up to everything else...)
    • Maybe this whole thing (Guys I need a Eureka Moment or a Miracle; quite possibly both)


    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      …nope I’m horrible at redstone.

    2. danex


      i mayhaps be able to offer insight

      what are you using for the cards? you mentioned signed books in the discord right?

      have you considered using shulker boxes full of music disks? they’re not exactly card-like but you’d be able to read the data much easier. 

    3. Quivil


      What about using nametags for the cards? (keep in mind I know very little about minecraft so if this idea would never work I'm sorry)

  12. That included Zodiac, but they were fine. "Whoa." His doodle eyes blinked a couple times. "That was weird."
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