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Steel Inquisitive

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Everything posted by Steel Inquisitive

  1. *sigh* I'll be at work all day.......
  2. I almost want to throw this out so we can make another world........... Weird.......
  3. "This is nice." Sam took a sip, reclining back on her seat.
  4. "Turns out it's impossible to have a date around here!" Sam said, rolling her eyes. "Now if you don't mind, we have some undrinked coffee to get to!" She grabbed Nael's arm and trotted to the office. She didn't even care if others followed them at this point! @Jaywalk @Element of Chaos
  5. I like it and don't like it at the same time. I like it because it feels like a natural part of this world. I don't like it because it makes character crafting very lazy. At least with Natural magic you have to explain how they got the ability, but with this you can just say that you're the child of someone else and don't need to explain anything else. Basically I don't like it because it removes all the restrictions. If you guys want to use it, then I'm not against it. Maybe we could say it's very rare?
  6. All well..... The wrong way is stuck in my head now!
  7. I just googled popular German baby names! Do you know if I got the pronunciations right?
  8. "What's going on here?" Sam asked loudly, surveying the base.
  9. Updated my character. @kenod Not 100% sure about pronunciation..... But it has a cool meaning! Jürgen means earthworker/farmer and Jäger means Hunter!
  10. Hmm, I'm losing my touch. she thought as she followed him out the door.
  11. I would think so.... Keep any plot twists to yourself but the general points should be alright. I, unfortunately, need to be in bed. I love how much work everyone is putting into this! I'll be back on sometime tomorrow afternoon..... Don't do anything too exciting without me!!!!!!!
  12. Okay........ Not sure what's happening up there^ What else do we need to talk about?
  13. She groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Oh, hush you. At least I don't blush whenever someone smiles!" She moved her hand to his shoulder and gave him her most winning smile.
  14. I'm sorry for the above post. upon rereading it, it's a lot more aggressive then I had intended. I honestly think the gender divides would be a lot weaker in this setting then on our own world, but seriously, I don't mind it going either way. I was wanting to avoid giving anyone the grounds to say anything nasty about us. (I have some....... Interesting family members.) I'm okay with however you guys want to play this. As previously stated, it won't affect players that much no matter how we do it. And again, sorry for the aggressive post.
  15. "I don't know where we could go. I spend most of my time trying not to get killed." She blushed.
  16. This is also not our society of the medieval ages. It is a different world altogether. With Natural magic..... Anyone can do anything..... What does it matter if you're 50lb heavier than a woman if she has the strength of a thousand men? With Natural magic these sorta things would fade rather fast. Also, I know this isn't what you mean, but there is no reason woman are inferior to men. No handwavium required.
  17. I think that's a cool idea! But again, let's not do gender divides. If we divide it by gender one side will be very scholarly while the other will be more wishy-washy. I would rather a person was able to pursue whatever life they want.... not what their gender dictates. We could make the split based on personality types.
  18. I would rather that there wasn't a gender division within the Innates. If we said one gender was on average better at something than their counterpart, then I wouldn't mind, but I think making it so a gender simply can't do something is too restrictive.
  19. We could call it Vax I like Erde, but don't care too much. As for plotlines, I'm down for what ever. Preferably something with large consequences for Kuria, though I'm not set on that. Characters......... How would you guys feel if we set a rule so that people could only have one character in this world? My main concern being, with characters outside of the main RP not counting towards your total, this rp could get a flood of new characters. I think this would help keep it small. I assume we don't want to be as strict with character's power levels as the main rp, but do think we should have some guidelines.... At the very least community approval of a character that is going to be powerful. I'm bringing this up because it is literally possible for people to become full on gods. This could be abused very easily. Thoughts?
  20. I believe @ZincAboutIt and @xinoehp512 were working on the plot. I think we had decided to let the plot develop organically with those two planning out a few big events to tie things together and shepherd it to the end.
  21. Is there anything that people think we MUST get done before we can start RPing? I feel like we've got the magic explained pretty well, we have a map, and we're figuring out the cultures, which I feel like we will always be working on.
  22. "I suppose we should." She said as ash floated past.
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