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Everything posted by Elsecaller_17.5

  1. I certainly recognize that in the early days it was terrible (as a Christian I'd argue the crusades are one of Christianity's greatest failures) , but I was referring to more modern relationships (holocaust aside). Anti-semitism is still sadly and embarrassingly common but overall it's pretty peaceful.
  2. There's a lot of consistency in Elsecaller, Truthwatcher, and (to a lesser extent) Skybreaker. To add another data point twice I've gotten an exact tie in Edgedancer and Windrunner.
  3. Just took it for the 4th time and I'm impressed with the consistency. Top 5 are always elsecaller, truthwatcher, skybreaker, windrunner, edgedancer, and the last is lightweaver.
  4. Hot take: we only have one dustbringer because they're usually not the type to geek out about books on the internet.
  5. In era 3 and 4 the greater amount of aluminum would render this obsolete.
  6. You pick which one your more like and vote for that one.
  7. We know that living blades can change their form so I'd imagine plate can too. I'm imagining a very thin light body suit for Hoid. Probably worn under the clothing, not even recognizable as Shardblade to those who have seen the normal version.
  8. Not gonna pretend I understand it too well, but good job.
  9. Ok I've got some major changes to the theory with my new update. Elsecallers with their more personalized oaths probably couldn't line up in the same way the other orders could (same problem with lightweavers). However I still think their is a ton of synergy between the 2 orders #elsebreakers. The ideals might look something like this. (Note that the elsecaller oaths are what I would swear sounds like others may be completely different. ) 1st (both orders): Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination. 2nd (elsecallers): I will continually seek self improvement. 3rd (elsecallers): I will gain new knowledge and skills and apply them throughout my life. 4th (elsecaller): I will use my knowledge and skills to benefit and help those around me. 5th (elsecaller) AND 2nd (skybreaker): I will seek out a code of justice to maximize the good I do in this world. 3rd (skybreaker): I will follow (enter chosen code here). 4th (skybreaker): I will solve (enter specific problem). 5th (skybreaker): I acknowledge that (chose code) isn't perfect and needs to be adapted to the situation I am in.
  10. Got to add, I'm still dibbing Elsebreakers (though I'm willing to share)
  11. @Spren of Kindness, why you gotta hit me in the feels like that?
  12. My brother got EXTREME results if you look closely Willshaper is -8. He said lightweavers was -25.
  13. Let's here it! Here's a link and original post (just wanted it in quiz form).
  14. Also I'd like to take credit for giving Brandon this idea
  15. What! Elsecaller, closely followed by Truthwatcher! How shocking! And hope renewed for an Elsebreaker!
  16. The entire species is Singers, Listeners and Parshendi refer to the same group within the broader category. From the coppermind. And yah it's a pain to wrap your head around.
  17. Minor correction, but I th7nk your confusing Slaveform and Dullform. Parshendi use Dullform to spy (think Rlain). Slaveform is the, uhh, slaves. We also know that whatever happened to BAM wasn't absolute because the Parshendi (ethnicity not species) were at worst reduced to Dull and Mateform, which they did so willingly.
  18. I see where your coming from, but I think the Bondsmith spren are more than likely to seek out existing rulers and others with large influence. They are the top of the spren world and will want to bond with the top of the human world.
  19. The prologue does feature a plantation, so I think we would have seen it if it was there.
  20. Queen Fen jumps to my mind when I think Nightwatcher candidates, King T too. As for the sibling I don't think we know enough them to make good guesses, but going off the bureaucrat idea (which I like) I'd pick an Azir official.
  21. But they're ideals that a Radient is required to follow i.e. laws (IMHO). There's a reason the ideals are so commonly called Oaths even though it's not the most accurate term. All said and done though, I get your point. I'll again default to finding the right Radient, Spren, and Intent combination.
  22. Skybreakers share the Machiavellian interpretation. That's fair, but the point of bringing up the pirate code thing is that it's all a lot looser than we might expect. With the right intent I think it would work. It's actually more specific than the vague terms "law" and "justice" that most skybreakers swear. As to the third, they follow general patterns. With the right Intent, Radient, and Spren it would be the most reliable way to land two orders. I agree, just looking for opinions on whether it would work theoretically. Its definitely possible, but yes I dont think it will happen. (It took be 20 minutes to find that WoB)
  23. So this is a thought I've had for quite a while now but in Brandon's most recent live stream he answered a question that pretty much confirms my theory so I polished it up and I'm putting it out. The question was (paraphrased) "Could a Skybreaker swear to follow a nontraditional oath such as the pirate code?" Brandon answered "Yes, the oaths and spren would allow it though the current crop of skybreakers would not." In short my theory is that someone who is already Radient could bond a highspren and swear to follow the law of the original orders ideals. For an example I'll use elsecallers to show what this might look like. (Check this out if your not familiar with Skybreaker ideals. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Order_of_Skybreakers. Second Ideal/Ideal of Justice: I will use reason and logic to guide my decisions. Third Ideal/Ideal of Dedication: I will follow the tenets and ideals of the Elsecallers. Fourth Ideal/Ideal of Crusade: This is a tricky one I'm imagining a "crusade" to go and teach and spread the ideals of the Elsecallers. Particularly to kings and rulers. Fifth Ideal/Ideal of Law: This is the one we know least about but I think it would look like a supercharged version of the 3rd. So, if this is correct, all a Radient would have to do to get a second set of surges is find a willing highspren. They wouldn't need to commit to anything more than they already do except for the Ideal of Crusade.
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