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Lunamor last won the day on February 1

Lunamor had the most liked content!

About Lunamor

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  • Website URL
    https://www.17thshard.com/forum/profile/37886-lunamor/ Ha ha! Now I have created an endless loop.
  • AIM
    Awesomely Impaled Madmen (Inquistors)
  • MSN
    Most Special Nunchucks
  • ICQ
    I Cackle Quietly
  • Yahoo
    It's a-me, Mario!
  • Jabber
    * See my About Me for my jabbering
  • Skype
    *withdraws further into shadows and hisses*

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  • Location
    Urithiru, Roshar
  • Interests
    Being awesome, 17th shard, stew, the Cosmere (especially SA!), WRITING IN ALL CAPS, using a ridiculous amount of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  1. Tomorrow is my Shardiversary! (This is going up a day early because I will probably have almost zero time to write this tomorrow) I cannot storming believe that I’ve been here for a year already. Or that I’ve only been here for a year. Time is hard.

    (Warning, this is gonna be incredibly cheesy)

    In the past annual (sorry just didn’t want to say year too much) I’ve felt compelled to share my thoughts on the internet at least 5,669 times. People have been compelled to express their appreciation for such thoughts by use of internet points 2,200 times. I have gained the most internet points in a day 27 times. I have had someone decided they like my content enough to internet stalk me (but in a socially acceptable way (why the storms did I phrase it like that)) 53 times.

    This has been an eventful year. I’ve been a husky, time lord, Horneater, owner of a restaurant, Ookla, Tribute, Nightwatcher, Narrator, godmodder, Presidential Candidate, Alien, Typo Police, Game loser (mwahahaha), TLPW winner, writer, Homeless (kinda), ninja, and bot. I was inspired to write my first piece of fiction and it was actually noticed by Brandon Sanderson (still proud of that). I’ve rped and played games. I’ve made a ton of friends who always brighten my day. It’s been a great year.

    Anyways, there are some people I’d like to thank for being awesome! (Apologies some of these are short, rushed, or grouped together, I’d love to expand on these way more but unfortunately I’m crazy busy. And also I stink at this sort of stuff :P Also my brain is tired so I probably missed some people.)

    @AonEne, from evil keyboards to very aggressive games of tag, from moral support to rping, thanks for being an all around awesome person. 

    @Shard of Thought, thanks for making things interesting in TLT. I love seeing your drawings and reading your posts. Also thanks for drawing my face :P

    @Sorana, thanks for being a ridiculously awesome person to rp with. Your writing is amazing, and thanks for putting up with my random absences/procrastinations and being such a kind person.

    @Jaywalk, @DoomStick, @Handerfle, @Nathrangking, @Honorless, @Truthless of Shinovar, @Butt Ad Venture, @xinoehp512, @Rebecca, @Silva, and the rest of the Forum Games crew, thanks for making me constantly laugh and smile. Never stop the randomness!

    @Alvron, thanks for being a bot-obliterating mod who somehow has 30,000 different memes about winning. I may or may not still be slightly terrified intimidated by you.

    @Wyndlerunner, thanks for always being supportive and hilarious.

    @Everyone else (I wish I could tag you all (except for the bots you guys are just evil)), thanks for making the Shard the best place on the internet.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Doomstick


      also the correct adjective to describe the state of tLT post SoT is



      sorry about you being crazy busy

      and just one more thing




    3. Doomstick


      also I'm staging a coup d'etat for the rule of forum games

    4. Rebecca


      Aww, thank you Luna! You’re incredibly awesome, and we’re so lucky to have you on the Shard with us. ^_^ Never stop being you!

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