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Ramona Tehradin

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About Ramona Tehradin

  • Birthday 01/01/2002

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  • Member Title
    Everbinder of Archives
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  • Location
    Gates of Underworld
  • Interests
    The transcendence of cosmic irregularities

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  1. I would say Roshar is as crazy as 'Earth could be in magical terms'. Starting from Shards. Most of them have been around for 10,000 years and at one point have either been humans, shapeshifters or Yolenish natives. We know holding power of a Shard expands consciousness and in a manner excises our emotions to a confiscated trove, drawn out as detached as possible. Added, the Vessels are dominated by Intents of Shards which makes them as apathetic as rocks in terms of empathy-based execution and dispersing them as intent-based. For people, Shards would be called crazy. Odium is ever angry, Cultivation is a scheming reptile who cares both of actions and their consequences and Honor is heavily immersed in honor whist. We have seen same about other Shards as well and I wouldn't call them crazy actually. They are just beings present for a long time having pythonic amount of power and enormous plans to wend the universe in their way. Now Heralds. I have seen many fantasy books (especially YA) shoving down the fact that no matter how old a being is, its just perfect and human. I'm glad Brandon portrayed this as realistically as possible. Think about it. Heralds are crazy which is a cumulative effect of being around for nearly 8 millennia, breaking their oaths, having faced torture for thousands of years and then living for thousand more with those memories. Take example of us humans. Usually our memories: episodic and semantic are stored in the hippocampus, the neocortex and the amygdala. As the years pass, some of neurons 'excise' these memories in order to accumulate more but it varies from person. Your cranial capacity also has influence about your memories i.e, a greater cranial capacity is expected to store a greater influx of memories. In case of Heralds, their immortality has exceeded over their normal cranial capacity hence they have a super-overflow of memories along all the years. It'll be difficult for their 'neurons' to distinguish between episodic and semantic, or past or present. While their lunacy varies from each herald, their mental degradation is common. Spren are...well, they are fragments of creations who have desire to learn (greater spren). Rosharans as also influenced by Unmades as stated above but I'd also like to point out that reason for Alethi's warmongering behavior could possibly genetic predisposition of 'anger' inducing chemicals or neurotransmitters. I'm not stating this for specific characters but whole of Alethi in general. The genes are responsible for 'responses of your anger' which could be inherited as well. That was my comparison.
  2. Happy Birthday and New Year!

    1. Ramona Tehradin

      Ramona Tehradin

      Thank you so much! xx

    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Oh. Damn, I missed you somehow. Happy late Birthday.

  3. Yeah! Fellow cosmology fan here! Striving to be an astrobiologist.
  4. Yes, that's true but there's other bulk of it as well. His intent of beholding ideals peak at an unhealthy level, something which would totally be Honor-like who would approve of this. This could mean Kaladin is more closer to Honor in their mindset that any other character but we can agree there are a lot of things which remain under wraps about Kal. Venli remained awake because she utilized Voidlight as well as Stormlight. I'm sure Cohesion is not true surge of Odium because clearly something similar to it predated Knight Radiants called Stoneshaping in Roshar when Dawnsingers formed a different kind of bond with spren for it.
  5. Yeah, but he also further spoke that it could be interpreted as Kaladin taking his Ideals to an exceedingly unhealthy levels which Windrunners typically don't. But that is something Honor would surely approve because he cared about oaths and that's what Kaladin also does. It could also mean as a para-symbolic interpretation that Kaladin is far more close to Honor than any other character in terms of mindset. Also, I think there are a lot more to that question. For example how his powers especially RL worked and why Teft needed Lift to stay awake etc.
  6. Same deduction here. Brightlord Hot-as-storms Brooding Stormblessed can deflect any arrow.
  7. I can see it happening. Agreed. Just because he isn't good at Kingly duties doesn't mean he can't be. None of the Radiants were ever Radiants since birth. None of Radiants were good people from beginning. Dalinar was a ravaging-Thrill laden murderer, Venli was a self-absorbed betrayer, Navani was a hypocrite...they all became Radiants took mantle of their responsibilities. Honestly, I think Kaladin will be better leader that anyone at instance. He's led countless people not only to freedom but also out of darkness. People follow him, they rever him. He inspires them to be better of themselves. He is intelligent, he's got presence of mind and has been taking tactical training as well. He never takes mindless decisions. He hesitates, second guesses and then choses which is an admirable trait for a king because a King is not a soldier fighting in battle. A king is the fighter who must think about his men in a battle. And no one thinks better than Kaladin. It couldn't be a coincidence that of all Heralds around, Jezrien was the one who died. Sending Kaladin to suffer in Braize would be nothing but a disappointing end for his arc after everything he's been through. Just because a character has suffered doesn't mean you will enjoy seeing him suffering till end as many people in thread are speculating. There needs to be light again in morning. There needs to be warmth. Stop thinking the worse and start thinking what's best for expectations. Because if we then fall, at least we will know that we thought better than suffering.
  8. Can Navani open perpendicularity as well? I'm not leaning much into this because we already have route to Shadesmar from Urithiru so most probably it would be rather noncoherent. Maybe IIRC, during a conversation with Reboniel, we saw that Navani was really interested in travelling to different worlds especially Ashyn after Reboniel told that they came from there. Maybe we can see her travelling to Ashyn in next book to learn more about Surges and how they destroyed it. I also think Navani would be very significant in freeing BAM because Melishi was the one who trapped her when bonded to Sibling and Navani undoing what he did would not only free our Unmade but also gain Sibling's acceptance, something like, 'I will Unite those who are meant to be bonded'/ 'I will Unite those who are meant to be free rather than binding'. She also has a lot of things to work on Lights, and we will see her finding Rhythms to unite Lifelight and Voidlight as well. I don't think she will swear her third Ideal in next book. Because we already have Dalinar/Kaladin/Szeth/Jasnah/Venli/Rlain/Renarin and other Radiants Ideals lined up already. Plus it would be too parallel to Dalinar swearing his ideals during Oathbringer and Navani has more route than just jumping in heroically to save everyone. She will be one helping the heroes with her knowledge. My bet is Dalinar will deal with Oathpact while Navani will deal with freeing BAM.
  9. Bondsmiths have resonance as their squires, and Navani is probably the closest non-radiant person around Dalinar. Think how Bridge Four became Windrunners, all from Kaladin. That's same.
  10. I have a post on different thread about this. You can check that.
  11. That Tanavast reference won't get ignored by Cultivation nor she could resist our hot as storms Brightlord Brooding Stormblessed. I can see this happening and I totally ship it! Give us something unpredictable Brandon! Imagine the horror in Wit's face after this happens. Todium would be ravaged by a brood of baby dragons.
  12. It will be not possible thought if all Investitures in their axonic levels are made of up similar types of axons because in end that is 'matter' and the other 'anti-matter' But we can make such Antivoidlight-Stormlight hybrids provided their sub-axons follow same properties as our standard model and given they are 'different axons'. Take this: An electron whose anti-particle is positron will annihilate each other but an electron and anti-proton will not annihilate because both come under different categories of sub-atomic particles. An anti-proton and electron only have similar charge while an anti-proton is thousand times more heavier than electron but they won't destroy each other. So if these two Investitures in their core are made up of different sub-axons then they can be combined. Think about 'Neutronium' or a neutron star made up of only one kind of sub-atomic particle. And if we can hypothesize 'Antivoidlight' as mirror matter of Stormlight then they can combine through weak fundamental interactions! Although that's far-fetched and it would give mirror electric charges (Antivoidlight) a very small ordinary electric charge(Stormlight).
  13. Well, there have been several moments he was working for. The Wit's epilogue as mentioned above is something he has been looking for a long time. There was also a scene he planned a long time ago, like freaking long time ago which was incorporated in Rhythm of War and that was Kaladin's 4th Ideal Sequence. Also, his favorite chapter is The Dragon and The Dog. This is chapter where the sequence begins
  14. Be careful, my dear readers. You could possibly be next.
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