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Everything posted by PeterAhlstrom

  1. It shouldn't be considered canonical at all. For me, what's interesting about it are the obvious differences. For the things that this tells us that are not yet contradicted by the current version of the series, it's best to assume that they do not exist in the current version.
  2. Not that it's exactly relevant to this discussion, or canonical, but you should read the new deleted scene I put up today.
  3. Is Shallan connected to Cultivation? Given that we don't know much about her, this could be possible. Given that quote, very interesting idea.
  4. n can change to r through rhotacization. They have the same place of articulation.
  5. Have I really never mentioned chapter 75's title before? I guess I got tired of waiting for someone else to notice it. Sorry, it's one of those things that when I realized its significance, I was jumping up and down.
  6. Look at the title of chapter 75. I think there has been a thread on this before.
  7. I don't know if Brandon read any of the Worthing books. They are among Card's lesser known works. I haven't read them myself, and I've read a lot of Card.
  8. It doesn't hurt that Dan's wife already speaks German.
  9. I assumed it was related to Adonai.
  10. The Taravangian reaction was hilarious.
  11. It's not getting pushed up. Even as it is, there will be a little less time for copyediting and proofreading than THE GATHERING STORM had. The book will come out on January 8th.
  12. Those creatures in the image are something specific. RAFO.
  13. I didn't list it as middle grade fantasy. That was me quoting Brandon—the Theoryland database is missing some info from Brandon's posts in that thread. (But I don't think it is Cosmere.) Typical fantasy races are passé, but dragons are just cool. You can't deny it! And you should read the Temeraire novels by Naomi Novik...
  14. There is an official typos thread. These have all been fixed in the paperback.
  15. That's when I put the book down (years ago), and seeing the rest of what you posted, I'm very happy I never picked it back up.
  16. I'm reading Leviathan Wakes, still early in the book. Solar system space opera, typical "belters vs. inner planets" plot so far, save for some hints in the prologue, but I'm enjoying it.
  17. Hilarious. Let me know if this person does Way of Kings.
  18. It's the name of the book. A trilogy name has not been decided, but it could end up the same, or something like Epics or Reckoners (both of those could also be possible sequel names). Not that Brandon has said any of that; that's just my own thoughts.
  19. Some Sharders already read Steelheart early in 2011. Now you are jealous, but who are you jealous of?
  20. If you have a book with a binding error, you should be able to exchange it at any bookstore that has a new copy. They return it to the distributor for a full credit. There were three printings done before release day.
  21. Those black ones in the image are from Well of Ascension...
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