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Everything posted by Sorana

  1. Temeria nodded in agreement. "Of course." she smiled, and then nodded again, mostly to herself. A room would be no issue, there were enough of them, most of them empty at the moment. And it made sense, if the woman didn't live here, she couldn't help Temeria at night, or early in the morning. "If you want to - " she started, guessing which way would be the best to do this. She wasn't entirely sure whether she should admit the woman into her home immediatly, but she needed the help, especially if things continued like they had started, with one or two guests more coming by every day. "You can start now, work here for a week or two. Then we sit down, see whether the two of us can work together on a more permamently? You can choose one of the rooms upstairs, make it your own, you can eat here, and I'd pay you some money." Gesturing towards the bard she added "This is Desmund. I asked if he is able to play here in the tavern room in the evenings. Maybe that way we can attrackt some guests." @Rosharan A.C.
  2. Alrik waited until Poller was back from selling some aluminum, watching the boy rush around in amusement. "Pretty busy store you've got here." he commented and raised an eyebrow when the aluminum tumbeled to the ground. Interesting. He smiled, never leaving his place at the counter, leaned against it in a relaxed way. That store prooved to be more interesting than he'd expected. And they were keeping track of their customers, noting what and how much each and every one of them bought. It was nice to find one place with at least some kind of organization in place. Sadly there were way too many that were run in a lenient matter, that left you without any informatin about the customers. "What about you, young man?" he asked Ben. "You're done? I can wait, you know, nothing urgent waiting for me tonight. We can haggle over the details of the present, once you're done." @Ashbringer
  3. "No idea who you're looking for." the man turned away, ignoring her completely and Althea irritated forced herself to stay calm. It wasn't completely surprising given the fact that the club was full, with people waiting to order their drinks. It would be a long, busy night and the man was obviously stressed. Still, she hated this kind of behaviour. It was respectless. "Well, then you most certainly don't mind if I take a look around." She didn't wait for his reply and instead walked away from the bar, over to the stairs. Walking up a little to gain the height to be able to see over the crowd she scanned the faces, took some time to try to get a look at nearly everybody. There were too many people to be sure, but after a while she turned around and walked up the staircase. Music first grew a little softer, then started again, a different song this time as the neared the second floor. This one was a little less busy and she walked over to another, smaller bar, this time ordered a drink first. The sparkling white wine shimmered in her glass when she took a first sip. It was sweet, despite a little dryness and she nodded in appreciation. Playing a few chrysts on the wood in front of the man she forced a polite smile on her face. "I am looking for a friend of mine." she started, turned a little around to let her gaze sweep over the guests here. "We agreed to meet, but never talked about the floor - " a laugh, that sounded slightly off in her own ears, but hopefully he would think that the music distorted the sound a little. "He should be wearing a mask, greyish skin, taller than I am." Her eyes returned to his face, watched for any sign of recognition. There was something, a flicker in his eyes. So he knew him. "Haven't seen him, sorry." the man apologized, and she nodded, made a gesture to wipe the topic off the table. "No need to worry. I'll just give him a call, tell him I'm here." she leaned against the bar, took another stip of her wine and then, after a short moment nodded at him again and wandered off, trying to catch a look at the faces in the bar. A young woman bumped into her, spilling her wine over her shirt and immediatly apologizing, gesturing with boths hands. She was obviously drunk, her steps staggering, and Althea waved her apologies away, tried to get the wine off her shirt. It was of no use, but at least the lighter colored liquid wouldn't leave a huge dark spot right in the middle of her chest. The woman staggered on, towards the stairs, and she stayed where she was for a moment, listened for a sound that she'd fallen. Nothing reached her ears and she wiped at her shirt again, grimaced at the way it clung to her, at the stink of wine and then focused back on the task at hand, at the faces in the room. Nothing. So upstairs it was. Carrying her glass with her she walked up another set of stairs, was again greeted by a different kind of song. The third floor was the emptiest, which was far away from it being empty, just a little less crowded than the other two. The music wasn't as deafening, more people were sitting around, talking, eating some fingerfood or drinking wine, beer or whatever type of cocktail they'd chosen. It didn't take her long to spot the Dustbringer, next to another man at the bar, drinking something. Althea looked back over her shoulder, realizing that for now she had ended up alone, was the first one to reach this floor. Her hand touched her bag, slightly heavier than a few minutes before and then walked over to the bar, leaned against it a few feet next to the Dustbringer and his companion. "A white wine, please." she repeated her order. "Sparkling, medium dry." The she turned her eyes on the two of them, calmly taking in their appearance. "My name is Althea Tenira." she introduced herself. "And if you could spare a moment of your time, I would like to talk." @Ashbringer @bees?
  4. Hesitating Mike looked at the spheres. He had planned to pay for her drink, to invite her, but to decline the money, it felt wrong. He wondered whether he maybe could take only a part of it, it would be nice to save some, be able to buy a roll for breakfast tomorrow. "It's not neccessary." he smiled at her and then quickly turned around and headed over to the bar, before he could change his mind. Stupid. This was outright stupid. Who cared for manners after all. Gritting his teeth in slight frustration at himself he realized that he cared. There was still a part of him, that remembered the way his mom had handeled things. She would have smacked him on the head for even considering to take her money. And rightly so. "A tea, please." he ordered and then added. "And some apple juice mixed with sparkling water." He placed the according number of chrysts on the bar and waited for the barman to prepare your drinks. "A fruit tea, if you have one." he added, remembering that tea wasn't the same as tea. The man snorted and held up a bottle, containing rum or something the like, wordlessly asking if he should add it to the hot water. "No, thank you." Mike declined, turning a little so that he could see more of the room. With another grunt the man placed his glass on the bar, shortly followed by a large cup full of steaming hot water. Balancing his glass and her large cup in his hands he slowly walked back to the table, placed them down in front of her. "Here you are. I hope you like it." He sat down again, unsure what to do now. "Thank you." he finally added quietly, looking down into the sparkling yellowish liquid in his glass.
  5. "Okay." Mike nodded, and then pushed the door open. They were greeted by the sounds of guests and for a moment he feared that it would be crowded, but only about half of the tables were filled with people. Looking around he chose one a little to the side, where he would be able to keep his back to a wall and have most of the windows and chairs easily within view. Sitting down he looked through the menu, trying to decide what to drink. Nothing too strong, he needed to keep his head clear if he wanted to grab a few more things tonight. "When you've chosen I'll go and fetch your drink." he offered while closing the menu and pushing it over to her.
  6. "Soon." she replied calmly and knelt down next to him. The man didn't seem to be running away anytime. Nor did Lewis. She looked at his wounds, noted the blood flowing from them, the way the fabric had been torn. Lifintg her glance she looked up into his face, relieved to see the determination there, to see the life brimming there. Life and not death. Still she nearly hastily got up and walked over to one of those lying around them. The man had lost his conciousness, but was obviously breathing and so she didn't stop to take a closer look at his wounds, somehow doubting that they had the time. Instead she took his dark cloak and picked up a sharp piece of glass from the ground carrying both back to Lewis. Cutting the fabric in longer stripes she wrapped them around his wounds in an attempt to stop his bleeding. "I doubt that will help for long." she said while tying a knot and then got up, offered him a hand and her shoulder to lean on. "But maybe long enough to ask a few questions and find out what is going on." @Eluvianii
  7. Mahad jerked up, ripped out of his writer's forgetfullness. "Krahh?" he answered, trying to imitate a bird, but failing. Imitating sounds definitely wasn't his strength. "Wanna play?" he asked and touched his nose to Glints form. ============ "I'm fine." Shana smiled at him gratefully and closed her fingers around his. "Just tired, trying to digest the day." She leaned against him and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'll tell you once James is here. Then we can discuss it all together." Bitting on her lower lip she nearly immediatly moved again turned to be able to look at him. "Do you think it was wrong to let him go?"
  8. Mike guided Freya through the streets, leading her to the closest tavern. He'd been here before, although rarely. It wasn't as if he usually had the money to pay for a drink anyway. Stopping in front of the tavern he looked over at the girl on his arm. "That's the place." he announced and smiled at her. "It's nothing fancy -" he paused, hesitated, "would you have liked something more fancy? We could go somewhere else, if a tavern isn't to your liking, I mean, I'm fine with whereever we go." He bit on his lip, wondered if it had been a mistake to go here and not somewhere else. Maybe something more beautiful, elegant would have suited her better, than a tavern named after a bleeding spike. @Spren of Kindness
  9. "Yes." Shana slowly turned around and followed him inside. "Living room?" she asked feeling tired and burnt out after the day. It was cool inside, the familiar noises of so many living together enveloping her immediatly. It was nice to be home. She swallowed at the thought that their enemies knew that they lived here, that they knew exactly when and how to attack. Maybe they should consider moving. Or finally start installing all the surveillance instruments she and Rob had talked about. Wordlessly she sat down on the sofa and waited for the others to join her. They would have questions, lots of questions. Better to answer them first and then get to work.
  10. Mike went through the different bars and restaurants he knew in his head and then nodded. "We could go to the bleeding spike." he suggested. "It's not far." and it wasn't the most expensive as well. He walked outside, inclined his head in greeting to Lord and Cassandra. "Have a great evening the two of you. And a happy festival." Turning back to Freya he gestured in one direction. "The place is that way. It's not far." he'd already said that, he reminded himself. "Maybe ten or fifteen minutes by foot." Lifting his improvised mask to his face he tied the fabric behind his head. Grinning at her he sketched a bow and then offered his arm. "Would my lady care to accompany me?"
  11. "Of course, of course." the man nodded amiably, and stepped a little to the side to allow for the new customer to walk up to the counter. His eyes moved through the room again, while he made sure he remembered the most important details. It looked good, professional. If the quality was good as well - He scribbled a few lines on a paper, roughly sketching a small vial with some leaves around its top. It was neither skilled, nor beautiful, but he figured that the boy should be able to grasp its meaning. "My name?" he asked, looking up again, placing the slip of paper in front of the boy. "Oh that one's easy. Alrik." he laughed at the thought of someone actually choosing Alrik for their child. Who would ever choose the first name on a list? "So if you could maybe make something like that?" he asked and tapped his finger on the slip of paper. "And I'd like to have a few metal powders as well. Electrum, iron, pewter, gold -" he went through the list in his head. Gold to see if they were greedy enough to mix it with something else, the other three because they were easier and harder to create. "And brass." he finished. "Would that be possible?" @Ashbringer
  12. Althea looked around, tried to see a person who looked a little like the one they were following. The dim light and the fact that many of the customers were facial make up of some sorts made it a bit difficult, but after a while she was more or less sure that whoever that person was, they weren't in this room. She hesitated for a moment, considered to ask Brin to go on, or do something, but then in the end walked over to one of the waiters herself. Better to do it right than to rely on him. She still didn't know enough about him to judge why he was involving himself in this. Well she did, if him being a Skybreaker counted. With a mental sigh she shook her head and then waved at one of the man walking between the tables. "Excuse me." she greeted him politely, waited until he turned his head in her direction. "We are looking for a friend of ours. Taller then I am," that part was a bet, but a pretty save one given her smallish size, "with grey looking skin." that part was the important one. If his whole body was covered in the grey pieces of skin they'd found he would have trouble blending in, even tonight. "Can't tell you excatly how he looks at the moment, he might be wearing a mask." she tapped her own, indicating the masked room around them. A few of the guests had removed theirs, especially when they covered their whole faces including their mouths, but a larger part was this wearing theirs, covering the skin around their eyes. "Did you happen to see him?" @kenod @BringerOfLight @Kings_way =============== @bees? @Ashbringer
  13. Was he? Mike closed his eyes, considered the question for a moment and then slowly shook his head. "I don't know." he repeated frustration leaking into his voice. He didn't. There was something wrong, something he couldn't place his finger on and it made him furious. As if something had been - lost somehow? He couldn't even name it. "But maybe a meal would be a good start?" he asked with a weak smile. Freya seemed nice and he hadn't sat down to eat, to do nothing else but eat for longer than he knew. It was one thing to grab a an apple, or to hastily shove something in your mouth while walking and something else entirely to take some time for a meal. He reached into his pocket and touched the chrysts in there. He could afford a meal. It meant sending nothing to his family, but if he managed to grab and sell a few other things, it should work. It had to. His stomach grumbled again when he pictured eating something warm and tasty and he blushed, looked down at his feet. "If you want to, that is."
  14. Wita looked at his hand, at the blood stains and more importantly at the ring sitting there on his finger. She hesitated, knew that he had asked her to take it off, but still - she knew how it felt when you relied on something that was then ripped away. Looking into his face, into the grim determination there she bit on her lip, trying to decide what to do. Slowly she reached out for his hand, closed her fingers around his. They were warm compared to hers, but that wasn't a surprise, She rarely touched someone who had colder hands. Wita blinked, realized that before him, before Marcel she'd barely touched anybody at all. It was one thing to be patted on the shoulder or back, to be smiled at politely or friendly, it was another thing to reach out herself. Even if it was in a situation like that. She tightened her fingers a little, and then lifted her right arm, removed her own metalmind. It felt wrong, incredibly wrong, she'd never taken it off in year, never even considered to do so. But right here and now, it felt right. She couldn't take his, without offering something in return. A deep breath when she focused, concentrated and then stopped storing completely. At first it was disconcerting, as if she'd removed a veil from her face, as if she finally managed to breathe again, to notice the air again. It was one thing to tap, to speed everything up, to focus and to do nothing else. But this, this was something else. For the first time in what felt like ages, she didn't influence her thoughts at all. "Let's trade." she said quietly and placed the bracelet in his other hand, gently closed his fingers around it in an attempt to ensure that it wouldn't fall to the ground. Then she looked into his face again, noted the way he looked at her, smiled at the fact that he recognized her, that he cared enough to stop, to listen, despite whatever it was, he was doing. And then slowly, she tried to slip the ring off his finger. @Eluvianii
  15. I like Discord. Actually I spend more time on there than on the shard itself, just chatting with mostly the same people.
  16. And loosing. Don't forget we're all loosing at the same time
  17. I get that. I always look forward to spring. Sometimes we don't even see the sun for weeks, sometimes even months in winter. I dread that time of the year...
  18. But despite that - I would still try to avoid double posting that much... Maybe better to edit?
  19. I live in a village and I would never, ever move back to the city. I love to be able to go outside and walk directly in to the wood. that sounds awful -.- Especially in summer.
  20. I love hot weather. Thankfully we had a few warmer days this week.
  21. I always loose that game. And good night. It's 9am for me, so I'll be awake for quite a while
  22. I fall asleep early. It's nice to have a thread that is active when I am awake
  23. Ah okay. I actually do at least a short 20 minute routine daily. Just started it at one point and ever stopped. Especially in summer its great to head outside in the morning dn so some yoga while the sun is rising and the air is still cool.
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