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Everything posted by PeterAhlstrom

  1. I think Brandon walked a fine line with the epilogue. It was a big risk, but I think the fan response has by and large shown he took the right tack.
  2. If there's a mistake in a book, we fix it in the next printing or next edition.
  3. Photos from the line. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.284719441563016.78672.100000748864903&type=1
  4. Someone on Facebook says there are people camped outside the bookstore in tents already. Any of you there?
  5. You should reencode it to make it smaller. In iTunes you can use the AAC Encoder at 32 kbps, 22.050 kHz, voice filtering, mono, VBR, optimize for voice. The filesize will go waaay down and it will sound pretty much the same. It will be an m4a file but everyone can play those nowadays.
  6. Okay, when Valerie called asking for important Mormon holidays to list on a calendar (I told her just Pioneer Day beyond the standard Christian holidays), I had no idea pinups were going to be involved. LOL.
  7. Here's one from Facebook. Ben Algar Brandon. Reading through TWoK atm. Stumbled upon something that caught my eye and felt rather clunky. Page 66 - "The captain laughed, waving her farewell as she made her way down the gankplank, holding the railing with her Freehand..." A brief perspective on Safehands and her dress ensues which ends in "...she carried her satchel by pressing it to her chest with her Safehand while holding the railing with her freehand." Thought you might wanna hear about it (lol even if it's like the 200th time); I remember you saying we fans can take a Red Pen to your Books
  8. ...Somehow when I got it in my head to post this question, I forgot that Brandon had already signed 400 books.
  9. We need some good lines from the Alloy of Law that Brandon can write in people's books. The only one I can think of off the top of my head involves shooting a dog in an interesting place. Mi'chelle mentioned one a while ago but it wasn't really quotable in that way.
  10. I probably can't clarify it. I don't know the answer.
  11. I didn't come up with it. I think I read it over on Westeros or Tor.com.
  12. Any series that has Puu can't be taken too seriously. The previous series had the Jiggle-Butt Gang, for goodness' sake.
  13. I've read a theory that Ambrose makes it up to first in line to the throne and Kvothe kills the king for some good reason, putting Ambrose on the throne. Which makes Kvothe really depressed. I like this theory.
  14. We're watching Bleach and just caught up to Viz's 67-episode gap on Hulu. So now we have to wait. =\ Which means we're back to watching FMA:B. We had stopped at episode 6. We watched about half the original series years ago but got distracted. And we have over a dozen volumes of the manga. I think we have got to watch Bebop soon though, maybe after FMA:B. Karen has never seen it at all.
  15. Does that surprise you? I have the same view of (recent) Eddie Murphy or Wayans brothers movies, and some people accept those as comedy. People have different tastes.
  16. I put up one chapter per week, usually on Monday. There are 22 chapters total. After that I'll probably start putting up the Alcatraz annotations.
  17. There are meant to be sequels, y'know? But you have hit upon the one reason that a certain somebody didn't cover quote the book. Note: I haven't read it. I think I'll wait until there is an ending to the story.
  18. I liked the first episode of Fairy Tail when I saw it at Dragon*Con. (But I also liked the Rave Master manga.)
  19. No, it doesn't apply to people who you can physically hand a copy to, as long as they also understand the restriction.
  20. I'm flabbergasted. I don't know what exactly the contract says, so I don't know if what they've done is legal. Anyway, a number of Tor authors and authors from other SF/F publishers (including Penguin/Ace/Roc; the story above is about a different genre) sell smaller projects by themselves on the side. It doesn't seem to be an issue. The types of contracts Brandon gets generally have right of first refusal clauses. He couldn't sell Scribbler to another publisher because Scholastic had first refusal rights for his next children's novel (and YA counts as children's). So he eventually sent them a proposal for Steelheart, which they turned down mostly due to them knowing they wouldn't be able to satisfy Brandon as a publisher due to the Alcatraz problems. That freed up Scribbler to go to Tor (as THE RITHMATIST).
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