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Status Updates posted by Honorless

  1. Happy Birthday, Stormlys! Thank you for all the art! 

    1. Stormlys


      Thank you! That's really nice of you to say. <3 CFSBF

  2. a milestone moment!



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Honorless


      thank you, thank you

    3. Condensation


      Also, I don't think I count as a noob poster.

      *offense taken* :)

      You're welcome!

    4. Friendshipspren
  3. Happy Birthday (in advance?)!

  4. What if Roshar ends up having a separate Women's Script and Men's Script?!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Honorless


      Written language for blind people, it uses raised dots in specific patterns to correspond to letters

    3. Friendshipspren


      Idk i think men would most likely adopt the women's script with maybe a  few gender pronouns added. 

      I can't imagine navani or Jasnah standing for the non sense of 2 scripts 

    4. Hen



      The 'I' Navani taught Dalinar really meant 'I, as a female'

      Yeah but this was resolved because (It is OB btw, so I probably don't have to spoiler it, but) 


      She ended up teaching him the "I" that's used when quoting a man. So if a man said "I walked" and they wrote it down, that would be a different, male specific "I", and that's the one she taught him. so they have the gender specific pronouns somewhere, they just have to dig for them.


  5. Single people's greatest fear, lol. It's actually rather scary, how likely it is that this happens to you, no? 

    Thanks for showing me the channel @Friendshipspren!

    1. Honorless


      One of my most favourite videos ever


    2. Friendshipspren
    3. Friendshipspren


      Also existential bummer....yeah that's y i advocate transhumanism and immortality. I don't wanna die. It's bot bad but i would rather not. Not when so much is left not experienced. 

  6. Happy B- hold up, year 1? Err... well Happy New Year anyway! 

  7. Happy Birthday and New Year! 

  8. Happy Birthday and New Year! 

  9. Happy Birthday and New Year!

  10. Happy Birthday and New Year!

    1. Ramona Tehradin

      Ramona Tehradin

      Thank you so much! xx

    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Oh. Damn, I missed you somehow. Happy late Birthday.

  11. Happy New Year, everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DramaQueen


      Happy New Years Eve!

    3. Vessel of Theory

      Vessel of Theory

      *In singsong* 

      Have a holly, jolly, Christmas, it's the best time of the year. 

      Say hello! to friends you know, and everyone you meet

      *abruptly stops*

    4. Vessel of Theory

      Vessel of Theory

      What's that? It's... It's not Christmas? But... What do you mean, 2020 is ending? Wait, we actually survived? I thought we were toast! We're... it's over... we did it... 2020... it's over :)

      Well in that case, fellow sharders, have a holly jolly new year.

      Hope 2021 goes well for all of us :D

  12. Sorry to bother you but that's a really cool pfp, where did you find it?

    1. Kingsdaughter613


      On Tumblr. I wish I could recall the artist’s name. I agree; it’s stunning.

    2. Honorless


      Agh! Please tell me you have the full version of this pic because I'm getting a very blurry picture from clicking on it! 

    3. Kingsdaughter613
  13. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, this was an absolute blast


    Basically, Captain America watches Captain America films but not the Marvel ones, the in-universe ones, which exist because well, he's a national hero. Filled with period posters and theses (which is apparently the plural of thesis) on the subject of the American hero and his perception (including shipping him with Bucky)

  14. Hugo award finalist short story


    Farmer inherits a sword containing the spirits of ancient warriors. Farmer does not become an adventurer. Short, sweet, beautiful and very gay


    (I swear I'll collect all these beautiful recs and put them on the thread soon!)

  15. I got stuck on YouTube, on a very long video about centipedes, in full screen, because I wasn't willing to touch the screen


    Anyway, Merry Christmas / late Happy Hanukkah / winter solstice / Yule / Saturnalia / whatever y'all

  16. https://archiveofourown.org/works/1062757?view_full_work=true

    Okay, this was amazing, it's a Night Vale / His Dark Materials cross-over. Not very gay. Very atheistic (duh, it's His Dark Materials)

    spoilers for those who're interested, content warning if you're like uber-religious or something


    One of the books had gay anti-theistic angels who at one point shanked men from the Magisterium (the church equivalent in the novel). This fic's into exploring that part of the worldbuilding. Also explores intersectionality, so if you're LGBT living in a homophobic society, this might come a little too close for comfort, but only a little, mostly the fic is very light and hilarious.


    1. Friendshipspren


      I didn't know those books had LGBTQ material in them . I thought it was an old one and thus wouldn't .....oh wow late 90s. I thought it was written in the 60s or earlier . Kek

    2. Honorless


      Very gay! I meant very gay! 

  17. Found this, if anyone's interested


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Honorless


      It's a CAFO (Click And Find Out). I'm not gonna explain what it is, so don't ask! It's pretty good tho

    3. Friendshipspren


      OwO kek. Have bookmarked it. Stupid schools are reopening. They are probably gonna be closed in a few days again :ph34r:

    4. Honorless


      This was also very gay in case you are wondering

  18. So YouTube just crashed, wth

    1. Bearer of all agonies
    2. Honorless


      Everything running on Google (minus the browsers) are having trouble

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