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Steel Inquisitive

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Everything posted by Steel Inquisitive

  1. If it gets to the point that he can't act at all, then Sazed should hand the shards to someone else. Sazed is my favorite character and was the perfect person to pick up both shards, but now that he has combined them and people just need connection to one shard instead of two, Sazed could give it to someone else who could interpret them more usefully.
  2. I wonder if the ability is completely reliant on the shard. If I were to hold Preservation would I automatically be as good as Leras?
  3. Art is subjective. At the end of the day a book is a form of art. People will always like some parts of books more than others. That's okay. I read things differently than others all the time and that is why every human on the planet doesn't like all the same books. It's okay to disagree but you seem determined to... I was going to say force him to see it your way, but you haven't even stated your opinion. Long try has very clearly detailed why he saw things as inconsistencies. Maybe you should talk instead of accuse. I guess all I'm trying to say is please be respectful to others and their opinions. Thank you.
  4. Yeah, I'm surprised more people aren't picking endowment. I went with Cultivation because I liked the idea more... But seriously it's probably a toss up between Cultivation, Endowment, and Preservation. (Oh and odium is in there somewhere)
  5. I'm not sure I'm catching your point? The question was if Sazed had interpreted them differently, would he be more free to act. Yes, I know what he interpreted them as already. This is a what if question. (Sorry if that sounds snarky... I had teeth pulled and it's time to go take some pain meds again:-))
  6. Out-of-world answer, Brandon picked the ones that sounded cool, would make an interesting story and interested him the most. In-world answer, I theorize it had something to do with the vessels. If they had been different people things might have shaked out differently. It also could have been complete randomness...
  7. Will I guess Sazed did better than expected. Discord would have been even worse I suppose. Same problem just compounded.
  8. Dear old Sazed. He was my favorite character in mistborn so I was pleasantly surprised when he not only survived the series but also became a god. Now while I have the utmost respect for the ninja librarian, did he make a mistake in interpreting Ruin+Preservation into Harmony? (Granted it was a new experience and he was under a lot of pressure.) We know he's under a lot of stain from holding two shards, but is that because he interpreted the two as Harmony? Harmony is the balance between Ruin and Preservation. So by definition Sazed still views himself as holding two shards (they would still be dropped as harmony if anything were too happen to Sazed). If he had interpreted them differently would he be more free to act? If he had chosen something closer to Nature as the new name would he not feel utterly torn between two shards as maybe they would have mixed more completely? What do you guys think?
  9. Which one do you think is best? (As in can see the farthest and have the wisdom to use what they see to greatest advantage.) Leave your opinion below! I'm personally leaning towards Cultivation. She has a similar vibe to Preservation, who was really good at it, but is more future oriented. I almost didn't include D/D and Ambition because of lack of screen time... But if you really want to vote for them, they're in option!
  10. The Returned are given a massive influx of investiture when they are stapled back to their bodies. Cosmere healing works by restoring people to their perceived perfection via an influx of investiture. The Returned come back in a perfect body (or what they consider a perfect body). So my assumption is that it is the same principle being applied. So if Kaladin became a Returned, would he still have the slave brands?
  11. I think animals would count as well, however animals don't think about the big picture and would have a limited impact. The smarter a being is, the bigger impact they have. (Smarter might be the wrong word) the ones who spend more time contimplating the world.
  12. On the other hand, Syl has said things very similar about windspren.
  13. I read books too fast to catch stuff like that.... Way to go!
  14. It's a resonance on a spiritual level..... So, still works? My thought was that there is no space in the spiritual realm so it would allow her to use her surge through the spiritual realm to soulcast from a distance.
  15. Well, if they do have spiritual surges, then we have seen them used by some of these characters. Kaladin: strength of squires. (This could also be the resonance...) Shallan: she has done weird things with her drawings. Sketching a person's spiritual aspect/drawing things she shouldn't know about. Jashnah: maybe it's what let's her soulcast from a distance? Lift: no idea....
  16. First question is answered by end of book two. If you want the answer now, I'll accommodate, but it is a question that gets answered. Same thing with Szeth. I believe we get answers end of book two.
  17. I like the first one (nice colors/dramatic), I don't understand the second one (... A ball...?), The third one is kinda boring, but okay I guess.
  18. Not entirely true. Many aluminium alloys still work like aluminium.
  19. I mean... Skybreakers follow the letter of the law.... Besides, is it ethically wrong to kill a concept personified? (I already have my answer... Just curious what others think!)
  20. I mean.... The skybreakers are already working for the enemy...
  21. And there's Five Scholars and five radiant oaths...
  22. Yeah, I've thought about that..... I probably will not recommend Elantris as a introduction to the cosmere.
  23. I like that a lot! The selfless order having to swear an oath that's almost selfish.... Yeah, the average windrunner would struggle with this.
  24. I could see that. If it were book three I would say it's Atium but Atium wasn't that important to this book.
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