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Everything posted by thegatorgirl00

  1. I personally believe that Kaladin and Adolin have more chemistry with each other than either of them do with Shallan. With Shallan, the relationships seem to consist of a physical attraction combined with a crush. Adolin spent time in jail because Kaladin was there, not to mention an affectionate nickname and all the times Kaladin saved Adolin's life. Does anyone happen to know Roshar's ideas about homosexuality?
  2. They can both be furry and useful in high altitudes. Rithmatic lines are like popcorn.
  3. He will die glowing in battle and while he's bleeding out on the field he will tell a joke about how to kill a one armed Herdazian.
  4. I always imagined Endowment as a mother.
  5. You could be a Herald. Pros: You get an Honorblade with cool powers. Cons: Thousands of years of torture. I would probably choose to be a Shardholder. I'd be fine with slowly losing my identity if I also got future sight and awesome power.
  6. Do we have a WoB saying it uses bendalloy? Maybe you actually use one of the God metal alloys of bendalloy.
  7. When they go to the party Elhokar has, Dalinar says Adolin and Renarin can have one cup of blue, then they must stick to orange wine. I'm not sure how the different wine colors compare to alcoholic drinks on earth, but I assume that would be equivalent to one or two glasses of wine, then switching to water.
  8. In the epilogue of WoR, Hoid tells Jasnah that he once spent most of a year being digested in a large stomach. At first glance this just seems like another ridiculous Hoid comment. However, it raises some questions on further thought. Hoid can Worldhop anywhere and he got into the Well of Ascenbsion; he could have easily left the sromach. So why didn't he? I was recently reading a theory how Hoid uses Feruchemically stored luck to always be at the right place at the right time, and the answer came to me. Hoid was using his time inside the stomach to store the Feruchemical atributes needed to be at the right place at the right time. Bsed on the laws of Furuchemy, Hoid would have needed to spend an equal amount of time in the wrong place at the wrong time as he does in the wright place at the right time. Presumably nothing cosmically important was happening in a large stomach. What are the implications of this? Since we know so little about the incident itself, I'd say it doesn't tell us much. if we had the full story, however, it could give us more insight into what power or combination of powers he uses to find out where he needs to be. I've included the WoB about him using Feruchemy to get where he needs to go below.
  9. I was going to suggest Prof, then I reread the thread title. Reckoners problems.
  10. In SA, it seems that the effect complements and enhanded the sugebinder's ability to use their surges, without being directly tied to them. For example I think it's likely the Allomancy and Feruchemy effects follow the same idea, but they're more subtle.
  11. Ugh. Why did I click on that link? it's okay to not like the epic fantasy, but that doesn't mean you should complain about it. Most of what he didn't like wasn't even Brandon-specific, it was just general epic fantasy.
  12. Well, Szeth had years of practice with the Windrunner honorblade and is probably the most proficient person who isn't a Herald with it. Kaladin beat him after three oaths. I'd say it's possible for an experienced level 5 Radiant with years of practice to beat their Hwrald. Difficult, but definitely possible.
  13. You might be interested in checking out this thread. http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/369-theory-the-principle-of-intent/
  14. It took me until halfway through WoR to realize that the pictures at the start of the chapters represented the point of view character for that chapter.
  15. Aluminum doesn't interact with investiture. Nightblood has a metal sheath that prevents it from drawing investiture from its holder. Nightblood's sheath is aluminum.
  16. Granted. Your lifespan has now been cut in half. I wish it was warmer outside.
  17. I personally believe that the books will end with someone walking to Urithiru. I don't have any proof, it's just my opinion.
  18. I always imagined Soulcast meat to be similar to tofu. A "synthetic meat" with little natural flavor and wide versatility.
  19. To me, the name Nightwatcher actually suggests that it isn't the night in the quote. Like the Nightwatchers job is to track Odium's influence in the world based on the boons people ask for and then report this back to Cultivation. Watching something usually involves not participating in it.
  20. The song Something to Believe In from Newsies reminds me of David and Megan from Reckoners. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8FhVL0Jylm4 How do you get the videos to appear?
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