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Everything posted by Agent34

  1. A Fullborn could certainly survive but not indefinitely. Compounding offers a vast amount of whichever attribute you want but it doesn't offer infinite amounts forever.
  2. I've looked on Arcanum (admittedly only under the "lerasium" tag) and all I've found regarding this is: https://wob.coppermind.net/events/64-firefight-phoenix-signing/#e894 Which notes that it contradicts earlier statements but disagrees with your statement.
  3. Why does that show inequality in the relationship? That's only referring to Vorin culture. If I remember correctly western Rosharan nations worship Cultivation.
  4. Welcome! Also an Aussie here, there are a few of us around. For Cosmere theories and discussions this is the best place to be and hopefully you enjoy your stay. A tip: be careful of the biscuits.
  5. They exist. They're different when compared to those of Era 1 but they're still around at night (or some nights at least).
  6. That might be less likely to work. Hemalurgy deals with the Spiritual and that seems like a purely physical situation, I don't think there's a spot in the spiritweb regarding how full your stomach is.
  7. The Natanatan people have Aimian blood so perhaps they have spren "blood" through Siah ancestors.
  8. Each Order does have a polestone/gemstone associated with it. They line up as shown here: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Ten_Essences (technically none of the Orders are shown but their Heralds are plus the attributes)
  9. Preservation. Assuming I get to choose the time and place I'd happily keep things as they were at that time, at least things within my personal life and lives of my loved ones. It's shortsighted and selfish but it's the Shard I'd choose.
  10. Humans and Aimians can indeed breed. The Natan and Babatharnam peoples have Aimian blood (presumably Siah Aimian). Source
  11. I may or may not have forgotten Hesina's eye colour. For some reason I thought she was lighteyed.
  12. Seeing the future does nothing unless you have what it takes to react to it and prepare for it.
  13. Why would atium make pewter pointless? Just because you can see the future doesn't mean your body can't use a boost.
  14. I'm guessing the duel with Adolin was the one RShara meant.
  15. He's ta'veren. One result of that is probability getting altered.Similar things happen with Rand and Perrin.
  16. I didn't say they didn't fight I said they're not front line warriors. A sword is less suitable for stealth and assassination than knives.
  17. Running out of metals is something any allomancer has to face, it's like running out of ammo. Why glass? It's easy to get, obsidian is less easy. Mistborn are assassins more than warriors on the battlefield, something heavier and larger would probably work against them.
  18. It'll give them independence with their power. Surgebinding seems like an instinctive magic system when it comes to use and learning.
  19. Echolocation would require two steps IMO, one for hearing and the other for producing sound used in echolocation. I think tin steals senses when used hemalurgically but that might be all senses rather than specific ones.
  20. If that were the case those growing vines would become light, emeralds are associated with Truthwatchers.
  21. I think it improves cognition to help the user not smash into walls/react faster but beyond that it doesn't give much of a boost.
  22. If I remember correctly the only mention of colours when we hear about Lightsong Returning was that he shimmered with colours.
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