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Everything posted by Flying

  1. Chickens as an invasive species sounds interesting. It reminds me of when I went to Kauai and there's just random chickens everywhere because they don't really have any predators there.
  2. Napoleon Dynamite is top tier humor. There was a guy I sat next to last year who would hide tater tots in his backpack and eat them during class... He'd never seen Napoleon Dynamite, though. It was tragic that he never understood why I would burst out laughing whenever he took the tater tots out. Also, naming a llama Tina is one of the things I've always wanted to do. I don't know what situation would cause me to get a llama in the first place, but that's awesome that your cousins have one named that.
  3. For some reason the idea of this makes me very uncomfortable. "Oh dear god" is basically my reaction as well.
  4. What if she wasn't walking? What if she was... running
  5. I accidentally saw spoilers and already knew he was going to die before I read it... That didn't stop me from crying, though. It was so heartbreaking seeing him leave, especially since he's a character I've cared about for years, but I love that we got to see him accept himself. His character arc is written beautifully, but I'm still going to miss him a lot.
  6. I'm 16 and I also sometimes act like a 10 year old.
  7. I saw this on Instagram and I love it...I feel like every class I've been in always has that one person who keeps asking other people for food.
  8. 1. The Stormlight Archive 2. Lord of the Rings 3. Death Note (I don't know if this counts because it's a manga, but it's one of my favorites. Reading this was very out of my comfort zone, and I'm still not exactly sure why I decided to read it in the first place. It's a lot darker than what I normally read, but it's absolutely genius. I love it.) 4. Kingkiller Chronicle 5. Harry Potter (I need to reread these... They were the first series I ever read, so I always include them on the list because they're nostalgic.) Honorable mentions: Six of Crows duology and Percy Jackson
  9. I have stolen goats back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the goat of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my goat. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most goats are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during the day. I have talked to goats, loved goats, and written songs that make the goats weep. You may have heard of me.
  10. I almost always write in third person, but I also have this one story that requires first person. Today I found a few pages of the story from 2017, and it kind of inspired me to rewrite part of it. I sent the rewritten version to my friend while I was writing it, so it didn't yet have the last few paragraphs where it says the main character's name. I failed to mention to her that this was the opening to a storyand for the first few paragraphs she thought the narrator of this was me. My friend stopped reading about halfway through and texted me, "Are you okay? You sound really strange in this." She thought I wrote this for one of those "About Me" projects at school... I'm not sure whether to be flattered that someone thought I could pass as Thomas Current, or really embarrassed because I could pass as Thomas Current. 

    Anyways, here's the "author's note" to Thomas Current Writes the Universe. I have no idea if I'll ever write the other parts of this, but my friend's confused/concerned reaction was amazing. And just because of that I need to show it to people. (Also, I wrote this in like twenty minutes. It probably needs some editing, but I hope it's still funny. If you're curious, the original version of this was Thomas monologuing about his love of magic systems for two whole pages, and I'll have you know that I'm saving those hilarious paragraphs for later chapters. They don't fit here, and they need to be shortened a lot, but I'll find a way to use them somehow.)


    An Author's Note

    Some tell me that I live more in the world of fantasy than in my own reality. This, ultimately, is wrong. I definitely live in the real world; I just don’t pay any attention to it. But I suppose that’s fitting, considering I’m a writer. Most of my days I spend locked in my room. The other days I spend hissing like a vampire because I have been forced to enter a place filled with lights other than the ones coming from my glowing computer screen. The outdoors are especially guilty of being full of bright, annoying lights, and somehow I always find myself dragged out into the unforgiving wilderness of my horrid neighborhood. Everything outside is disgusting. For example, plants: disgusting. Dirt: disgusting. My neighbor’s two-year-old son: doubly disgusting. At least, that’s what I think. Apparently I’m not normal, though.

    Sometimes I wish I could be normal. I’d be able to find joy in the simple things in life. Perhaps I’d be able to watch golf without being bored out of my mind. Actually, I’ve heard most people think golf is boring. I wouldn’t know, though. I am a majestic creature who creates worlds full of imagination, and my thoughts cannot be understood by mere mortals. Unfortunately, most of the time I also do not understand my own thoughts. 

    Up until this point, I’ve mostly been joking, and now I need to set some things straight. First off, I am not immortal. I am merely a mortal who is weirder than the other mortals. Second, I do not think plants are disgusting. They’re quite fascinating, really. And third: Timmy, you are not doubly disgusting. You are triply disgusting.

    Now that those things are out of the way, I can finally introduce myself. You probably already know, however. My name is probably in big letters on the cover of the book you’re holding. I haven’t published it yet, but I hope I’m right. I want my name to be in the largest font imaginable. I don’t care if that is too distracting and takes away from the beautiful art on the cover. You’ll all have to deal with it. I want people to know that I wrote this. No one else did. Nope; definitely not anyone else. The only person who could have possibly written this is me. And I am Thomas Current, your unbelievably charming and handsome narrator. 

    For now, all you need to know is that I am extremely charming and handsome. These are the facts that will be most relevant throughout the story, and I will do my best to remind you as much as possible that they are true. Despite what the other people in this account may say about the subject, do not believe them. My looks are equally as impressive as the brilliant mind I possess, and I’m sure that by now you are also in awe of the way I masterfully weave words together. 

    And while these are the relevant facts, I suppose it’s time I told you, dear reader, what exactly you’re reading. Behold, what lies ahead is the tragic and dramatic tale of a fantasy writer who was forced, against his will, to write a sci-fi novel.


    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad


      I definitely live in the real world; I just don’t pay any attention to it.

      I love this :lol:

      Good luck with the rest of it! It sounds awesome!

  11. Mine is in it's case and I always feel bad whenever I look at it, but also I'm too lazy to take it out and practice
  12. I used to be in marching band and play clarinet, but I left the band because my family was worried about Covid... I haven't really touched my instrument in a few months because of that, but I can probably still play it decently. My school also won our final marching band competition in 2019, so that's kind of cool. Also, I don't think I've ever seen someone play a contra-alto clarinet. I'm intrigued now.
  13. Now I'm always going to be looking to see if I can find any of the grammar changes you've made. I certainly made some changes when I quoted you
  14. You made me think I actually made a typo and said that I'd never read Brandon Sanderson... It took me a minute to realize you'd changed the words.
  15. I haven't read any Brandon Mull
  16. So my teacher told us we could leave the online class once we finished our assignment, but apparently we had to message him saying we were done before we could leave. He wanted to check our work so he could give us approval to exit the class, but I just left the class without asking because I didn't know... And then he personally sent me an email being like, "Please never do that again", and I can't decide between being terrified and laughing.

    This was like ten minutes ago and I'm laughing so hard, but I can also imagine the anger/annoyance on his face when he saw I left the class. What makes it even funnier is that I was writing a fantasy story while I didn't know I was supposed to still be in class, and I was just writing and saw this random message pop up that was like: "Next time, please ask me before leaving the call." 

    Anyways, that's been my last few minutes. I almost panicked, but it's honestly kind of hilarious that he messaged me about it and I was completely clueless. 

    1. Emi


      I feel you. I often leave my lessons too early as well. 

    2. Flying


      I'm totally not that person who sometimes misunderstands and accidentally leaves the class when the teacher's instructions were to just turn off the camera :ph34r:

    3. Bearer of all agonies

      Bearer of all agonies

      That happens to me all the time. :P 

  17. It's kind of weird, but I could probably go days without interacting with anybody at all, and I've loved the quarantine. I guess I'm just extremely introverted, but I don't even seem to notice when I haven't talked to people for hours. It's not that I don't like people; it's just my brain is too distracting and constantly coming up with random ideas for stories that require most of my attention. I also mentally talk to my fictional characters, and that might mean I'm probably insane, but that can keep me occupied and not feeling lonely for hours. I don't know if anyone else does that, but it's incredibly strange. Even when I'm having an actual conversation with someone, I can imagine my characters chiming in on the conversation, and sometimes I have to mentally scold them to shut up because they're distracting me too much or making me laugh. I'm pretty sure it's a method I use to build their personalities so that I understand them when I actually sit down to write them, but it's really weird.
  18. I'm glad someone else loves it as much as I do. I've had the account for years now, but it still makes me laugh whenever I see it
  19. I kind of like boba...Except I hate the boba pearls, so I guess at that point it's just milk tea. I accidentally drank too fast and choked on a boba pearl the first time I tried it. Wouldn't recommend doing that.
  20. I'm not going to try to contend for the title because I still haven't read the Silmarillion, but I do think I have the best LotR Quizlet account. My school makes us use this website for studying, and people always look so confused when they first see my account enrolled in their classes and it's this:
  21. I still have barely any social interaction because I'm doing online school and keep getting quarantined again... Personally, I'll normally be fine during the first few weeks of the school year, but then I'll continue socializing for months and get to a point where I suddenly feel really drained. And then the anxiety kind of builds off of that point because I never get a long enough break from school to calm myself down. Then once summer break happens I'm perfectly normal again, and the first few months of school when I get back are great. I think it could just be that after a break like quarantine you're kind of "recharged" and ready to talk to people, but then after socializing continuously your "social battery" starts to drain. I don't really know how to explain it, but the analogy of the battery is what my dad always uses when this happens to me. I could be completely wrong and this is not what's going on, but both of your posts about this sound kind of similar to what I experience.
  22. I'm kind of sarcastic as well, but I'm so quiet that when I do insult people, the joke lands incredibly well and it's great. People see me as this really timid and quiet person, but I can come up with a genius insult out of nowhere and it's absolutely hilarious watching people suddenly realize they chose the wrong person to try to make fun of. Most of the time I'm also joking... but it's really funny and I regret nothing.
  23. People at school either think I'm really weird and are concerned for me, or they think I'm adorable and treat me like I'm this incredibly innocent/happy person. There is no in between. I don't really intimidate people, but I'm pretty sure I make them uncomfortable because I don't really know how to respond sometimes when they're trying to talk to me... I also smile a lot for no reason, and people are either really creeped out by that or they think it's endearing. Honestly the mixed reactions confuse me even more.
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