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dhalagirl last won the day on February 21 2012

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About dhalagirl

  • Birthday June 24

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  1. (The admins gave me permission to post this so please don't freak out.) I recently, and quite unexpectedly, had to replace the clutch in my car and the cost of repairs ($1,100!) is forcing me to sell some of the stuff in my stash of Brandon-related ephemera. I hate parting with any portion of my collection but I want this debt off my back more than I want to keep these items to myself. I've put up for sale three sets of the postcards and character cards from The Reckoners. Each set contains: three holographic postcards (one of each city) and three character cards (Prof, David, and Megan). These came from a prize box of promotional items for the series that a friend of mine won a few years ago in a contest. They kept what they wanted and gave the rest to me. These three sets are the extras that I've been hanging on to. I have pictures of everything on the ebay page. Obviously the money I'm making off of these will only pay a small portion of the repair bill but it will help. Here's the link: https://www.ebay.com/itm/293088644565
  2. It was so amazing! The temperature dropped quite a bit, the sky was a gorgeous, dark periwinkle blue, crickets started chirping, and it was so quiet...until everyone at waterfront park started cheering. The solar flares were so clear and huge! Such an unforgettable experience!
  3. I have two bits of good news. First is...I'm back slontzees! I've been away from the shard for about 6 years so I could work on my writing career. That brings me to my second item. My debut novel, The Moonflower, is now out! *Muppet flail* If you want to check it out I have all of the info here on my blog.
  4. I live in the path so I'll be watching (with proper eye protection) from my front porch. If you're in Oregon you're welcome to watch with me. I'm in Salem. PM me for the address.
  5. So...I had the most awesome lunch on Tuesday...with Lee Moyer, his assistant, PDXTrent, my boss, Ken Scholes, and Brandon. I'm still squeeing. Also, I have five Steelhunt codes to give out at my store. They're so pretty.
  6. I spent most of last month reading Ken Scholes' short fiction. I highly recommend any of the Santaman stories and Of Metal Men and Scarlet Thread and Dancing with the Sunrise. They're absolutely beautiful. I also finally read Kiss the Dead by Laurell K. Hamilton and it was meh. Now that the big baddie is gone there isn't enough tension to distract me from her choppy pacing. Right now I'm reading AMoL and I'm taking my sweet time about it.
  7. Forgive me for saying so but 6-7 years isn't very long when you consider the length of time the series has been out. I've been reading it for fifteen years and even then, I'm still a relative new comer.
  8. Last week I took some time to ruminate about how I felt about the impending release of A Memory of Light. The Wheel of Time has been a part of my life for a very long time and in some ways it feels like a dear friend has been given a terminal prognosis and we only have X number of days to say goodbye. I wrote about it on my blog. Feel free to share you feelings in this thread. I suspect that I'm not the only one that's having a difficult time saying goodbye.
  9. Yeah, there Molly didn't have a big visible role but neither did anyone else. This is Harry's story, Harry's dilemma, and everyone else is support staff. Besides, the events concerning Molly's training in Ghost Story plus Molly's page in the 2013 literary pin up calendar foreshadowed the ending of Cold Days. He didn't need to do a lot with her in this book because he'd already set it up. On a related note, if I remember right there is supposed to be at least one short story about Molly that's supposed to go into her training a bit more, but circumstances out of Jim's control *cough-GRRM-cough* have postponed the release date.
  10. Ditto. I finished it this morning and...wow! I didn't think he could top Changes, but dang it, he did. I think that book gave me a geekgasm. In other reading news, I finished Mainspring and it's so darn brilliant. Poison Flower by Thomas Perry is fantastic. He really upped the stakes and it made the book soooo goood. This month I'm going on a Ken Scholes binge. I read the Santaman stories today (I highly recommend If Dragon's Mass Eve Be Cold and Clear) and I've moved on to his short story collection: Long Walks, Last Flights and other Strange Journeys.
  11. I can't make it to the release party but I'll be at the Portland signing in February.
  12. As far as I'm concerned, any Gir fan is welcome. Let's make buscuits!
  13. I loved The Blinding Knife. It's just as brilliant as The Black Prism. In other literary news, I've fallen in love with Michael Chabon's writing prowess , I really don't like Stephen Erickson's style , and Seanan McGuire's Discount Armageddon is a lot of fun . Currently I'm reading Jay Lake's Mainspring and I'm really enjoying it.
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