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Everything posted by Sorana

  1. "His name is Xaver." Mike started slowly, tried to come up with a picture, with anything they could use to find him. Nothing. Almost as if the clues, the image remembered was gone completely. A frown crept over his face and he lifted his shoulders a little, as if trying to hide. "No, not Xaver, but something similar." With a nervous laugh he looked up into the man's face and shifted his weight to his other foot, before deciding to follow the invitation. Turning around now, would make him appear like a complete madman. He stepped into the room and looked around curiously. The agency was relatively new and he hadn't been here so far, but it made a very good first impression, clean and orderly. And the man, he seemed to be competent. One thing after the other. Get inside first, and then, maybe he could recall a few more facts if he wasn't standing outside of a building. A frail hope, but for now he clung to it, clung to the knowledge that he had to, that he needed to find him. If not- something bad would happen. His hands touched his gloves again, pulled a little on their shabby fabrics. Standing here, in this new agency he felt small. A teenager in poor, partially ripped and only badly repaired clothing. His shoes were well worn, the facbric of his pants and shirt frail in places from overuse. He had visited rich places, but always at night, always to steal something. The last time he had walked into such a room, with the lights on, with everybody able to see him had been ages. And yet, here he was. Because - he needed to. And that though alone made him nearly shiver. Something was wrong. Something ws incredibly wrong. "I'm Mike." he forced a smile on his face and extended his hand in greeting. "I appreciate a lot that you take some time for us." @AmazingGoob @Spren of Kindness
  2. "Why don't we start with a very part, that is very important to any sleepover?" Sorana asks with a friendly wave towards those that had joined them. "I suggest we make some pancakes. And then we eat them of course- no use to make pancakes you don't plan on eating."
  3. =========== "I think we all lost." Althea replied calmly. "This was a fight with no winners." She inhaled and exhaled again, buying herself some time to think about her next words. "Of course I followed." she said after a while, "I tried to find out what was going on, why you freed the prisoner." With a slight shurg she waved any possible answer away. "You were paid - that's alright, I can live with that." At least being paid to break someone out was different than having fun destroying things. She suppressed the urge to frown, knew that she wasn't acting or thinking neutral anymore, that she had been looking for too many connections and even more important: she didn't want another fight. Not here, not now and certainly not in the middle of so many uninvolved, drunk people who had no idea what was going on. Shaking her head she made a vague gesture with her left hand, the right still holding her glass of wine. "I was refering to the building." she clarified her earlier question. "Was it an accident that you set it on fire or did you use the innocent people living there as a way to distract us, to divert our attention elsewhere?"
  4. "That is a likely assumption." Azrael nodded while making a show of looking her up and down. He liked this girl. She had fire in her body, pared with self-confidence and hopefully a whole bag of skills. "What makes you think you're worthy to join?" he asked provocative and pulled a knife from a hidden sheath. He threw it into the air with one hand, expertly catchting its hilt only to throw it up again. A bad habit, but one he had perfected over the course of years. He let his eyes rest on her face, waited for her reply. Maybe he could send her on some kind of assignment. It definitely would be interesting to see how she would act, how she would solve problems.
  5. Do you per chance still have what you wrote? Would be interesting to see it.
  6. It's farther away than he thought, not a couple of minutes, but instead a little over half an hour. And while he is sure that he knows the way, that he is going the right way, he still breaths out in relief when he sees the building. He found the way. He didn't end up in the wrong place again. Some knot inside of his chest loosenes and his shoulders sag down a little. He still knows his way around Alleycity, just as he is supposed to do. It feel good, very good in fact, especially now that this time he has Freya by his side. To get lost while leading her around - that would be more embarrassing than everything that happened so far. He stops in front of the door, hesitates for a short moment and then lifts his hand, knocks on the door. "Hello." he calls out. "I, we are in need of your services." @AmazingGoob @DramaQueen @Spren of Kindness
  7. A woman walks up to the building of the Post and steps inside, heading over to the front desk. "Hello." She smiles politely. "I have an advertisement I would like to place in the next installment of the post. Could you please tell me how much that would be?" She reaches into a bag slung over her shoulder and places a slim folder on the desk. "Front page, if possible, otherwise I'll take the best free spot that you have." Gently she pushes the folder over. "Here, that's the ad, so that you can take a look at it's length." Pausing she laughs, lifts a hand and moves it through her hair. "I am sorry, I didn't even ask whether I'm talking to the right person. I hope, that I am?" Inside of the folder is the following: @Rushu42
  8. "I would send someone in, an agent." he replied calmly. Hemalurgic spikes. This whole conversation just got a lot more interesting. He reached into his poket, placed a device on the table between them and pushed it into the space between them. "There would be two objectives. To gather any information about the Trader, his associates, his enemies, anything worth of notice or appearing random. Two to steal a few spikes, so that we can take a closer look. While I know that you are able to provide us with the information regarding their material and their size, it's easier to judge their purpose, when you hold them in your hand." He simled tapped a finger against the device. "Theoretically, I would ask said agent to get a decent cover, maybe a group to work with? Or a guy who likes to blow things up. Find a way to keep our name out of it if possible. I would ask them to send all information over, and of course to request backup should they need it." Lifting his hand away from the device he looked at her seriously. "We would like to accept your offer and will spread word of your shop. Regarding your initiation," he made a gesture towards the device, " proove yourself and we'll see. It allows you to contact us, be it to hand over results, or be it to request back up."
  9. I'm glad you like it around here! I enjoyed our interactions so far and I hope, we can add many in the future! I know I'm not that active here as I used to be and my time zone makes me miss most of the more active times, but I'm really glad you decided to rp a little with me! I love your rp posts, reading them was a delight. Shadow is awesome and you are a very good writer! (And sorry to keep you waiting for my rp post but I rarely get them done the weekend, I just end up doing tons of other things away from a computer.)
  10. Sorana nodds at this. "I don't wear tight dresses too." She agrees. "But you know, I only wear dresses because of the freedom they allow me. Or skirts. They are comfortable, not tight around my legs. I can move, run, sit down any way I want to. Especially in summer most of my cloths nearly reach the floor and it's awesome. Pants always feel so restrictive. I know it's different for everybody, but it's the type of clothing I'm the most comfortable in." Hesitating she considers her next words. "See I studied engineering and I had a few profs who weren't that amused by the handful of women in their class. I used to wear cargo pants with a shirt of some sort, but that changed. Because I kind of wanted to show them, that I can be a woman and be good at engineering, too. My clothing always expressed my feelings, so I buy lots of natural fabrics, make sure it's as fair produced as possible - when I don't make it myself. But it's also female, comfortable, bright, well within borders as I have to be able to wear to work, too." She looks at Fox directly "what I try to say is, wear whatever you want. Wear what fits your values and never let yourself be pushed into a frame, a picture that's not you. And there's no reason to leave, just because you do that."
  11. Surprised he stepped back, wondering whether he had spoken aloud, but then realized that she had seen his poor cloths, the way he wore them and had come to the right conclusion all by herself. Money was an issue for him. Embarressed he nodded and hurriedly started along the road. "This way." he told her, repeated himself. "A few blocks, nothing too far. Then we can see if someone is there at this hour." His fingers tugged on his gloves again, made sure they sat properly, covered a part of his hands. Find someone. It was crazy. You couldn't go and look for someone you didn't even know. How could he find someone without a face, without a real name to start with? He knew nothing. Nothing. But it was important. His thoughts turned around and around, while he walked without really seeing the paveway. Only when his right feet ended up in a puddle of something, did he slow down, realizing that he had walked quickly, far too quickly to be polite. "Sorry." he murmured and slowed down. He hadn't missed the guy so far. If they failed, nothing would change.
  12. "That is true is suppose." She stayed where she was, close but not too close to intrude into his personal space. He was dangerous. The moment they touched, he could rip her apart all the while she could turn him to stone. Chances were that they both ended up dead or severly injured. She couldn't see his spren, but the way he refused to look at her told her another small part of the story. This was no happy Radiant refering to his friend. This was someone hunted, someone who refered to an enemy nearby, always searching for him, always at the wrong place. She stopped herself, tried not to read too much in his reaction. Not to see that much of herself in his reaction. He wasn't her past, he was a different person. "Will you repeat what you've done?" she changed the topic. It wouldn't do well to press the matter, not until she knew a little more about it. "Set a building on fire, hurt those living inside?" It was a question, but it wasn't the question. The real question was whether he had done it on purpose, or if the building had been nothing but a side product, something that happened when he fled. Intention. Somehow it always came back to intention. She could accept an accidently burning building. She couldn't accept one that had been set on fire because he wanted to. Because he liked. Lifting her glance she took another sip, careful to maintain her relaxed facade, while at the same time trying to ready herself to his next words. She wasn't sure how he would react, but there was a high chance for him to explode. And she had to be ready should that happen. Gently she reached out for him with her toughts, touched the realms around him. If this turned into a fight, so would probably have to relocate them, make sure the destruction happened without any civilians around.
  13. "And hello to you, too." Azreal leaned against a building to the side, his eyes on the woman's hands and arms, on the way she was obviously prepared for a fight. He liked that. But then he always liked his recruits to have some fire, some spice beneath their skin. This one was good looking, with hair and eyes that made her stand out - but that was nothing that couldn't be changed easily. Good instincts, too. She obviously had expected guards of some sorts and rightly so. They always guarded their more 'public' meeting points. No use to be a secret guild if no recruit could ever find you. Only made you die very quickly. It was the balance, where it started to become interesting. Secret enough to keep you headquarters out of the way and obvious enough to have a few spots where people could adress you. In this case, a not-so-safe safe-house with a location they had carefully hinted at several times to several groups of people. "How can I help you?" he inquired, never quite leaving his spot at the wall, but his body was tense, ready to move. You never knew how surprised people acted. Especially when they appeared to be as good as this one.
  14. Alrik followed her upstairs, eyes moving along the closed doors while he tried to commit the layout to his memory. The shop would do quite well. It offered resupplies for a part of their members, and with the rooms in the back they might be able to hold a few meetings here as well. Maybe. A spot with a backdoor usually was to be prefered, but her data about her clients alone, along with the careful notes that were kept made this place a treasure. He sat down in one of the chairs, this time obviously looking around the room. "I've come to speak about your proposal." He leaned back, rested one foot on top of his knee. "You can consider us interested. Your place looks good, as do your wares, from the fleeting glance I was able to get at them, and your staff is motivated, the record keeping superb." When his gaze rested on her he looked her up and down, took in her posture, the way she held herself. "I hope you'll forgive my blutness, but you've got another customer waiting outside so I figure we should talk about the critical things, instead of dancing around each other. What in detail, did you have in mind? And what do you expect from our side as -" he made a vague gesture with his right hand. "compensation?"
  15. You're first attempt was actually pretty good. So Ene leads this guild, I'm a member so I can't decide that, but usually she makes a post in the pm, asks if anybody is against a new person joining and that's about it. (I think I could maybe make the post if she doesn't reply here until tomorrow so that you don't need to wait too long?) If you have some questions about TUBA I'm happy to answer them.
  16. The fun. Lena laughed as well, added her voice to his, purely delighted at the fact that he'd claimed this one fact so openly. The corporation most certainly wouldn't be boring, not if he was willing to have actions following his words. And if he wasn't - she could still have fun on her own. "We will get along quite well, you and I." She closed her fingers around an apple in her bag, smiling fondly at the memory of how she had poisoned a building with special ones. It had still ended in a blood bath, but she had expected that part. "Fun is the only reason I'm here." The infiltrating part didn't sound entirely exciting, but she probably would be able to test a few new poisons along the way. If they caught her, who cared. They could always blow up a part of a building or whereever and be done with it. One guild less and that's it. Turning away from him she walked over to the door and opened it. A knife holding a piece of parchment. Classical move, but never quite loosing its style. The sublte threat, the message, she could see why someone would decide for that kind of announcement. "For you." lifting a hand she tried to pull the knife out of the wood, but it stuck and when it didn't move at her first try she shrugged and left it where it was. Instead she pulled a glove over her hand and ripped the letter of, held it up to see if the paper had been prepared with a powder of some sorts. It hadn't and it smelled normal, didn't appear to have been soaked in something either, so she shrugged and held it out to the Anarchist. "Just someone wanting to join the unusual way."
  17. Wita sat back on her feet and turned her head towards the man. He had looked up, one hand pressed against his side, dark blood visible between his fingers. He was hurt as well. At Lewis question he stared at them in disbelief, then tilted his head back and laughed. "You come here, you kill my men and you threaten me and you don't even know why?" he asked once he had calmed down and she grit her teeth. It was the truth, but looking at it like made her feel very, very foolish. The man tried to get to his feet, but failed, instead he crawled over to a pillar and leaned against it. "We are trying travel to another world." He looked at them proudly. "We want to use the perpendicularity to access the cognitive realm and travel to another world." Wita blinked and then leaned over to Lewis. "They are crazy." she whispered, never quite moving her eyes away from the man. "They are absolutely insane." @Eluvianii
  18. He nodded again, eyes moving quickly through the dark alley. "There is an agency." he stated after thinking about it for a while. "I don't know how expensive they are -" he added with a slight shrug, recalling the fact that he just spent nearly all of his money. "But maybe, maybe we could ask there, even if they are too expensive to be hired, they might have a few pieces of advice for us." Falling silent again he took a moment to orient himself. "This way." he gestured to their left, belatedly realizing that he was still carrying her cloak. Feeling awkward he stepped forward and draped it around her shoulders. "Here, it's yours." Despite the warm night, the air had started to take on a little chill, as was usual for this time of the year. The next day would be warm, but the nights could be cool, especially with a clear sky as they had today.
  19. Lena slowly slid down from his table and stepped close, tilted her head slightly back to be able to look into his eyes. "I agree." she drawled and reached into her bag, fingers briefly touching the different vials and pouches she kept in there, an idea forming in her mind, but first something else. "What if you goal?" she asked her voice low, for his ears only. "Why do you found a guild, openly set on destruction?" curiosity coloured her voice, curiosity and something else. A tension, excitement maybe. "That seems -" she made a slight shrug with her shoulders, "risky." Her lips curving up in a smile she added. "And bold." Lifting a finger to run it along the side of his face unless he moved away, she tilted her head a little to the side. "I like bold and risky - especially when they come with some fire. And yet here I am, wondering, why do you take that risk?" A dark thud echoed through the room behind her and she ignored it for now. Probably another member, or someone offened by the Corporation's open announcement of their goal. She never looked away from his waited for his reply. Whoever it was, they could wait for a few seconds until the Anarchist had answered.
  20. That is a perfect summary! And now I wonder why it took me several paragraphs to say exactly the same...
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