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I think I am here.

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Everything posted by I think I am here.

  1. That would be great! All we need to do now is wait on Nohadon.
  2. I've replied to the thread, @Nohadon, so you can make your move. Would anyone like to volunteer as a mediator for this fight? @Kidpen, @Archer Or @Gancho Libre?
  3. Rashan fell on Naerman from the sky, wondering what was storming going on. “Hey,” he said, standing back up. “I’m so sorry for falling on you. What’s going on?”
  4. I think the WoK one could be referring to Kaladin's first chapter, where it is numerously mentioned that honour is dead. Of course, this turns out to be literal later
  5. "Devaan!" "Rashan!" "Devaan!" "Rashan!" Rashan stumbled through the stuffed grandstands, fans cheering for both him and his opponent. Storms, was he late again? He really needed to work on that. Well, at least this time wasn't his fault. The arena guard had insisted on Rashan having a contester-badge, for identification, and Rashan had lost his. Oh well, he was going to fight, whether the guard liked it or not. Rashan didn't tap steel, for he wanted to save it for the fight. With it, however, he could have zoomed by this mess of people, moving by as if time itself stopped. He tripped over an outstretched leg and found himself tumbling into a large horneater man. He was greeted with a hostile stare. Rashan gulped. He could handle this. "Uh, cheers, mate! Fancy seeing you here, Horneaters don't usually make up the most of my fans! Now, if you let me go by I might be able to sneak an autograph, eh?" Rashan wasn't from the roughs, but he'd read that the accent from those parts could sooth Horneaters, almost magically. From this Horneater's face, however, Rashan's sources were unreliable. "I go for other guy!" The Horneater declared, steeping forward, blocking Rashan's row and pushing him back. "I go for other guy!" Rashan looked down, then back at the Horneater, and then down again. He sighed. If he was a gold ferring, he could have jumped off of the row and onto the one below, and then heal from the fall as if nothing happened. If he was a pewter ferring, he could have knocked this horneater aside. If he was a duralumin ferring, perhaps he could have connected with the large man before him enough to let him pass. But most importantly of all, if he was a zinc ferring, he would be smart enough to avoid making the kinds of desicions he made now. But he was none of those things. He was a steel ferring, and, like it or not, he was about to make a very stupid desicion. The glass fell easily into Rashan's hand. Horneater lager, funnily enough. All it took was a simple flick of the wrist, a movement so fast it could be done in the blink of an eye, to send the drink right into the Horneaters face. "Ahoh!" The Horneater grasped at his face, moving far enough to make a gap for Rashan to speed through. So much for not tapping steel. As expected, the Horneater quickly recovered, and was now chasing Rashan through the grandstand. Fortunately, while the Horneater was fast, he wasn't a steelrunner. Rashan weaved through the crowd, expertly setting bystanders aside. He was a different person when he had his steel on. He aced through the rows, as whisperings of a speeding man followed him. Eventually, reaching the final row, Rashan leaped into the arena, coat trailing behind him. He landed with a thud on the sandy ground as the crowd roared in delight, evidently pleased at Rashan's dramatics. He smiled wanly as the Horneater who was chasing him gave up, puffing in exhaustion. Gathering himself, Rashan released his steel as the announcer boomed, introducing the contenders. Rashan glanced at his opponent, or rather opponents, as there were two men facing him down. Alright, Rashan thought as he cracked his knuckles, grinning. I'm here. Now let the fight begin.
  6. Autonomy CRUNCH: One small, cube-shaped block. Only one. You keep hearing how crunchy it is, though it runs away from you whenever you try to touch it. Runs away from milk.
  7. Ok, where to start with this? In Oathbringer, there are 3 letters addressed to Hoid, each from a Shard. The second one is confirmed to be from Autonomy. Here's an excerpt. This is Autonomy alright. The whole 'we are me' thing makes it obvious, as well as the fact that it's been confirmed. Now, the letter states that there is a planet called Obrodai, and 'a new avatar' of Autonomy is beginning to manifest there, who is young. It also mentions near the end to 'seek these waters' and to 'overcome the tests we have created.' Right, now we know what to look for. And we can find it in First of the Sun A quick search on Arcanum can show many WOBs that Patji is a Shard, and more that say Patji is an avatar of Autonomy. Doesn't this sound similar to the avatar that is mentioned in the letter. Maybe you're wondering what even is an Autonomy avatar. Here's a WOB to explain it. Okay, so Shards can do that. Now, what Shard would be most likely to create autonomous splinters on other planets, one that is known to have multiple personas, which could very well be aforementioned autonomous splinters? Autonomy! Autonomy mentions an avatar on Obrodai, and its confirmed there's an avatar on FotS (Patji), what's to say they can't be different? Well, a bunch of similarities, that's what! Remember, Autonomy mentions the Obrodai avatar as young and female, which contradicts the wise, old man thing that is associated with Patji. Well, Brandon has said Sixth of the Dusk is the latest in the Cosmere we've seen, and so it makes sense for the young splinter to become wise, and a gender-change wouldn't be among the most drastic misconceptions we've seen happen through time. Also, Autonomy mentions in the letter to 'seek these waters' and 'overcome the tests we've created'. This is where the idea of Obrodai (an early prototype name for what would become First of the Sun in the future) and First of the Sun being the same really cements for me. Which stories have had the most dominance of water and the ocean throughout what we've read? Why, First of the Sun, the world which is pretty much a bunch of islands! It makes sense for Autonomy to mention coming to FotS as seeking its waters, as that's what it mostly is. Also, keep in mind how deadly FotS is. Pretty much everything wants to kill you, making it a very dangerous place. Does this not sound like the 'tests' Autonomy mentions? After all, the islands on FotS, Patji especially, are BRUTAL, and all of its dangers do seem like a big obstacle course. What other ways would there be to earn a Shard's respect, especially one who isn't on the best of terms with Hoid. So, in short, what Autonomy mentions of Obrodai, and what we see of FotS seem way too similar, and it can only be guessed that they are, indeed, the same. (PS. Maybe this is actually really obvious and everyone knows it, and I just proved my stupidity by theorizing of it. Oh well)
  8. Was it completely random? Did it have to do with the vessels themselves, and their most dominant aspect? I don't think so. After all, Ati is noted to be kind pre-ascension. How about the shatterers emotions at the time of ascending? Maybe the shards stuck to what the vessels were feeling at that time? This could explain why people like Ati could still become evil despite being kind normally - an off day. Let's try to see the other shards: Skai - Perhaps the leader of the original Shatterers, and that's why he got Dominion. He was in a position of leadership at the time. Uli Da - Just imagine: Ultimate power. It's hard not to feel ambitious on what you could do with it. Tanavast - Maybe he swore he would use the power responsibly, so he got Honour. Leras - Maybe at the sight of so much power, he wanted to back down, maybe he thought it would change too much, so he got Preservation. Aona - Maybe was near a lover? Bavadin - Really hated Adonalsium, never wanted a chance of the Shards to come back together (Autonomy) What about others? I'd like to hear your opinions on this.
  9. Whoa, this is awesome! I would definitely play this. My vote's on #2.
  10. Awesome! My battle with Lopen kinda came to a standstill.
  11. Sign me up! I'll go as Itiah III, son of Itiah II and grandson of Itiah. Cautious like the rest of them, but loves to talk about his family history.
  12. Welcome! I don't know what else to say, but welcome! As for the raw levels of Herald power, I can only imagine what the Surges would be on steroids. Adhesion: I'm not sure, how one would do this physically, but maybe spiritually Connect to an entire country, knowing every single person in that's country's life story, know everything about that country, death customs, religions, and, of course, the language. Gravitation: Disconnect a mountain from it's gravitational connection to the Earth, instant floating island. Division: Reduce a mountain to dust, or spiritually divide everyone within thousands of kilometers. Abrasion: Make things more than friction-less, make them negatively affected by friction? (If friction was 1 and friction-less was 0, maybe the power would be to make things have a friction level of -1? is that even possible? What would that do? Make things go faster?) Progression: Effectively growing a mountain out of nowhere made of vines? Accelerate growth of plants above what the plant can actually handle, effectively creating incredibly large plants? Maybe completely heal everyone within a certain range? Illumination: Making a mountain-sized illusion. Transformation: Mountain-sized-soulcasting of anything, instantly. Transportation: Instantly go anyplace, no pesky Shadesmar middle-ground. Cohesion: We actually haven't seen what this does, so...? Tension: That 'make stone liquid' thing except massive, like mountain-sized.
  13. I haven't read any of the second era, so my choice is restricted to Era 1 and SH, but Spook's scenes in HoA made it for me. I had trouble between HoA and SH, just seeing what Kelsier was doing since TFA was really cool
  14. So, I've got a question, or an idea. Or both. So, you know fabrials, right? The SA contraptions that trap spren inside gems to do things? Well, you may or may not know that they also require metal to function properly. Every fabrial we've seen onscreen has not been without a metal casing, and so it can be assumed fabrials require metal, along with the following evidence: 1. Shallan only realizes the Oathgate is a fabrial from the metal: 2. Also, this quote from Navani's notebook: So, we've cemented you need metal for fabrials to work. So that brings up a question for me: What happens if you use Invested metal? Now, I like fabrials, but I'm far from being an expert, so I'm turning to you guys. I doubt a piece of iron feruchemically charged would have the same effect as a normal piece of iron, as we can see that the feruchemy actually changes the structure of the metal, allowing for its allomantic use to be different. The fact that an Invested and non-Invested metal makes a difference in Allomancy makes me believe it would create another difference in Fabrials. Maybe, since metalminds for Allomancy causes the feruchemical effect, perhaps using a metalmind for a fabrial would produce similar feruchemical effect. Again, this question also regards metals which have been charged with hemalurgy, as they would be Invested, and it makes me think what a fabrial with a hemalurgically charged base would be like. Also, although it would be inconvenient, it's also worth thinking of awakened metals. Used as a base for a fabrial, would the metal produce a different effect? Would the awakening of the metal affect the spren inside? All questions to ponder. So what you guys think? Is there any way some obscure form of fabrial theory can solve this conundrum?
  15. Storms, I don't want to die of inactivity! I can't honestly tell you what I think of some other players, as I can only keep track of so many things! But looking at the post directly above mine, Ari, for the same reasons the guy above me has said.
  16. 5 Days later, and Rashan arrived at a small town in the middle of this Selish desert, the unkeyed metalminds all but empty, their wakefulness and warmth, as well as their calories had barely been enough to help him survive. No steel though. He wondered what was happening on the other side of the world. According to the civilians, some action was going down. Rashan sat back on a straw chair one of the townspeople had set up for him. Apparently one of the people in this town was a forger. As much as he hated Selish magic, he couldn’t help but be curious on the possibilities that awaited him.
  17. Storms, another flood? Rashan grunted against the force of the flood, but before he could be crushed into the arena walls, he struck his shortsword into the ground, and holding onto it for dear life, managed to not get pushed away in fury. Don't give up now, hands. Not now. He then used his other weapon, his chain-blade, to create another anchor which he could hold onto, and brought his short sword along for another 'step'. Using this method, Rashan managed to move fairly quickly through the raging flood without any steel, when he got to the cubic shield his opponent waited in, Rashan plucked each of the rocks his opponent had defended from the waters and through them onto the roof of the shield, before hacking away at the thing. When he finally managed to break through his opponents defenses, not only was Cuthbert greeted with the force of his own flood, but also with the sharp and dangerous rocks now falling directly above, no longer being held with the shield roof Rashan broke ( @LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian)
  18. As Rashan's first spike produces an infinite amount of balloon animals, his second makes him float up and his skin glow in odd patterns, turning him into a human disco ball. To complement it, his third spike takes the from of some truly epic disco music.
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