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I think I am here.

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Everything posted by I think I am here.

  1. Hey @Voidus, can I be your squire? Pretty please?
  2. Ah, occasionally I wonder what life was like before them.
  3. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Wait, have you got files from before the DA?
  4. Tom was feeling sad, as he had just joined the Longest Thread page and had no idea who 'Butt' was.
  5. I guess the real question is if it can't work for a human, can it work for a Kandra that has engineered his body to host the parasite? Also, the aviar don't drink metal vials. There needs to be some sort of channeling for the magic to work (Aons, metal, stormlight etc.). From what I see, the parasite is the channel itself, and since it can't be controlled by the host or turned on and off at will, being a parasite host would be a completely new form of investiture, where the investiture flows freely, such as always having an allomantic power unable to turn off and no metals required. Fascinating stuff.
  6. Hello @go_go_gragdet, dp you like Fabrial theory, and experimenting with Fabrials? If so, PM me. There's always room for another member!
  7. Rashan ducks, and looks towards Dwig. "Okay, so there's this robber. You may want to consider giving me those unkeyed steelminds about now. I'll pay later, but right now, I could disarm him in an instant if you let me."
  8. Rashan stumbled back, not from any attack or force, but from the sheer surprise that his opponent had just summoned a shield from drawing a pattern, of all things. he curiously brought his notebook out and zoomed about, cautiously analyzing the wall of light. He also looked at his opponent. The man didn't seem completely sane. Rashan zoomed towards the shield and poked it with his aluminium short-sword, not completely sure what would happen.
  9. Rashan always prided himself on his drawing skills, especially for a Rosharan man. His mother had always pressured him to draw and write, and only now had he realized the skills usefulness.
  10. Rahsan ignores Nei'an. If he wasn't going to help him then he would have to do his task himself. Rashan braced himself, and, tapping speed, was able to design a fabrial of his choice much faster than any normal man, with supplies from Al's Fabrials, his guild. He eventually managed to conjure his fabrial, following his incredibly intricate plan below: As he pushed the cart of the cliff, he was able to, by opposite conjoined fabrials, make himself travel up. Esha should have reached terminal velocity by now, while Rashan was just getting started, and with his heavier weight added to the weight of the falling cart, he was able to travel incredibly fast. "Hello!" he said as he came near to Esha, trailing her. (Ha! Take that, @Leyrann!)
  11. Rashan wandered curiously in. "Hey, do have a speed enhancing tool of any kind?"
  12. Rashan came just in time to see someone recite some sort of initiation oath. He didn't know who the oath was to, nor how he got to this place, but he knew why. Stick in hand, he searched for that elusive rock, the one he wanted to poke.
  13. Granted. Then it eats you and runs off. I wish to become a Fullborn.
  14. So there was a friend, let’s call him J, who would not stop bugging me about reading this superhero book called Steelheart. In my defence, his descriptions were incredibly vague and I only managed to piece together that there was a Superman-like guy called Steelheart. Regardless, I put it off until one day he practically dragged me into a library to get it. I read the blurb once, and I was hooked. Afterwards, I read Mitosis, Firefight, and Calamity, overtaking him. Then, I looked towards what other things this ‘Brandon Sanderson guy’ has written. For some reason I really disliked Mistborns description (it seemed very cliche to me, overthrow the tyrant), so I searched more and found TWoK, which I read and then WoR. Afterwards, gave Mistborn a try. So yeah, it all started with a friend dragging me into a library to read Steelheart.
  15. "So the plans in motion then?" Rashan asked once more.
  16. @I think I am here.'s character: @LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian's character: The crowd goes wild! Fabrial spotlights dance around the arena, lighting up the gargantuan crowd around it. People cheer, throwing up their signs and eating their hotdogs. And Rashan stands in the middle of it. His opponent, Cuthbert, stands on the opposite side, waiting to attack. Rashan smiles. This battle will be over quick. (Lopen has agreed he will fight tomorrow, and we both agreed to start the thread now. Can someone please volunteer to be a mediator?)
  17. Upon which he realized 'Butt' also sounded stupid. He then renamed himself Branfind the 14th.
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