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Everything posted by Elsecaller_17.5

  1. A little off topic, but as far as odiums champion goes I think that since he picked Dalinar it is Dalinar. Unfortunately for him since Dalinar rejected him Odium simply doesn’t get to have a champion anymore.
  2. I think the most likely candidate for the voice is his high spren. Many Radiants were followed around by their spren for years, and I’m sure that is especially true with skybreakers and high spren since that order was never dissolved.
  3. It’s important to remember that they’re not contending with just the storm. Often a high storm can hurl boulders around. It would be very expensive to protect an entire building from that eventuality, so they build the entire thing to withstand just the storm and a few safer places that can withstand a 300 pound rock hitting it.
  4. For Scadrial an ironfist a-pewter f-iron for earth mastermind double zinc for unlimited speed of thought plus rioting as a bonus
  5. So most of the questions in there are from “questioner” and a few have a specific name (presumably their 17th shard name). So my question is, anyway I can get my name in there if I can reasonably prove it’s me?
  6. Another idea I think “you” in this WoB could easily be Honor, a shard we know Odium has killed, and Odium would certainly be worried to see him back. Hoidonalsium So, there's a whole lot of things that happen in a very short period of time when Dalinar brings the worlds together. "We killed you" from Odium. Who is "we" and who is "you"? Brandon Sanderson RAFO. Oathbringer Glasgow signing (Dec. 2, 2017)
  7. Tried to vote for preservation. Accidentally clicked odium
  8. He wouldn’t do something so simple in the cosmere. The big Reckoners secret Is quite simple
  9. Moash deserves no redemption. He should rot on Braize for all eternity. OB spoiler I HATE MOASH!
  10. I’ve been re-reading SoS and boy are there some gems in there. I’m talking “Wax felt a sweeping wave of relief. He hadn’t lost his quarry — he’d simply been led into a trap. Wait. damnation.” and “the immortal demigod took a throaty slurp of her beer, then slammed her mug down onto the table, grinning like a four-year-old who had been paid in cookies to rat out her sister.” so my question for you is, what lines from Cosmere books just had you rolling on the ground laughing?
  11. What would happen if a Allomancer burned a spike. I suspect something like what happened in the final empire with vin burning Sazed’s metal mind would happen again, but could there be some sort of compounding effect?
  12. My issue with this is that I see their relationship as one that an uncle and niece who close in age might have. It starts as an almost parental relationship (but never that absolute) and than evolves into a very equal footed sort of thing. The idea of them being romantically involved just makes me cringe.
  13. To be fair I did title it “unimportant question”
  14. When Hoid throws the memory coin at Wax is it a simple yeet or a steelpush?
  15. Here’s the WoB https://wob.coppermind.net/events/377/#e12234
  16. It’s not unprecedented for major characters to take ups shards and I think Dalinar would be an EXCELLENT candidate for Honor. He is bonded to the single biggest piece of Honor, the Stormfather, and this bond is more complete then that of previous bondsmiths. From a storytelling perspective Dalinar is also being set up to be Odium’s archnemisis so of course we would want him to hold the power of a shard. We do have WoB on the subject though of course it was RAFOed.
  17. Do we know anything about them except that it exists? In one of the books (I believe WoR) it talks about having 3 bondsmiths so at some point someone must have bonded with the third siblings god spren, right?
  18. Is Kelsier a full born in the second era? Evidence would point to yes but do we have WoB?
  19. Well rust is iron oxide a chemical reaction where the iron valence electrons are pulled off to fill the empty slots. We never hear about people worried about their metalminds corroding and the only way that chemical reaction could be prevented is if those electrons were doing something else. I’m not saying that the iron would be changed chemically, just that it extra electrons would be cut off so it couldn’t change.
  20. Is there an upper limit to how much warmth can be stored at a time? Could a firesoul just chill (pun intended) in a bonfire for a couple hours and gather virtually unlimited warmth?
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