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Everything posted by PeterAhlstrom

  1. I guess that's what I'll need to sift through.
  2. Okay, all, has anyone written up a wiki page titled "stuff Brandon has revealed completely outside of the books" with references? Because that would be, you know, totally useful.
  3. Sir_read-a-lot, check earlier in the thread.
  4. You guys are awesome. I am not worthy of your awesomeness.
  5. Is there anywhere I can watch it online legally? I looked a little but came up empty.
  6. Who hasn't? If you haven't, you must. Her books are in the fantasy canon.
  7. I need 5 trivia questions about Alcatraz. Best to focus on the first book. And these should be fairly easy and amusing if possible; it's for a display at a library.
  8. Brandon says he thinks he was close to the end. I think he was at about the halfway point. There isn't an outline but I will discuss some things that would have happened.
  9. Can someone help me figure out what question and who Brandon was replying to when he wrote this: @tritlo The publisher in the country you want to translate. Look on my rights page for info (at the bottom): http://awfulagent.com/jabclients/sanderson" @tritlo If it's not in your language yet, it's tougher, as you'd have to find someone to buy the rights and publish it. #torchat I can reconstruct the question as being something like "who should I contact if I want to translate one of your books" but it definitely wasn't tritlo who said it. Meh, this actually looks like answers to two separate questions.
  10. I'm not totally sure what Wax meant when he said that.
  11. The number is sequential since the founding of the broadsheet.
  12. Yes, but his cape is the wrong color.
  13. The 1,0000 and 1,0000,0000 rule applies as well.
  14. Note that the letter values there were not canon and have changed since then. Also, this article may help you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_numerals
  15. Just do ads. They're easy to ignore.
  16. There's an issue with conservation of momentum with speed bubbles.
  17. I wonder if Miles burned gold too often and one day switched personalities with his criminal self without realizing it.
  18. So you're saying you want Brandon to take a voice recorder with him on tour and turn it on whenever someone asks him a question.
  19. I have played Magic, but I don't generally play Magic. I occasionally go to a convention with Brandon but haven't gone on tour.
  20. What? No. I just put up chapter 12 this morning! Plus I dropped something off for the #alloyofline folks last week.
  21. Site admins will be at tonight's signing, so tomorrow maybe they'll post what they should have asked but forgot.
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