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Everything posted by Elsecaller_17.5

  1. I heard that there’s a WoB on the ending of stormlight being in the very beginning of WoK. Anyway I can search for that?
  2. As for what the inquisitors were spending they’re time on very, very few could compound anything. So they had to spend time storing attributes, particularly health.
  3. I accidentally posted a near identical topic to one I was trying to edit. Anyway I can delete one of them?
  4. Are charged feurachemical metalminds immune or resistant to corrosion? My thought is yes because from a chemistry standpoint I imagine the stored attribute taking up the valance electron slots that are necessary for a chemical reaction to occur. Does anyone have a counterargument?
  5. sharpshooter, a-steel f-zinc
  6. And I’m partial to Sentinel for a-tin and f-bronze
  7. For kicks and giggles let’s try and come up with as many names for specific twinborn combos as we can. I’ll start ya off with the ironfist a-pewter and f-iron.
  8. Great sword: Give strength to the righteous Scabbard: Define righteousness as I do and explain to the sword a more benevolent version of nightblood (hopefully).
  9. Kaladin has a lighteyed name. What is the meaning?
  10. Assuming you could successfully keep all the oaths could you belong to multiple orders of the Knights Radiant? My thought is yes though some oaths (windrunner and skybreaker) would be mutually exclusive while others (windrunner and edgedancer) work very nicely together.
  11. Stormlight question assuming you could successfully keep all the oaths could you belong to multiple orders of the knights radiant
  12. I know that various methods of seeing the future (Renarin’s visions, atium or electrum burning, Dusk’s special bird) work because they tap into fortune and the spiritual realm, but why? What is it about fortune that allows futuresight, wouldn’t connection be more appropriate?
  13. I’m assuming these are the yellow tags that say “spren” “dragon” etc. but what are they? What are the different levels? How do you get them?
  14. Exactly. Just because the protagonist are shu-dereth doesn’t make the religion evil or even bad.
  15. My thoughts, based on this statement from the coppermind is that they’re just huge slabs of aluminum with the fabriel boxes on back being a red herring. What are your guys ideas? Items can be Soulcast into aluminum.[7] However, aluminum resists attempts to Soulcast it into other essences.[24] Shardblades are unable to cut aluminum through magical means but would be able to cut it physically, like a conventional blade, if the aluminum were thin enough.[25] Aluminum can block spanreed communication, and can prevent Soulcasting from being detected by others.[26] Aluminum cannot be affected by the surges Adhesion or Gravitation.[27] It likely can't be affected by any surge.
  16. Sorry , to clarify the edit was made before January it was, an idea I had for months and then later had a chance to ask him.
  17. He has to be lawful because he is completely driven by his commons to destroy evil. Good because the Intent behind his creation was good. However he is still lawful stupid.
  18. So zinc stores speed of thought. Compounding would then provide virtually infinite speed of thought. We see Wax tap massive amounts of zinc during the end of the bands of mourning. If you could compound you could get even more so do you think that could be the 2nd era equivalent of atium burning?
  19. So obviously the various enhancement metals can effect allomancy, and we know that aluminum in particular has numerous investiture blocking abilities and I was wondering if that sort of thing could happen with other metals. i.e. could a duralumin gnat who also happens to be an surgebinder heal greater wounds with less stormlight if he burned duralumin at the same time? What do you guys think?
  20. I checked on the Arcanum and it is there (questions 5-16 are mine) it was actually December 29th.
  21. During a signing in January I asked Brandon if the 4th ideal went something along the lines of “I will forgive myself for those I fail to protect” and he said something along the lines of “I don’t want to confirm until he swears it but I’ll put you down as having guessed.” I tried to add it to the windrunner page and it (understandably) got deleted. So my question is where should I put that and how should I cite it?
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