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Everything posted by Honorless

  1. Would've missed it completely, thanks for the heads up! Oh my, chapter 1 and chapter 2! He really does spoil us rotten
  2. An Ars Arcanum! Please say something about Darkside! Please say something about Darkside! Please say something about Darkside!
  3. You think the Skaze might be made of Anti-Investiture due to the similarity in their description and gemstones containing Anti-Voidlight. Reasonable enough, could be that Dominion's anti Tone was used by Odium against him. Are you wondering if the Dakhor chants involve Dominion's anti Tone? Oh wait, you think Devotion and Dominion might've been opposites or at least almost as much as Preservation and Ruin were, got it. It's possible, and given that the Dor is both of the Shards combined, it's possible that the chant uses both Tones. It's the origin of the Svrakiss theory I really like! As far as I can recall, the only other theory that I can remember was that the Svrakiss are the Cognitive Shadows of the people who were unfortunate enough to be twisted by the Dor when they died or were in the Cognitive Realm when Odium stuffed the Shards there. Them being the twisted souls of Dakhor Monks would be twisted irony. It's possible, especially since Svrakiss are specifically a Fjordell legend.
  4. I imagine if you move there might be a bit of protuberance visible, dense tattoos could help hide that, I guess
  5. Ooh, that makes Ba-Ado-Mishram even more likely to be Bondsmith capable, she did seem to be integral to Roshar from what Kalak said!
  6. Seons seemed to work just fine in the Fjordell Empire and Sarene's country whose name I forgot and even on Roshar, so I can definitely see that!
  7. You think they're connected to a bunch of other metalminds like a... metalmind-net or metalmind-hive? Hmm... but they themselves were forged of many metals (which in seems weird, now that I think about it) and I think Wax or Marasi would've noticed the connection
  8. There's also this: This situation seemed to have happened to Arsteel / Clod So, yeah that's the current theory
  9. Same! Brandon had said that he had two stories planned on First of the Sun: 1) Sixth of the Dusk sequel (for which we also got an advanced reading) 2) A YA book (this one, called Kingmaker) (there's also the tentatively titled Dust Brigade set on Threnody about people going to try to reclaim the Homeland from the Evil. I'm really looking forward to that one!)
  10. I'll be curious to see if any worldbuilding parts from the prose will be expanded upon, knowing Brandon, the chances are actually pretty high that there'll be something!
  11. It could be possible that Honor fundamentally altered how the other Surges functioned but with the Bondsmith Surges, he didn't change how the Surges functioned, just suppressed them. So, with him gone, or even before that, with him gone cuckoo, Bondsmiths started to be able to access the full potential of their Surges, but the other Surges would remain the same, because they weren't being regulated but were actually fundamentally changed.
  12. Cosmere Terminator: Rise of the Automatons. (Just need to find a way to give them a private network like Skynet)
  13. Probably not, why would a Worldhopper be in the position of the Rosharan Red? I think these are probably two different people. I think one of Chesterton's bandits, or bounty hunters after his bandits, was also named Red. Pretty sure he died though.
  14. I think this tweak is something inherent to Allomancy. It's possible that it might require mechanical Allomancy to pull off, but it shouldn't require other Shards' Investiture to pull of. Honestly, I don't think it would necessitate mechanical Allomancy either, for eg Marsh did talk about how he learned to figure out which of his emotions were being soothed or rioted, iirc, so I think this is also a trick that can be learned. I think that A-Bronze is a tool that can be used to detect active Investiture, with in-built instructions on how to detect Allomancy, so to speak. It can probably detect Allomancy easier because it's from the same magic system.
  15. Not confirmed by Brandon. I don't think you should ask him this though, this is central to the plot, you'll just get a Read And Find Out
  16. Oh, I forgot that Lifesense could feel the quantity and even quality of Breath of others. So, they should be capable of detecting Invested people. Would holding Breaths mix with the Allomantic bronze power? The individual might just be left with two separate ways of detecting Investiture. Plus, I don't think this is what Brandon had in mind with "tweak"
  17. Yeah, I think you've got it. Soulstamping someone to make them unable to use Investiture should be possible.
  18. I noticed that too! But sadly, Taravangian's body still dissolved into Investiture upon his Ascension, so he likely got healed. Given what condition Szeth himself got "healed" from, I do think getting an entire Shard would heal death via stab wound (Szeth stabbed him with a knife, not Nightblood), and the Ascension was near immediately after dying, so his spiritweb likely got reattached. But... his Cultivation given boon bane split still seemed to exist
  19. Knife and book are on point, lol Oh wow, the drama glyph is really creative!
  20. Hope looks adorable and patience looks grand!
  21. It would depend, if there was someone who was like a Vessel of Adonalsium, then they're just dead, so joining them together won't bring them back. If Adonalsium was the power itself, then would joining the Shards remake it, or would it create another new entity? The Dawnshard mural does imply that they were used to Shatter Adonalsium, each of them pulling apart four Shards, but we have no solid confirmation from Brandon, nor any bigger hints in the books yet.
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