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Everything posted by Elsecaller_17.5

  1. Two things, one Lift doesn’t have enough foresight to eat a ton and build up fat stores when she’s going to need stormlight, in ED Wyndle gets after her for driving herself into the malnutrition zone. Two she can’t get stormlight instantly. If Kal runs out of stormlight big deal, he needs to breathe. Lift has to go find a snack, eat it, and wait for it to transfer (though admittedly we don’t know how long that takes).
  2. Not to hate on Brandon, I love Brandon, but this may just be an oversight that we should fill in mentally, rather than there being an actual reason.
  3. Let me clarify, the large amount of energy to heal is the “normal” energy. How many calories would you have to eat to produce enough energy to heal a broken bone. I was trying to say that the stormlight is much more powerful and efficient than “normal” energy.
  4. I’ve been pondering our favorite little weirdo’s signature ability to metabolize food into Stormlight, and I think I figured it out. Let’s go. (For the sake of simplicity I’ll refer to the process of eating, turning food into chemical energy, and turning chemical energy into kinetic energy as “normal” energy) We have WoB that Lift’s ability works by metabolizing food into stormlight instead of “normal” energy. The important thing to realize though that this is what Progression does in reverse. Progression takes stormlight and transforms it into “normal” energy in order to achieve the effect of either healing or growth. Once that connection is made we can draw a couple conclusions. Obviously it takes a massive amount of energy to heal injuries, an amount of “normal” energy that stormlight easily covers, however because of the law of conservation of energy the exchange rate for stormlight and “normal” energy is set in stone. This would indicate that Lift’s ability to turn “normal” energy into stormlight is not her boon, but her curse. It means she is working with drastically reduced amounts of stormlight. What are your guy’s thoughts?
  5. I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how Shardplate is formed from the lesser cousin spren, of the radiant spren, but I haven’t been able to find any evidence pointing to that. Where did people come up with and what are the biggest points in the theory’s favor?
  6. I went to a signing in December and came with a ton of questions. Probably 30+. I did not expect to get nearly all of them answered, but he was really nice and answered all of them. So my question is, is that normal?
  7. I want to gather a list of metals that it would be dangerous to stop compounding once you started, because everything would catch up. Atium would be the clear example because of the instant super aging. Gold we know is another from Wax, I imagine because the body’s own immune system is out of practice. I could see the same thing happening with bendalloy and bronze as with atium. Any others that seem like a really bad idea to stop once you start?
  8. That’s fair, didn’t think about it since it’s a different book
  9. Context: this was in regard to a child of Tanavast thread I could definitely see this working to, it would fit while not being the obvious choice which Brandon likes.
  10. I think this is my favorite post from that thread.
  11. Harry Potter died in a great way I cried Eragon died in a great way I cried Death can be a good ending, but not a happy one
  12. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. The analyses was perfect. I’m convinced.
  13. Alright so Brandon has done a lot with mental illness especially in SA which I think is great. Not only that he has done an amazing job portraying those illnesses. I have connected on a personal level to his characters more than any other author’s and I have many friends who feel the same. Here’s the but. If those characters don’t get a happy ending (and dying is mutually exclusive with a happy ending unless it’s old age) me, several of my friends, and I’m sure many of you are going to be seriously screwed up. I’m not even sure what sort of response I’m looking for, just want to throw the topic out there.
  14. We hear several characters in SA referred to as child of honor, but Kaladin is referred to as child of Tanavast. We have WoB that that is significant. Is there anyway (timeline speaking) that Kaladin could be a literal descendant of Tanavast, original vessel of honor?
  15. I . . . am rather embarrassed I hadn’t made that connection.
  16. What would you say to a general oath being “I will except I can’t protect everyone” and Kaladin’s specifically including self-forgiveness?
  17. Here’s what the coppermind has, it does specify regrowth Several manifestations of Investiture like gold Feruchemy and Regrowth can restore a damaged object or person into the ideal form as dictated by the soul.
  18. But moving towards the spiritual ideal is for regrowth, have we seen anything that says the same holds true for growth?
  19. By destroying the Pits of Hathin Kelsier cut of atium production for 300 years. Mistborn era two is set 300 years after this, and we find out in SoS that the pits still exist. So are we going to see more atium popping up in era two?
  20. My money’s still on this for the next oath Truthwatcher_17.5 Does the Fourth Ideal of Knights Radiant for Windrunners go something like "I will forgive myself for those I've failed to protect"? Brandon Sanderson I will put you on the record for having guessed that, but you won't find the answer until a Windrunner is capable of figuring it out. Idaho Falls signing (Dec. 29, 2018)
  21. I suspect this particular case is a resonance since specifically she is an elsecaller meaning she also has the surge of transportation and a greater connection to Shadesmar in general.
  22. The surge of progression has two parts growth and regrowth. We’ve mostly seen regrowth in the form of healing and once we’ve seen lift use growth to grow plants. So could you use growth, not regrowth, on a person to age them, as an offensive use of progression. (For the sake of the argument let’s ignore the massive amounts of stormlight that would take.)
  23. I have no idea about the viability of it but I would love to see progression used at range.
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