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darniil last won the day on December 4 2011

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About darniil

  • Birthday March 15

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    Canton of Cartography
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  1. On Brandon's page (https://www.brandonsanderson.com/the-way-of-kings-leatherbound-kickstarter-sneak-peek/), it says MST, but here it says MDT. Which is correct?
  2. I must apologize for this, but it popped into my head, and I had to share. (This presumes that Dominion is responsible for the Dakhor Investiture, of course, but according to the wiki page, we don't have any solid evidence that the two are not related. So this works for now.) So we've got Skai, who took the Shard Dominion. Dakhor Investiture involves lots of chanting, whereby the skeletons of someone in their ritual are altered in various ways. A different chant (song?) can alter the bones in different ways, leading to different outcomes for the recipient of the chants, the one "listening to the song". Secondly, we have Rayse. Odium. He goes around picking fights, breaking other Shards. He's the bully of the cosmere, right? And finally, we have Sazed. Together, they are Bone, Thug, and Harmony.
  3. Not sure if this is the right forum, so apologies if it's not. After I got out of work yesterday, I was able to stop by JordanCon for a little bit. During his signing, I asked him a question: Q: Zahel has parted ways with something he's had for a while. Will we ever get to read about how that happened? A: I may not write the actual story, but you will find out what happened, yes. Later, at the Write-a-thon, I asked another question: Q: Shadows for Silence - where does it fall in the overall cosmere timeline, in relation to the other books? A (paraphrased): In the latter half of things, but before the Stormlight Archive. He didn't clarify - and I forgot to follow-up for clarification - whether he meant before the main arc of Stormlight but after the prologue to WoK, or if he meant even before the prologue to WoK. Personally, I think SfS happens between the prologue and the main arc, considering how much time passes between the prologue and the first chapter. This question was asked during the Write-a-thon, so if anyone was recording that, we should have Brandon's exact answer. During the Write-a-thon's "intermission", Ben McSweeny and Isaac Stewart came down while Brandon took a break, and Ben did some drawings. The first one was of Stick, and then he added Shallan to it. The second one was Syl, with part of Kaladin's head, too. Third was a Parshendi in warform (though I do remember someone in the chatroom requesting a Parshendi stickform), and the fourth was Szeth vs a koloss. The first one was just Sharpie on paper, but the other three began with a pencil sketch. Someone from the Waygate Foundation took pictures, so hopefully they'll be up on WF's website sometime soon.
  4. Yes, one of my friends pointed that out to me when I finished the book. He said the other people who were reading at the same time as him exploded when Mraise's shelf contents were described, linking the sand and the crystal to other books. (And I, personally, thought that maybe the flower was a Tear of Edgli.)
  5. I was always under the impression that "allomancy is of Preservation", "hemalurgy is of Ruin", and feruchemy came to be, involuntarily, as an interaction between Preservation and Ruin. Now, why it was limited to the humans in Terris, I don't know. (Perhaps because they were the only human population near "ground zero", the place where both Preservation and Ruin primarily existed [the Well of Ascension / Ruin's prison]?) But that's the way I always read it, since feruchemy is a net-zero ability; equal parts Preservation and Ruin.
  6. Thank you, Moogle and Kurkistan for the WoBs.
  7. Apparently I did it to myself, too, as I didn't even realize I did it. >_> We do have WoB for that? That's great. I'll try to find that, then. Thank you.
  8. I just read someone's thread pointing out how he poured something into his drink in that flashback. I'm going to have to re-read that tonight when I get home, since I glossed over it the first time. You may be right about there not being a special sDNA requirement to accept Breaths or Stormlight. I'm not yet convinced that that's the case for either of them, but you may be right. That's one of the thoughts that ran through my head - that either something about Yolish humans gives them potential access to all Investitures, or perhaps anyone who was around pre-Shattering would potentially have access to all Investitures. They'd still have to "learn" them, but they would have the potential to learn them. Well, whatever Hoid is doing, he's certainly devoted enough to it to trigger a Shaod in someone from Sel.
  9. That's true. However, just because he hasn't used something in front of us doesn't mean he doesn't have it. Also, the dor may be difficult to use on Roshar (or any other planet), since physical proximity to Elantris is important. He does have the bead of lerasium, but I don't think there's any evidence that he's used it. Some people think that he's stashed it away somewhere. Stashed it, perhaps, because he can already use allomancy, and he's saving the bead for someone else. Breaths are easy to come by, but could a Shin accept a Breath given to her? Or a Terrisman? I was thinking that without Nalthian sDNA, someone could try to give you a whole host of Breaths, but you couldn't be a receptacle for them and therefore couldn't actually take any. I don't know how he could use feruchemy, either, but check the link in my first post and you'll see where Brandon said he does have it. He could have stolen some spikes, but I thought I read somewhere that Brandon said a spike will degrade if it's removed from an Inquisitor. (Maybe I'm mis-remembering that, though, since Vin's earring didn't seem to degrade when she had it removed.)
  10. I just finished Words of Radiance last night (not much time to read, plus I like to savor my books). I wanted to wait until I finished it before I posted my thoughts on this. Hoid has an ability from Yolen called Lightweaving. As the WoR Ars Arcanum states, there is also an ability on Roshar with the same name that is very similar. Similar, but distinct, and distinct likely because the Yolish version does not involve spren. However, when Hoid visits Kaladin in prison, he says something that tells the readers that he is, at that point in time, at least at the Second Heightening. We also know, according to WoB, that he uses feruchemy to determine where he needs to be. (Chromium, perhaps? Eh, that's a tangent.) What isn't tangential is that Hoid originates on neither Nalthis nor Scadrial, yet he's able to use Investiture that originates from those planets, Investiture that should only be accessible to people with the appropriate spiritual DNA. Yet Hoid, to the knowledge of the fans, has three Investitures (if Yolish Lightweaving can be considered an Investiture). This could mean that Hoid is using hemalurgy. However, as near as I can tell, Hoid is not an evil man. He may do things that aren't nice, but not for the purpose of being mean or bringing harm. In his interactions with the various protagonists, he's generally been helpful. (I could certainly see the Ghostbloods using hemalurgy, but it seems unlikely to me that Hoid would.) After thinking the thought that Hoid probably does not have any hemalurgic spikes in him, I was hit with this thought: what if Investiture in general is like allomancy - you get one, or you get them all? (Also, I guess, like feruchemy.) When Kelsier tested Vin, he didn't stop with one metal. He tested a second one, because he knew if she could burn two metals, she could burn all the allomantic metals. And here we have evidence that Hoid, who does not have Nalthian or Scadrian sDNA, has access to both of their Investitures. I spoke with Joe ST about this briefly, and he thought that Hoid might have the ability to alter his own sDNA such that he could make himself capable of using whichever Investitures he wanted. I'll admit that we know little enough about Hoid that this could be possible, but I also wanted to see if anyone else out there disagreed with my thoughts on this, and if so, why. So please, poke some holes in this. If I'm wrong, tell me why. I'd like to know if I'm totally off course here.
  11. Man, 420 miles is a pretty big radius. Not sure where you fall into that circle, but I can tell you that Brandon has been to Dragon Con twice in the past four conventions - 2012 and 2010, IIRC. Now that WoT is completed (and the WoT track no longer exists as its own entity at the con), I don't know if he'll be showing up quite as frequently. However, as near as I can tell, he enjoys meeting the fans here, and he certainly has a good Magic crowd to play with during his downtime. I'd say just keep an eye on his touring schedule. I'm sure he's bound to show up in Atlanta again at some point. (And who knows? Maybe he'll get closer to your location than Atlanta.)
  12. Who'd'a thunk it? Xerox Photocopiers Randomly Alter Numbers, Says German Researcher -Slashdot, 6 August 2013 Xerox Confirms To David Kriesel Number Mangling Occuring On Factory Settings -Slashdot, 10 August 2013
  13. Negative. I was the guy who, Sunday night in the WoT room, apologized and asked who you were dressed up as. (Something like, "I feel horrible for asking this, but are you dressed up as anyone in particular?" I have a friend who has, like zero ranks in Diplomacy, and he was always saying, "Excuse me, but what are you?" After hearing him do that a bunch, I'm a little apprehensive about asking people about their costumes when I don't immediately recognize it.) I thought your face looked familiar for some reason, but I couldn't figure out why. Probably because of whatever photos you've posted here, plus your Vin & Elend costumes from a couple years back. (Got a picture of the two of you then.) Had I known that was you, I would have sat down and chatted a bit. :-/
  14. I'm willing to bet yes. The staff (and the small black arc of a hat) on the right looks like it probably belongs to a guy cosplaying as Mat Cauthon. And if my mind is functioning properly, she was also dressed up as Mara Jade tonight (Sunday night), and I didn't realize it until I asked. (I only know that much because I was hanging around during the M:TG draft tonight, and got to talking with a guy dressed up as Loki [the only male I saw dressed up as Loki this year], who filled in all the blanks for me.)
  15. Friday brought us a pretty good Steel Inquisitor.
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