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Everything posted by Flying

  1. Thanks. My friends were laughing at it when I showed it to them but I guess it's better than I thought it was
  2. I felt this on a personal level. I tried to draw Kaladin on my math notes a few weeks ago and it wasn't the best but I tried. His slave brands look like a storming tarantula just hanging out on his forehead.
  3. Sorry about that. Honestly, I bought the hardcover so my parents could easily also take it away from me and hide it somewhere.
  4. I don't think I could wake up super early because I hate the mornings, but I do the opposite and just start reading at midnight and stay up till like 3:00 instead. My mom gets mad at me when I do that, but she's never awake when I start reading so she can't stop me
  5. When you get your copy of Dawnshard, start freaking out in your room, and your mom opens the door and says, "You have school tomorrow. Please don't stay up till 1 am." (I missed the Kickstarter so that's why I got it late. It's available now on Apple Books though so that's pretty snazzy. I think Amazon should also have it out in a few hours.)
  6. @Aspiring Writer I love how in the third one that one guy is just described as "the human with a mullet".
  7. The cucumber one actually made me laugh really hard. I also like how the characters interact with each other; Dorian and Eiten seem like a duo that'd have a lot of funny interactions. And yeah, I'm honestly also using this as motivation to write more jokes because I have so many in my head that I just haven't written down yet.
  8. Alright, so I’ve been trying to write more lately, and even though I try to write serious scenes, I get distracted and end up writing the pieces of dialogue that I think are either weird or funny. I think it would be hilarious if we had a thread where we just posted scenes from our stories and gave absolutely no context at all. It’s kind of like those Youtube videos where they just edit shows and take random things out of context, except we’ll be doing it with our writing. I don’t even know if people are going to find these funny or not, but I’ll start the thread off with the parts of my writing that I just randomly think about and start laughing. Keep in mind that I’m not the greatest writer, but I have so much fun making my characters act like absolute dorks. Fair warning, I haven’t shown these to anyone so I have no feedback at all and therefore don’t know if they’re not funny/painful to read.
  9. When you've had this screenshot of a Google Hangouts conversation saved on your phone and have just laughed at it for the past few months:
  10. That's good to hear actually. Not gonna lie, I have no idea how to interact with people so whenever I write a post I basically feel like when Renarin tried to talk to Bridge Four for the first time.
  11. I made my account in like 8th grade, I think? I read the cosmere in 7th grade but I don't know if I made my account right after that. I'm a junior now though. And online school is the best thing ever because whenever the teachers told us to turn off our cameras and do our assignments I just didn't do it and reread Stormlight instead.
  12. I'm reading Ender's Game for the first time. I'm about halfway through, and I'm going to try to finish it before I get Dawnshard. I forgot to do the Kickstarter so I'm going to have to wait a few more days to buy an ebook, but I'm currently using Ender's Game as a way to keep me entertained until I can finally get Dawnshard.
  13. I think I win at being the slowest poster. I've had an account since 2017 and only have like 70 posts. I made my account in middle school and then I went to high school and the homework got so bad that I kind of gradually stopped posting here. Now I'm back because I'm incredibly excited for Rhythm of War and Dawnshard. Honestly, I'm also basically a lurker. Every time I'm about to post something I get nervous and reread it like thirty times to make sure it's decent. And then I end up deleting it because I don't like it
  14. This has basically nothing to do with the Skybreakers or Shinovar, but I randomly came up with the title Knights of Wrath and I love it. We already have Words of Radiance, which was an in world book about Surgebinders, but what if there was a book about Voidbinders? We don't really know much about Voidbinding other than it's connected to Odium and the Unmade, so we're probably going to have to learn more about it eventually. Odium basically just means hatred, so I think naming his "knights" after wrath is somehow fitting.
  15. Honestly, I kind of agree with that. The last Alcatraz book we got was in 2016 and Starsight was released last year. I like Skyward, but I think I want a clear ending to Alcatraz first because it's been so long since The Dark Talent. Of course, I'd probably want the sequel to Rithmatist before both of those, but I know that's not going to be for a while.
  16. I originally had one full shelf dedicated to Sanderson but that one grew over the years and now I have one and a half shelves. I organize by author and it's getting dangerously close to the point where I'm going to have to separate some of the other authors' books just so I can fit more Sanderson together.
  17. I don't know why but the first thing I thought of was a warform mole with carapace armor.
  18. I absolutely hate rope bridges. I don't really know the correct term for them but I think you can guess what I mean.They're always up high above a forest or something and you're always on one with someone who thinks it's funny to make the bridge sway to try to scare you. They think it's the peak of comedy, while meanwhile I'm worried the rope is going to snap and I'm going to fall off and die. I'm fine with bridges on the ground, but the moment someone tries to get me on one of those monstrosities I freeze up. I've only ever been on these types of bridges a few times (mostly on vacations, honestly) but I've watched too many movies where those things snap and someone falls off.
  19. I didn't see her. I must have went on a different day as her, cause I'm sure I would have noticed.
  20. I love the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo. There are six main characters, and two of them are female. One of the female characters, Inej, is one of my favorite non-Sanderson characters of all time. She has a lot of chapters in her perspective, if I remember correctly.
  21. When you go to Silicon Valley Comic Con and are disappointed because the most Sanderson-related thing you see there is your t-shirt.
  22. When your best friend is the type of person who promises he'll sneak Words of Radiance into the school dance so you can read it with him (it's the mass market paperback; there's absolutely no way we could have gotten in his hardcover copy), but then can't because his parents realize it's exactly the type of thing he'd do and then make sure all of his books are in his backpack before leaving. (This is really random, but I'm very proud to say that I put the original Pokemon theme song in the song request list. That is one of the only songs I would have danced to, but, unfortunately, the DJ didn't play it. Storming DJ doesn't know what storming music is.)
  23. When people at your school start shipping you with your Sanderfan best friend and asking you which character you're going to name your future children after. This isn't even as embarrassing as the time in 7th grade when people heard me talking about Brandon's books and just assumed that I had a crush on this guy named Brandon Sanderson because I said his name a lot when I was explaining the plot of Mistborn to someone who asked what it was about.
  24. I just finished A Darker Shade of Magic and am only on page twenty of A Gathering of Shadows. They'e not the most creative books at times, but they're really addictive.
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