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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Copy all, you might update the first post to clarify ":These are things I read and enjoyed, and I would like to see if others have also read or enjoyed them" or something to that effect. But can you see the confusion? The top says "Mark the books you have read. (Even if it is just one in a series)" - PJatO and HoO are both in Riorden's extended Mythologyverse. So, as you explained, some see them as separate series - while others see them as 2 parts of 1 series (that also includes Gods of Asgard, Cane Chronicles, etc. - Just as the Cosmere can be considered a Series comprised of other series). I have no problem with the choice(s) you made, I just wanted to understand them (since there seemed to be discrepancies - e. g. Ender's Game). Also, have you seen the "What are you reading" and "Reading Recommendations" threads?
  2. You have Percy Jackson on there twice (Percy [and the Olympians] and Heroes of Olympus). You mention only Ender's Game, but not the wider Enderverse (see picture at that post), and you mention Carrie but not other Stephen King books. Does "Legend" refer to "I Am Legend?" Also does HHGttG only mean book one, or the series? And you mention Lord of the Flies but not other classics like 1984, Animal Farm, Watership Down or Catcher in the Rye - or even Classic Speculative Fiction like Asimov, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, etc. This list seems confusing and incomplete. Can you elaborate on what you chose to list and why?
  3. Fortunately, we have a (partial) answer to this already. WoB: I think that this, particularly, would heavily factor on a case-by-case basis. For example, was the individual born sighted or not? How recently has the blindness occurred? etc. The five sense concept is a fallacy (or at least incomplete reasoning) and they would also be able to engage proprioception, equilobrioception, etc. In fact, for some applications, this may even make them more effective, especially if they are adept at providing multiple "senses" as part of their "visualization" (Mistborn Spoilers):
  4. I was referencing a different part of the same Scene (Ch 46): Which, to me, seemed the difference between it snagging the thin end of a bough (low enough and far enough out to be close to Vi's hand) vs the other two examples that were larger branches. But, I agree that awakenings can be strong, I was only trying to show how different examples from teh same person seemed to show slightly different tensile strengths in the Awakening based on how well the Command and Visualization were executed.
  5. Especially if you learned them through the Tom Lehrer Song.
  6. TSM is still in the spoiler period, please edit your quote box into a spoiler box.
  7. Unfortunately it's not a simple question. Likely because it does depend on multiple factors, such as the material awakened, the size of that material, the Command and visualization and the number of breaths. Looking at examples: Awakened rope constructs are mentioned by Vasher as having been used in the Manywar to hurl boulders - but - A short awakened cloth by Vivenna was barely able to bend a tree branch - but - Another cloth by Vivenna was able to carry a full cup of liquid, then later was able to choke out Tonk Fah Using Vivenna's exampes (since it shows multiple by the same actor), we see that early, when her Commands are not well developed the Awakenings have much less "power" to act on those Commands - as she improves, the dexterity improved (not that lifting a cup of water is heavy - but moving with it is certainly dextrous for a napkin) - and finally, it exerts enough pressure to not only cut off Tonk's airway, but be difficult for him to get fingers under the cloth to try pulling it away. Unfortunately, we don't have enough data (numbers) to calculate from any of those examples - but we do see that the long wall-hangings lift people easily, while the bloke's cloak (ch 14), while long for a cloak is much shorter than the wall hangings, was only able to lift him a few feet to see over the line at Court (though that may have been the desired effect).
  8. And Birthdays are also a form of Personal Identifying information (PII) that is a common target for malicious actors, and having them sent in notifications means they are also sent by email to people that choose to receive emailed notifications. Since following a person does not require their consent, you would potentially be opening sombody else's information for intercept or expoitation through multiple streams of data-in-transit. Like they say in Exo (paraphrased) "It's not the liklihood of something going wrong, it's the consequences of something happening." Is potentially having a friend hacked or identity stolen worth the cost of spending a minute to look at the info or setting reminders for yourself (offline) if it is that important for you? Edit: I should probably note that this is why on sites like this I always use a false data for PII, so even if <somebody> received notifications about the Birthday in my profile, it would not actually be my birthday . . .
  9. Welcome to the Shard. Here are some tips and trick you may not yet know (as each forum is slightly different): Even if you are in the Spoiler Zone, you have to avoid spoilers in the thread titles - because those show on the main page synopsis and "last post" summary. Consider, for example, an older Spoiler Zone thread where the title avoids spoiilers: Physics of the SP4 Planet (because the name "Canticle" is also a Spoiler).
  10. Sorry to be contrarian, but that sounds aweful. If something like that was implemented, I would hope it required the permission of the followed individual.
  11. It's implied that his eyes changed from Alethi-shaped to Terris Shaped because however he had changed his appearance ended with his death. We do not know what methed was used to change his appearance, but please notice that Felt also does not appear to have "shin eyes" when we see him on Roshar (though if appearing with his natural Scadrian Eyes, they would have been described as such) Dalinar remarks on his lack o fheight, but says nothing about his eyes. It is likely they are using similar methods of "blending in" I don't think it is Connection, alone, that causes physical changes in a host - though I would guess that Connection is at least part of the equation. When we see Shai use the Shaizan soul stamp, it creates physical changes in her body - but that soul stamp is afecting her spiritual Identity as well as her Connection (and possibly other metrics). We see Yumi change Painter's body, but while her Spiritweb was Connected to his body by the hijo, the reason it changed was explained to be her level of investiture and the fact that her Identity overwrote the body's Identity while she was "in residence" With the Returned, we see both greater and lesser changes (as well as unintentional changes) but Vasher explains it as being solely due to Divine Breath (level of investiture) and Identity. References: My take is that Identity is the stonger component to affecting physical changes in the host, but Connection can help/reinforce that aspect.
  12. I did not say that the D'Denir were 1 Breath lifeless (though they probably used the same Command, and just needed more breath for it to work due to the lack of flesh), I posited that the process would be to make a 1 Breath Lifeless, then soulcast it. Thank you for the reference though. Right - investing the Lifeless so that it can move the stone - nearly the same thing I said (in more words). Also (Annotations to Warbreaker): Because you are Awakening the entire thing (with a Cognitive Identity of being "one hybrid Lifeless") you are investing the Lifeless and stone to move (thanks to the joints mentioned in your WoB) which is why that breath can also be partially recovered - because it is not the primary Awakening that makes the core artificial soul of the Lifeless. But you have a good point, if the breaths are not enough to make the joints supple enough to move, you would liky have to "edit" the joints in the Soulcast Lifeless Statue. . . Resealing is a type of Forgery that allows healing done in the process to remain after the Resealing stamp has expired. So, it would seem that at least some changes not directly due to the stamp can remain. Maybe.
  13. Wouldn't a better approximation of Kalad's Phantoms be to: Awaken a Lifeless Soulcast into stone Awaken the stone to allow the lifeless to move This is the same as the D'Denir statues that still have a 1 Breath Awakened skeleton in the center. but can't follow Commands until the stone is Awakened with enough Breath to allow them to act.
  14. I feel like all of our (reptitive) discussions about Moash and Morality say much more about each person's morality scale than we can ever say about the character himself. I also think that's a good thing. Where each of us draws lines on betrayal vs. fidelity, murder vs war, redemption vs recidivism helps each of us see the world through each other's eyes and recognize that there are perfectly valid points of view that do not necessarily match our own.
  15. We have a 90% solution for the timeline. I think the only unknown (unconfirmed) is Tress, which most likely comes after Yumi (because the Climax of Tress not shown to be a part of Hoid's events in Yumi) Notes:
  16. Just keep in mind that the Rithmatist sequels aren't really waiting on "time to complete" so much as "waiting for right co-author" - as discussed here.
  17. Who is "you" in this? Your pronouns require antecedants. If you mean "Alder" you might want to notice that the theory of different forms being the progentors of different human/singer hybrids is not his theory. In fact, he was arguing against that theory: Dofurion (the OP): Alder's initial respoonse: So, please clarify exactly what it is you are arguing against.
  18. I do get the newsletters for Kobo and Barnes and Noble - but that's usually spam (even if it does pay off once a year or so). More often, I'll go looking for something else entirely; and, before checkout, I'll look in the "wishlist" and see X, Y, or Z happens to be on sale. Since I am in no rush at all, I have no problem waiting 12-15 months (or more) for the best time to buy the ebook duplicate of a physical book I already own (for example, I recently picked up Defending Elysium and Skyward epub because they both went on sale when Defiant released - but I have no plans to pick up the Defiant ebook until/unless I can get it for under $10 (the price will remain inflated while the only physical version available is hardcover, then it will drop shortly after the softcover release - if pattern holds)).
  19. Put any typos here. --- I know we generally don't have a typo thread for a Curiosity, but since the first one I found was in the eBook CSS, I wanted to make sure to share it in case it is affecting readability on some devices. That said, I downloaded the epub and kepub both and they both have each instance in the CSS of selector "line-height:" misspelled as "line-heigh:". The "hyphens: none;" selector also showed an error, but that may just be compatibility. I'll update here if I find anything else.
  20. Because the solution to "Too many Moash threads" is a new Moash thread? Chaos is obviously Returned and will always be in charge. . . More seriously though, as @alder24 and @Duxredux have said, each Fandom has those threads that always pop-up over and over. The best you can hope for is something like this post compiling the references and that at least some of the new fans will find it and get their questions answered by reading discussions in-progress and/or completed (or at least having a place to which you can point them for answers/ideas/opinions). Have you yet discussed why you think this way in any of the many many threads? (A quick search did not find any posts with Moash + Travesty, except this post).
  21. Oh, I certainly have not done it for all of my books. . . but certain authors I don't mind supporting by buying twice (Sanderson, Butcher, Weeks, Hearne). But I also did it slowly, over years; so I could buy most "duplicates" on sale (for example Mistborn Era 1 is the Omnibus version and IIRC it was 35% off when I bought it in an "Omnibus and Anthology sale"). It was less "go out and re-buy the Cosmere in eBook" than "Oh, another sale - are any I need cheap?"
  22. Update (double post due to age): I have now added the Annotations from the website to Mistborn Era 1 (mimicking the Warbreaker set-up, with some tweaks I made to all four books) So now, if you just page through normally, it will go through the whole book, Ars Arcanum, then all annotations. But if you want to jump back and forth (Prologue, annotations to the Prologue, Ch 1, Annotations to Ch 1, etc) then a link at the end of each chapter will take you to that annotation, and links at the end of each annotation allow you the coice of returning to the chapter you left, or proceeding to the next chapter. Now, I have added Hope of Elantris to Elantris 10th anniversary and am working on adding those annotations as well.
  23. I cheat - I have all of the eBooks and use Calibre on my PC - so searching is super easy. . .
  24. Technically, that was Alonoe. The Sorceress is Riina, still one of the Ire in Secret History - just not the one carrying the Connection Orb. M:SH Ch 5-3: Alonoe was the mark, Riina was the one to notice the empty robes on the ground. . . Elantris/SA Spoilers
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