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Everything posted by Solant

  1. Kindle version, in the preface, Isaac Stewart is listed as Isaac St3wart.
  2. If mine doesn't appear at midnight, I'm setting it on fire. (Insert Kindle Fire joke here.)
  3. Sure, I've got your back. Hey, I've got some lasagne here if you're hungry
  4. You are a true hero, my friend.
  5. PTO scheduled . . Check. Fridge stocked with appropriate bachelor food. (Frozen pizza, Skyline chili spaghetti, Stouffers lasagna) . . . Check. Plenty of soda/coffee/Rockstar energy (my RL Stormlight) on hand. . . Check. Wife has school studies/ shopping dates with her friends scheduled. . Check Warbreaker/Wok/Wor/Edgedancer rereads completed . . . Check. My mind is ready. My body is ready. I can do this.
  6. Yep. I always thought Vstim was shady, too.
  7. Reading these posts, something occurred to me. Perhaps there is a direct parallel between surgebinding and voidbinding? What if, where with KR there is a voluntary bond between the spren and the user, in the case of the Fused it is a forced bond between the spren and the user. They could be corrupted versions of the very same spren types the KR bond. The spren themselves could be the actual voidbringers. This would explain the number nine vs ten radiant orders (no special spren to bond bondsmiths). I'm probably totally off, but the idea is interesting.
  8. Couple things. . No one has mentioned a possible POV from Navani or even Elhokar as tertiary 3 . . (While the reasons to suspect Jasnahs POV are near the end of the novel, these two just had an assumed dead family member show up totally unexpectedly). I'm leaning toward Navani. Also, Jasnah, as a Kholin, will fall under bridge 4 guardianship, so hopefully we can see some of our favorite bridgemen on screen that way.
  9. I find this to be extremely likely, especially if he is having a sympathetic "dumb" day and the plot leads him into a situation where his people cannot keep him isolated from non Diagramists
  10. Throw in a talking axehound and you have Roshars version of the Scooby gang.
  11. My money is still on the Sunmaker himself. He owned Oathbringer, attempted to unify Alethkar through war and was Gavilar's personal historical role model. He also was largely responsible for ending the Hierarchy and breaking up the Vorin church into separate devotaries. As to who he killed who loved him, we don't know his entire story yet. The title books have all been written by long dead authors so far, so I suspect the author won't be any currently living characters, but I may be wrong.
  12. My interpretation of that chapter was that she was blocking the pillar, preventing storm light from reaching it and therefore activating it (what better to block light than something called midnight essence?). As for the previous imprisonment, I suspect those black spheres we keep seeing have something to do with it. As for the line from the vision stating the inky things were midnight essence and not knowing who released it, I read that as they didn't know who released the essence itself, but I could be wrong.
  13. Oh, you're right, thanks. The part about passive stormlight was in response to the OP, btw
  14. I agree with your point, but wasn't Dalinar healed by one of them? Plus, I feel like passively transferring storm light to heal someone would mostly render regrowth redundant, so it seems unlikely to me.
  15. Think for a minute about Mraize and the blowgun, and his dialogue about learning the local weapons. If he got the honor blade, I'm sure it would end badly for someone
  16. I don't know if this was mentioned yet, so forgive me if I am repeating someone else, but did the heralds have spren? I realize it wouldn't be required since the honor blades granted surges so spren wouldn't be needed. I was thinking the unmade could be the corrupted, or "unmade" spren of the heralds after they had been broken 1 by 1 at the beginning of each desolation. This would explain the theory of each unmade corresponding to an order of radiants.
  17. Like a spiritual fingerprint or retina scan etc
  18. Also, it states that his scars won't heal, not his wounds. It could be implying that Odium is more likely to choose a champion due to previous mistakes, in which case if he loses, he only lose time instead of risking injury. Just a thought.
  19. For some reason I had just assumed the flash back with the archer was just a roundabout way of relating the story of how he earned his nickname. If I remember right, the arrows were black.
  20. Evi . . E V. Of course she is. Like Honor, Dalinar does not play with dice, and does not believe in coincidence.
  21. 1. I think the 9th sign thing is a red herring. 2. I think Venli is a more likely candidate than Eshonai. She was the one to seek stormform and even wanted to kill the listeners who refused it. We are still meeting new characters. There is always the chance we may not have seen Odiums champion on screen yet.
  22. This occurred to me. Maybe it is a Gemheart thing . . .anything with a gemheart can become a voidbringer? Is there a WoB on whether Listeners have them, as the species native to Roshar? I just want to know if they are playing Investiture: The Gathering.
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