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Everything posted by Wreith

  1. this from chapter 22 well after the copycat murders start. That's not to say that Ialai is for sure telling the truth, but until proven otherwise, I prefer to take it at face value.
  2. Parshendi are native to Roshar As per my previous post, human/parshendi hybrids existed pre shattering. I will grant that there's a tiny amount of wiggle room here, but I'm really kind of fed up with all the jumping at shadows *sigh* We have every reason to believe that the Listeners have always been on Roshar proper.
  3. I hate to get on here just to shoot this theory down because I actually like it, but Humans existed on Roshar before the shattering. Also, The Girl Who Looked Up ends with the storms tearing the wall down, which would need to be explained. I think maybe you should try to combine this theory with the Vorin tradition of humans being expelled from the Tranquiline Halls. I think the Shin were already present on Roshar and other humans may have been moved there later (or possibly vice-versa) The story would then relate to how they lost their original world rather than being as local as Shinovar separated from the rest of Roshar
  4. everything I see is still somewhat ambiguous. And I know there are WoB that the classifications on Scadrial may not bee entirely accurate
  5. I automatically assumed that they had water moving fabrials like Navani theorized about earlier, yes
  6. There are far too few WoBs on Emperor's Soul lol I think some of these questions need to be asked. I read through it twice in the past couple of days and I'm questioning my own existence. I wonder if it's possible to pull someone back from the Beyond? I really feel that what Shai does is cognitive, because so far that's where we've seen Identity, which is what she's changing. But Gaotona, while pondering towards the end, HEAVILY implies that the actual soul was gone. I'm wondering if maybe reestablishing a cognitive connection can pull the soul back. Though I feel like I've seen WoB that says the Beyond is IT, no coming back. I can't find it. EDIT: or, OR Maybe something about the combination of Shard Investure trapped in the cognitive realm means that all cognitive shadows last much longer. Maybe even 100 days, giving validity to the in world tradition of mourning that we see. SecretHistory:
  7. ooh ooh I need to go back and read now. Is there any indication of how long before a Highstorm they come up to pupate? Maybe they need to change spren in order to grow and thus REQUIRE a Highstorm like the Parshendi do. Maybe all spren bonded creatures do. Also, Eshonai was just fine in the Highstorm in Warform. I can't imagine a Chasmfiend having more difficulty than she did.
  8. No, this isn't true. This was something that Brandon Sanderson considered doing but did not actually write into the universe. I even remember an interview where he mentioned that HE forgot he didn't do that and had a scene he wrote for Oathbringer that he had to re-do after a beta reader pointed this out to him. Right. Navani determines in WoR that the gems are only necessary for the initial bonding. They don't maintain the bond. That's how Dalinar sets up his trap for Amaram with a Blade without a gem. Presumably, it would take at least 7 days to switch a bond to yourself by attaching your own gem. I don't know if that would even work, though.
  9. Flamestance is semi-one-handed from the Dual in WoR ch 14. Specifically described as better for shorter Blades
  10. Is Urithiru described as cut from the mountain? If it was soulcast or built from transported blocks or transitioned from the cognitive realm as some of the theories suggest, then this doesn't require a natural explanation. That said, The strata could have formed during the creation of the mountains at whatever point in Roshar's history as a landmass.
  11. It wasn't just a few pushes. He cut around the edge with the Shardblade he had at the time. But I'm not saying that's what happened exactly. I just want an adequate explanation of the crem since everything that would normally result in crem deposits doesn't reach the top of the tower.
  12. It occurs to me to wonder why Adolin would move the Blade but not the body. "If they weren't gonna take it, why not just leave it alone? Why throw it out the window?" Also, I agree that there would be no obligation to return it, but you're gonna be accused of murdering a Highprince
  13. I just re-read Szeth's interlude in WoR at the tower and he says Urithiru is above the clouds. Having been there multiple times, he would know. So I'm still curious
  14. On a basic level, I feel like the whole point of forging is that you don't create, only change what's there. The Grands do imply that she would be creating a new soul, but I suspect that's just ignorance not actuality.
  15. We do know. When they were trapped in the chasms exchanging stories during the Highstorm in WoR it comes up. Kaladin realizes that he was the one that killed her brother. obligatory: Assuming it was really her brother Which I believe to be a pretty safe assumption given the number of people who believe him dead and their knowledge levels
  16. It might be an unmade. We have WoB that not all Unmade are intelligent like the higher order spren that we know about. That said, we've not seen nearly all of the Ten Deaths which don't appear to be Unmade themselves. My vote is for something similar but different to the Midnight Essence.
  17. yeah, no. As far as I know there's no actual evidence. People are just taking it as given.
  18. Have you read the most recent oathbringer chapters? The theory is that there's also a theory that it's a Kandra, but that's pretty far out there. Most conversation on the subject seems to be happening in that theory thread though http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/61808-spoilers-did-we-just-spot-the-kandra/
  19. as far as I know, the most recent information is here http://variety.com/2017/film/news/brandon-sanderson-cosmere-dmg-1202407849/ with notes on the process here http://www.17thshard.com/news/brandon-news/dmg-options-entire-cosmere-for-film-adaptations-way-of-kings-and-mistborn-up-first-r301/ They are planned to be movies currently and should be in the script writing/revision phase though it's a much longer process than we would hope
  20. It assumes that she didn't die when we think she did, but then still died offscreen just more recently. Also assuming that the curse/boon ends at death. I don't agree. I would need it explained why Adolin was okay assuming his mom was dead without seeing a body.
  21. The only reason I would consider getting it is if it became apparent that there was additional material in it that I wouldn't have access to otherwise; which to my knowledge has not been the case with Shadows for Silence and Emperor's Soul.
  22. You haven't done anything for the greater good if you haven't given people the opportunity to agree with you. He killed Kaladin's men. No discussion. No explanation. No opportunity to say "Sure, you're right. You should have the shards" Do you think if he had said "Give me the shards or I'm going to kill your men" Kaladin would have hesitated at all? He unilaterally murdered people unnecessarily. His beliefs are irrelevant to this situation. If he had made his case and Kaladin had refused him, then his beliefs come into play and an argument can be made.
  23. I want a reality show that's just Brandon reading 17th shard threads
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