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Status Updates posted by Honorless

  1. Hey, are you alright? I haven't seen you online for a long while... 

    1. Honorless


      I see a lot of people have already beaten me to the punch... You're being missed! Hope to see again soon! 

  2. New rank! It matches my username!


    Your pain...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scout_Fox


      No! I wefuse to gib you my pain! It is mine and mine only :angry: I killed those chil- yeah I'ma stop it right there

    3. Honorless
    4. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      Haha. It really matches your rep title. Nice one. 

  3. *narrows eyes* is it actually your birthday, xp? *hmm... the date looks more real* Happy Birthday

    1. Experience


      hehe. I better go change it back. hehe

  4. Hmm... the images you tried to share on the gallery did not upload properly

    1. Chaos


      I have followed up with this individual.

  5. Happy Birthday!

    1. Honorless


      *squints at given year of birth*

      ... assuming it's real

    2. Bearer of all agonies
    3. IllNsickly


      The date is the real date!


      Cheers! And many thanks!

  6. I am very surprised to see that an emoji can be a username...

  7. Happy Birthday, Mori!

    (Wait you are the same person as on Discord, right?)

  8. Hello, deep lurker! 

    1. fallenalexiel


      Why hello, I am very much a lurker, hahaha.

  9. Did Supernatural  really just do that?

    1. Honorless


      Actually, never mind, I'm not surprised at all

    2. Nathrangking


      Yeah it did. Predictable in many ways.

  10. Hey! So, I've noticed that you consistently try to enthusiastically engage with and draw in new members in the introduction forum, and I just wanted to compliment you for putting forth all that effort! It's very kind of you to do so! 

    1. Scout_Fox


      :lol::lol: Thank you so much! That is so amazing to hear! I always want people to feel as much a part of this amazing community as they can so it's my pleasure. It wouldn't be the same without the rest of our welcomers too so thank you as well!

  11. Happy Birthday! 

    1. Aspiring Writer
    2. joesleepsalot


      Thanks! I've viewed my own profile like 4x in my entire life so my apologies for the delay lol

  12. This was fascinating

  13. Welcome to the Shard!

  14. Welcome to the Shard! 

  15. Hey there, welcome to the Shard! 

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