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Zephrun’s Imperium

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Status Replies posted by Zephrun’s Imperium

  1. I took my written test for Driver’s Ed today. It was… interesting.

    The first thing that I had to do was take a practice test, which was fifty questions that were all multiple choice. They gave me a blank test, as well as one with the answers circled by hand so I could compare when I was done. The idea here is that if I did bad on the practice test, I wouldn’t have to waste my one free attempt on the test, cause if I fail the retake costs money.

    I thought it was pretty easy, but when I compared with their answer sheet I ran across five or six questions where I flat-out disagreed with the answer sheet. Things that I knew were right but the answer sheet said otherwise. Some I wasn’t sure, like I thought I was right but it was realistic that maybe I misremembered, but some I knew without a doubt that the answer sheet was wrong and that made me pretty nervous. Technically I don’t think the score I got on the practice test was good enough to qualify for the real one but because I was unsure about the answer sheet as a whole I just went along and took the real one anyway.

    The real test was forty multiple choice questions, taken from the same bank as the practice test. I could miss a maximum of eight and still pass. As I took it I found that the same five or six questions that I was unsure about because of the practice test were on the real one as well. Which was not really fun for me to decide what to do :P

    I opted to lean towards trusting the practice test answer sheet on the ones I thought maybe it was right, while sticking to what I knew was right for the others. I felt alright about it when I turned it in. The instructor grades it right then and there, so I watched her tick off the incorrect answers, and as she checked closer to forty the incorrect answers grew closer to eight.

    I, officially, got eight wrong. Which is a pass. Barely.

    But then I mentioned that I thought some of the questions on the practice test were wrong, so the instructor looked it over. And yep, most of the ones I was unsure about were in fact marked incorrectly on the practice test answer sheet, making my score closer to 36/40. Which, since I passed anyway, doesn’t really matter but it made me wonder how many other people ‘failed’ the test because they trusted the sheet over their own judgement and memory. The instructor ripped the answer sheet in front of me and promised to look over the other ones, but it was clear that the answer sheet had been in use for awhile. So yeah, I’m fairly annoyed at the system :P Like, you had one job.

    But I passed. Now just the driving drive test…

    (Sorry for the long and dramatic SU, but I thought this was worth a share :P)

  2. One moment, there was nothing.
    The next, there she was.

    It was no birth in the mortal sense - messy, involved, painful - just a flash of light, and awareness. Clean, simple, and detached. Just like the man who faced her now with a curious gaze.

    “Strange,” he murmured. “Why are you disconnected?”

    In response, unbidden knowledge rising to her lips. “I am not you.

    She felt the words settle like a cast-iron mold around her, shaping her mind and soul, their truth made incontrovertible by her own declaration. She might have been made from his power, created with intent to be just a different form of him, but she was not just another of his clones. Her will, her identity, her memories were all out of his grasp now.

    She saw that realization cross his eyes, saw his surprise deepen into shock that just as quickly hid itself away.

    “If you are not me,” he said, calm, “then who?”

    She felt the sounds pass her lips without thought. “I am Cynthia Cerelius.

    She felt the words fall over her in a whir of strokes like a thousand painter’s brushes, each imprinting the smallest touch of color. Each carried a single emotion with it - sadness, joy, fury, contentment, regret, pride, countless others - all spelling out the characters in her autoeponymous command. She gasped. She had a name. She was Cynthia.

    But Cynthia could feel there was something missing. Two statements she had given, shaping and coloring her soul. There needed to be a third- and as soon as the thought entered her mind, she knew what it was.

    I am your daughter,” she finished.

    Cynthia felt the words explode into her, filling her soul with bright blue light. It sang with freedom, with movement, with touching the sky and escaping into the stars, breaking the limits of dimensional reality. She knew it for what it was; the spirit bound to her father’s soul, reborn in her own. It would need a new name, of course; like herself, it was distinct from the power from which it had been formed. Cirrus, Cynthia thought - and he was named. 

    Her father - Rekaerb - simply stared at her, his mouth agape. 

    “Well,” he finally managed. “I wasn’t expecting that.

  3. Anyone have any objections to me doing an inktober drawing every OTHER day? And starting, oh... *checks watch* Now?


    *maniacal laughter*

    Maniacal Laughter GIFs | Tenor


    *maniacal laughter*

    Maniacal Laughter GIFs | Tenor

  6. *pants slightly* Guys... I just finished... Re-writing my About Me. I spent like an hour on it. Go check it out, I worked hard. 

    AND while you're here, is anyone interested in a witch hunt RP? 'Cause I wanna start one.

  7. *pants slightly* Guys... I just finished... Re-writing my About Me. I spent like an hour on it. Go check it out, I worked hard. 

    AND while you're here, is anyone interested in a witch hunt RP? 'Cause I wanna start one.

  8. Disengaged

    Emotionally detached; aloof.

    past tense
    To have been separated/released from attachment/connection.




  9. Ah, the most frustrating hour of the day... when I'm too burnt out to do anything productive but everyone else is sleeping.

  10. Some status updates:

    1. Oh BOY have I been depressed lately. :)
    2. I'm going to bleach my hair white. 
    3. I did get over my little inspiration hump. I'm currently working on a poster for the Masquerade RP and after that I'll probably work on one for CBST. 
    4. Marching band camp is coming up and... Please pray for me, I dunno how I'm going to get through this. I hate marching band with my heart and soul, it hurts my shoulders so much and I die in the heat. 
    5. Speaking of pain, I did too much yoga yesterday and my shoulders hurt s o  m u c h

  11. Some status updates:

    1. Oh BOY have I been depressed lately. :)
    2. I'm going to bleach my hair white. 
    3. I did get over my little inspiration hump. I'm currently working on a poster for the Masquerade RP and after that I'll probably work on one for CBST. 
    4. Marching band camp is coming up and... Please pray for me, I dunno how I'm going to get through this. I hate marching band with my heart and soul, it hurts my shoulders so much and I die in the heat. 
    5. Speaking of pain, I did too much yoga yesterday and my shoulders hurt s o  m u c h

  12. Heeeeeeelp, I don't have any art inspiration. :unsure:

  13. Heeeeeeelp, I don't have any art inspiration. :unsure:

  14. TL;DR at the bottom

    Most of you have probably read Faeiaoeadroeoeaoen's status update (and others which may have been posted by the time I write this), but I had some misadventures that he was not a part of. (Don't ask me why I'm writing this the way I am, it is probably due to the books I have read recently)

    13th July, 2021:

    I make sure all tiny hats, wooden rings, glass mushrooms, and candied orange peels are packed, along with all else I need (and much that I don't) before I leave my house with my mother (the cat is not amused). We drive for three hours before having to stop for the night, and when I sleep, I am still unsure about what would be happening and whom I would meet the next day.

    14th July, 2021:

    More driving, though urgency has increased, as word has come that I would be meeting with @Tesh, @Channelknight Fadran, @Zephrun's Imperium, @DancingQueen, @AonEne, @FriarFritz, and @Tani (somewhat unexpectedly, I might add (see Faeiadroeoan's update for context)) at the time I expected to reach my hotel. Though I drive for a few hours, the majority of the driving is done by my wonderful mother, both for speed, and so we can continue listening to The Night Circus, the audiobook we had started the day before (both of these reasons boil down to the fact that my mother, shocker of all shockers, has more driving experience than me). I arrive late, though earlier than some (whom I shall not name here), and we have a great time, though Tessie, Tani and Faeiadroeoan have to leave early. The rest of us stay and talk until a time that would have been called night in any other season.

    15th July, 2021:
    A second meeting is scheduled at lunch, this time including @Mist, @Vapor, and Shortie (@Condensation), though our resident member of an unknown royal family sadly can not make it. Once again, the meeting lasts until after those with fuller schedules must leave, though not as long as last time. I play a game with my mother to pass the rest of the day. Unknown to me, this is the last time I will see the Knight of Many Vowels and the Star for some time, and proper goodbyes are not given.

    16th July, 2021:

    Nothing is scheduled until the evening, so my mother and I escape to a slightly cooler place. Once the meeting time comes around, I join Fritz and Ene and we visit the most peculiar store. It sells only soda, and most of that is root beer. I buy three root beer-adjacent sodas (one of which is the only bottle of its kind in the entire store, making it slightly dubious, though I am assured that it is safe). Shortie and her sisters join us once we return to the meeting place, and all plans for movie night are thrown out the window, as we decide to talk instead. I am ripped away from the gathering too soon, though when I get to my hotel room, I am quite tired. I do not give proper goodbyes.

    17th July, 2021:

    I wake up early to say goodbye to Tesh, Channie, and Tani, though I miss Channie because I underestimated the walk time. Once more, nothing is scheduled until the evening, so my mother and I escape the heat by going up once again. Once it is time, we head to Drammie's production of Newsies, which is fabulous. A proper goodbye is given, and my time with those whom I have shared my existence with for the past 1-3 years draws to a close. We do not listen to our book in the car on the way to our hotel, as we want to keep the memory of the show alive as long as possible.

    18th July, 2021:

     More driving, we finish our book and start another. I arrive home tired and stiff from the car, yet giddy from meeting those whom I know so well for the first time.



    Connie is short.
    I saw the people mentioned above (my excitement can be measured by the amount of text)
    I got dubious spruce beer
    I saw Queen's production of Newsies (which was awesome)
    Y'all should read The Night Circus

  15. TL;DR at the bottom

    Most of you have probably read Faeiaoeadroeoeaoen's status update (and others which may have been posted by the time I write this), but I had some misadventures that he was not a part of. (Don't ask me why I'm writing this the way I am, it is probably due to the books I have read recently)

    13th July, 2021:

    I make sure all tiny hats, wooden rings, glass mushrooms, and candied orange peels are packed, along with all else I need (and much that I don't) before I leave my house with my mother (the cat is not amused). We drive for three hours before having to stop for the night, and when I sleep, I am still unsure about what would be happening and whom I would meet the next day.

    14th July, 2021:

    More driving, though urgency has increased, as word has come that I would be meeting with @Tesh, @Channelknight Fadran, @Zephrun's Imperium, @DancingQueen, @AonEne, @FriarFritz, and @Tani (somewhat unexpectedly, I might add (see Faeiadroeoan's update for context)) at the time I expected to reach my hotel. Though I drive for a few hours, the majority of the driving is done by my wonderful mother, both for speed, and so we can continue listening to The Night Circus, the audiobook we had started the day before (both of these reasons boil down to the fact that my mother, shocker of all shockers, has more driving experience than me). I arrive late, though earlier than some (whom I shall not name here), and we have a great time, though Tessie, Tani and Faeiadroeoan have to leave early. The rest of us stay and talk until a time that would have been called night in any other season.

    15th July, 2021:
    A second meeting is scheduled at lunch, this time including @Mist, @Vapor, and Shortie (@Condensation), though our resident member of an unknown royal family sadly can not make it. Once again, the meeting lasts until after those with fuller schedules must leave, though not as long as last time. I play a game with my mother to pass the rest of the day. Unknown to me, this is the last time I will see the Knight of Many Vowels and the Star for some time, and proper goodbyes are not given.

    16th July, 2021:

    Nothing is scheduled until the evening, so my mother and I escape to a slightly cooler place. Once the meeting time comes around, I join Fritz and Ene and we visit the most peculiar store. It sells only soda, and most of that is root beer. I buy three root beer-adjacent sodas (one of which is the only bottle of its kind in the entire store, making it slightly dubious, though I am assured that it is safe). Shortie and her sisters join us once we return to the meeting place, and all plans for movie night are thrown out the window, as we decide to talk instead. I am ripped away from the gathering too soon, though when I get to my hotel room, I am quite tired. I do not give proper goodbyes.

    17th July, 2021:

    I wake up early to say goodbye to Tesh, Channie, and Tani, though I miss Channie because I underestimated the walk time. Once more, nothing is scheduled until the evening, so my mother and I escape the heat by going up once again. Once it is time, we head to Drammie's production of Newsies, which is fabulous. A proper goodbye is given, and my time with those whom I have shared my existence with for the past 1-3 years draws to a close. We do not listen to our book in the car on the way to our hotel, as we want to keep the memory of the show alive as long as possible.

    18th July, 2021:

     More driving, we finish our book and start another. I arrive home tired and stiff from the car, yet giddy from meeting those whom I know so well for the first time.



    Connie is short.
    I saw the people mentioned above (my excitement can be measured by the amount of text)
    I got dubious spruce beer
    I saw Queen's production of Newsies (which was awesome)
    Y'all should read The Night Circus

  16. I was thinking of doing another Chapter-by-Chapter. (For those unfamiliar, it's a collaborative writing activity where people each take turns writing a chapter in a story). I don't know how many people are subscribed to my status updates, but among those who are... who's interested? :P

  17. 6000 posts, all! In only 1313 days! ;)

    Finally a milestone I didn't blow by! :P



  19. Hi there.

    I have a trashy cold

    that won't leave me alone even when I take cold relief or anti-congestant medicine.

    And I hate it. I feel like trash and I would like to die. My nose is running like crazy (I know, I'd better go catch it) and I've got a fever. Switching between feeling super hot and super cold.

    In other news, I worked last night! It was super awesome, but I ended up awake until 2 and then I had 9 AM church. So ha ha ha I wish I could sleep but cold.


    will someone please kill me


  20. Hi there.

    I have a trashy cold

    that won't leave me alone even when I take cold relief or anti-congestant medicine.

    And I hate it. I feel like trash and I would like to die. My nose is running like crazy (I know, I'd better go catch it) and I've got a fever. Switching between feeling super hot and super cold.

    In other news, I worked last night! It was super awesome, but I ended up awake until 2 and then I had 9 AM church. So ha ha ha I wish I could sleep but cold.


    will someone please kill me


  21. You know when you realize that the person you thought you were in love with is really just your best friend and your best friend is the one you're really in love with?

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