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  • Location
    Technically from Alethkar, but when I went to find the Old Magic, I was cursed by being forced to this place called "Earth."
  • Interests
    Brandon Sanderson books, food, Dungeons and Dragons,etc.
    And Pokemon. That's also good.

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  1. Hello, and welcome! It's been forever since I've actually done anything here on the Shard, but decided to make an exception for this. Come on in and join the Guild, you'll fit right in. On a different note,it's been forever since I've posted here. I should really upload some of the good stuff I've made recently, it's just a matter of getting around to it...
  2. Granted. From now on, the only video games you can play are Virtual Boy games. Have fun with that beautiful red screen! I wish to be able to make a perfect puppet.
  3. Sounds good to me, but I don't have any additional ideas. Because it's a yearly thing, it'll be like the Super Bowl, or Football... For nerds.
  4. Nice art! Did you hear about Sun and Moon?
  5. I think I'll post some art of mine. Waxillium
  6. Alright, I have an evil joke for all of you. Beware, SoS spoilers and EVILNESS *Thanks to khal for the picture of Wax.
  7. You're welcome! Have a great time!
  8. Why, yes, you may indeed join! Welcome to the Guild, and enjoy your time. And nice drawing!
  9. Why, yes, yes you may join! Thanks for coming! On a different note, if we DO RP, we should probably take it to a different thread to avoid cluttering up this one.
  10. Stamp of Approval! It looks great!
  11. I have all the hype right now. Just got back from Star Wars VII, and White Sands Graphic Novel is coming out next year! Amazing!

  12. I have all the hype right now. Just got back from Star Wars VII, and White Sands Graphic Novel is coming out next year! Amazing!

  13. I have all the hype right now. Just got back from Star Wars VII, and White Sands Graphic Novel is coming out next year! Amazing!

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