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Channelknight Fadran

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Everything posted by Channelknight Fadran

  1. "Yeah. Do you have a pen? Or... a marker would be preferable, but honestly I could make do with a pencil."
  2. "Oh. Good for you!" "Hm. I guess you aren't a demon demon, then."
  3. "Okay. What Domains do you exhibit?" "No, actually. That won't work. Do you have a pen?"
  4. "I guess demons don't tend to follow the law much anyway..." "This bag in particular? About three weeks."
  5. "I am currently called Mo-a'a'kori-d^acn." He blinked and frowned, though they wouldn't know that. "You probably can't say that. Call me Zodiac."
  6. "Geeze... your ping must be awful." "It's daytime, then? Good to know. My clock is way off..."
  7. Their mutual confusion had compounded on itself in a terrible way... but as she began to sense his slow Attunement to Truesight, her own began to become clearer. Slowly and steadily, the nausea began to fade - though it would still be a long while before it was comfortable, Nayla guessed. But she wanted to keep pushing herself, and began to strike back with continued speed and precision. Feisyyd cracked a small smile, avoiding the blade and preparing another assault. Indeed... there is little I can teach him that he doesn't already know.
  8. "Oh. Well that sounds fun too." "Nifty! Where are we going?"
  9. Beneath the paper bag in question was a second, smaller paper bag.
  10. "Oh, neat. But I still can't see and I don't know where I am."
  11. "I DON'T KNOW. I DUNNO WHERE I CAME FROM OR HOW I oh hey there's the scream button."
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