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FelCandy last won the day on November 16 2021

FelCandy had the most liked content!

About FelCandy

  • Birthday March 13

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    Phoenix, AZ
  • Interests
    Art, Books, Gaming

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  1. Happy birthday! :D

  2. Happy birthday! 🎉🎁🎂

  3. Happy birthday @FelCandy, have a nice day!

  4. The fourth annual Cosmere Inktober is just around the corner, and we are excited to share the 2022 prompt list! If you are not familiar with Inktober, it was started as a challenge to practice inking and drawing habits over an entire month. This challenge is a personal journey for artists to follow set prompts and improve on drawing skills but has become a worldwide event with many different versions of prompt lists and themes. This year I have created a list of Cosmere-themed prompts and am posting it early to give fan-artists time to plan ahead! The rules are simple: Make a drawing in ink (or any medium you wish) Post it on social media (or on your fridge) Hashtag with #CosmereInktober2022 (you can also use #CosmereInktober and #CosmereInktober22) Repeat for 31 days! (or more?!) These prompts and rules are not set in stone, feel free to create whatever you wish! Take as long or as short as you want for your creation. In past years, we have seen ink drawings, paintings, digital art, calligraphy, and poetry; the possibilities are endless. Just have fun and join the Cosmere community in creating wonderful fanworks for our favorite books! Please also note, this year’s prompt list was designed to look like a broadsheet to celebrate The Last Metal coming out, but don’t feel compelled to only do Mistborn fanart. It is open to fanart of any of Brandon Sanderson’s works! Happy Drawing! -FelCandy
  5. Happy birthday, most impressive of artists!

    1. Morningtide


      I was about to say the same thing! Happy Birthday!

    2. #1 Taln Fan

      #1 Taln Fan

      Happy birthday!

  6. I am glad you like it! Which piece are you using if I might ask? Here is a drawing of Cord that I did a little while back
  7. I am learning how to do lighting, gonna use this sketch of how I imagine Megan from the Reckoners. and another sketch of my OC Dominique
  8. Welcome to the third annual official Cosmere Inktober, which begins October 1st. If you are unfamiliar with Inktober, it is a month-long drawing challenge that focuses on ink-based mediums, traditional and digital alike. Every day of October, people from around the world draw their interpretations of that day's prompt. This year we have a Cosmere-themed prompt list available a month early, to give those of you who would like to participate a chance to plan out your daily drawings. The official rules from the Inktober website are: Make a drawing in ink (you can do a pencil under-drawing if you want) Post it Hashtag it (we are using the hashtags #cosmereinktober, #cosmereinktober21, and #cosmereinktober2021) Repeat These rules are not set in stone, so if you want to use any art medium, go for it! If you don’t want to post your artwork, that is ok! You can do as few or as many of the prompts as your heart desires. The challenge is to be consistent and form good habits with your artwork. Make something beautiful! If you would like to browse some of last year’s Cosmere Inktober, here is a link to a collection on Instagram, though Tumblr and Twitter saw a decent number of submissions last year too.
  9. Thank you so much! I will try to do more Elantris pieces in the future, I love that whole story and world! I was inspired by the Cosmere Shard drawing challenge going on a while back, but didn't have the time to complete them, *sadface* EEE thanks Ene, I love this comment. Thanks for checking out my work, but keep in mind, there is a "no unsolicited critique" rule in this section, see below! And here is a new sketch I did the other night, had some free time and was trying out a new style. Sorry it is so dark.
  10. Thank you so much for your kind comments! Sorry I haven't been too active, I started school in January and haven't had much time for art this year. Here is a little sketchdump: (not sure if I've already shared this here, because I drew it late last year.) Devotion Dominion Very recent sketch of Azure I have some more RoW drawings, but I won't post them for a little bit. EDIT: Oh wait, I did share that Vin. Okay let me make it up to you and add this: Rushu sketches!!
  11. Happy birthday, art goddess!!! Hope you have a great one. ^_^

  12. I started falling behind due to a migraine that lasted a few days. Oh no! I will try to catch up quickly! Day 12. BETRAYAL Day 13. CLEVER Day 14. RADIANT
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