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Everything posted by Agent34

  1. If you do have a biscuit just be sure to read the fine print beforehand. I'm Aussie too, probably should've said it earlier
  2. So far nicrosil has only been shown to store Investiture in regards to abilities so not sure if this idea would work in-world. It's a super interesting line of thought though.
  3. I've read Sixth. I just didn't picture such interactions as indicative of an interplanetary war or conflict.
  4. Weiss' Semblance fits best with AonDor out of the various Cosmere magics imo. Have you seen the most recent volume?
  5. I can really only answer this one but without the Stormfather there aren't really highstorms.
  6. It's possible he just has Taldainian sand.
  7. Yeah it's tricky to answer that kind of question without giving away spoilers.
  8. Elantrians could probably draw Aons on any equipment/tools to give them an edge. Not to mention Forgers.
  9. Aon Daa has only been used as an attack Aon. Where'd you get power enhancement from?
  10. I don't think we know enough about keenspren to start predicting. Especially since "keen" can refer to more than one thing. Edit: apparently one of the translations has keenspren as lamentspren so that clears things up a bit.
  11. Wasn't there a martial art in one of the broadsheets that helped a Leecher?
  12. Curves are also a kind of line. I'm not sure of why it was changed (although it may be because she was on her own as opposed to being connected with Jasnah) but I'm fairly certain it's Pattern.
  13. Brandon could've potentially gotten the name from there or perhaps they both drew from the same inspiration. The site is called Arcanum in reference to the Ars Arcanum at the back of many Cosmere books. Yup. Seventeenth is a group while the 16 proper Shards are more like gods/beings/forces. Hoid's goals are something of a mystery but they seem to involve intervention which is something the Seventeeth Shard isn't a fan of.
  14. Khriss wrote it, yes. But most require something more than knowledge.
  15. Since when do they have access to every magic system?
  16. Hmm... he seems to be a fullborn at that point so it'd be a good fight to watch (at a distance). Assuming TLR isn't holding back due to arrogance he might have the advantage due to experience and potentially greater feruchemical stores but then again there's not much chance Kel will hold back against him.
  17. Is that Kelsier with the Bands or at the time of? Mistpoint Vin was able to fight Marsh in the books but I'm pretty sure he didn't have as many spikes... W&W gets my vote, Nazh and Khriss are awesome but we don't really know what they can do in combat.
  18. To steal surgebinding/a nahel bond you'd need to spike the surgebinding and their spren, it's a little tricker than regular stealing. Since hemalurgy is one of the Metallic Arts like the other Scadrian magics you'd need a metal spike even though you're stealing something from another world.
  19. Aslydin is a woman in a relationship with Demoux. I'm afraid I can't recall the specifics of their relationship like when they got together, apologies. The Seventeenth Shard is an organisation in the Cosmere. We don't know too much about them but their agents/members are worldhoppers, Demoux and Aslydin being two. The other 16 Shards are the pieces of Adonalsium like Ruin, Preservation, Honor etc. we don't know all of them though. Silverlight is a city that exists in the Cognitive Realm.
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