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Everything posted by thegatorgirl00

  1. Or he just wants to spend more time around her.
  2. Unless he wants to be there. If he can affect Szeth and others from inside the sphere, that means he had access to affect one of the most powerful men in Roshar and no one suspected a thing. Edit: It occurs to me that if this is true, it might give new meaning to his desire that they not get the sphere. Perhaps he thought if a random assassin was affected by an unmade, it would be less harmful than the next Alethi ruler. Clearly that turned out to be wrong, but he couldn't have known what Szeth would go on to do.
  3. Thanks @Doctor12. Unfortunately, I have the kindle version, but I saved the image for future use The things you miss when buying e-books. Back cover summary, pictures…
  4. Where exactly is this picture? I didn't see it on a scan of WoK and WoR, and I would like it for future reference.
  5. One thing that never fully made sense to me about Ym was the timing of his bond. His interlude takes place after part 1, which is around the same time Renarin and Lift first began to bond with Glys and Wyndle. That means one of those two orders sent out multiple spren at once to find humans, which is something we haven't seen in any other spren yet. The honorspren were so distrustful, Syl had to sneak away without permission, and Pattern is certain Shallan will kill him. It seems suspicious that an order of spren would be so willing to risk their numbers forming bonds. To me, this seems like further evidence that something is off with Glys, like maybe Ym was their intended first Truthwatcher and Renarin is different somehow.
  6. Recently, while looking through Theoryland, I found this WoB on Glys. (source) I started thinking about why Glys's appearance might be important, and I came up with a few possible reasons. 1. We have seen Truthwatcherspren before. I'm not sure where this would have happened, though. The only unknown spren I can think of is the suspected captivityspren Kaladin sees in jail. 2. Truthwatcherspren have a significant feature in their appearance. The Truthwatchers are the order directly opposite of the Bondsmiths, who bond with godspren, so I could see Truthwatcherspren being different from other spren as well 3. Glys looks different from other Truthwatcherspren. I don't know why this would be true. Maybe since Renarin is the first Truthwatcher in a long time, they didn't send a "normal" spren. 4. Glys is not a Truthwatcherspren. Personally, this is my least favorite theory. I don't think it is true, but I felt I should put it up here. If Brandon told us that Glys has glowing red eyes, that would definitely be significant. Tell me me which theory you like and agree with, or if you have a theory of your own.
  7. I wonder if an Aimian could form a Nahal bond. If they are closer to the Cognitive Realm, it might affect their ability to irk one.
  8. Just a normal, non-doctor reading here. From the list, even without his suicide attempt, I would say that Kaladin has depressive mood, loss of interest, reduced energy, guilt, and pessimistic thoughts. That's three from the first group and two from the second group, which seems to me like enough symptoms to get labelled moderate. If a professional has a different opinion, I would be happy to hear it.
  9. Is Adolin not tertiary character one in the outline? I thought that he was, which would put him in parts two, four, and five.
  10. I was recently reading a thread on the Heralds at Gavilar's party, and something occurred to me. Where are the Herald's getting so many spheres? The two Heralds that we've seen the most so far are Nalan and Shalash. Nalan has been running around Roshar with larkins and Shardblades, filing paperwork to kill Radiants. Shalash is hiring men to help her destroy statues of herself. Baxil says that he is paid well. Neither of them seem to have a job. So where are they getting the spheres to do all this? Nalan might have rich lighteyes that support him and are helping him pay for this, but I doubt that would cover the costs of multiple Shardblades and larkins. I doubt anyone would support Shalash's actions. Does anyone have any ideas where the Heralds might be getting spheres from?
  11. I found it, but it doesn't specifically mention the back five books source
  12. When you decide that someone should make this an app so you can play it and interact with Sharders because the game sounds awesome.
  13. Maybe they wanted free food. Buying food to feed yourself for a thousand years has to get expensive after a while.
  14. I agree with @maxal that the oath is more likely along the lines of "I will seek knowledge wherever it can be found". I also think that the "so long as it is right" part doesn't fit the Truthwatchers. We haven't seen much of them, but we have seen the Edgedancers and Lightweavers, the orders most similar to Truthwatchers. Edgedancers are about helping the outcasts of society. Lift was completely fine breaking into a palace. Shallan was fine joining a secret society that has assassins, and her lies are what initially attracted the Cryptics. Neither order seems to care about doing the right thing the way Windrunners are, so I would be surprised if the Truthwatchers did.
  15. I always thought that line refered to her draining Stormlight from spheres. Your interpretation is definitely more interesting.
  16. Glad I could help, @Doctor12 I made this below. It's not a full movie poster, but it's a start. Hope you all like it!
  17. I didn't mean that that was Brandon's intention. I just thought it ooked cool when written that way. (I'm a bit of a math nerd.) My post was more about how there were no reasonable ways to get 1024 from 16 without using cheap math tricks, like taking the square root.
  18. It's not that difficult if your willing to use log base 16. That kind of seems like cheating though. I also realized that 1024 is 16^2 • 16^(1/2). I think it looks cooler written like that.
  19. My take on the WoK trailer. Pans over the Shattered Plains. Parshendi singing is faint in the background and grows louder during the trailer. Voiceover: Long ago, the Radiants betrayed mankind. Now it is time for the old oaths to be spoken anew. Lightning flashes. Kaladin is standing at the Honor Chasm. The words Life before death appear made out of Stormlight on a black background. (If I say words appear, it uses this same font and background) Dalinar in Shardplate riding towards the chasmfiend. Shallan standing on the deck of the Wind's Pleasure. Kaladin sitting in a cage holding Syl. The words strength before weakness appear. Dalinar in his tent, writhing from a vision. Jasnah Soulcasting a man into fire. Kaladin strung up in a Highstorm. The words journey before destination appear. Adolin and Dalinar fighting at the tower. Shallan and Jasnah standing in Shadesmar. Kaladin in the final bridge run. The Parshendi singing is loud and joined by screaming and blades clashing. Arrows fly through the air. Syl flies above him and you hear her scream "Kaladin! Say the words!" The noise suddenly stops. A pair of hands hold a single glowing sphere. You hear a sharp intake of breath and the Stormlight streams upward leaving the sphere dim. The words Way of Kings appear. You can hear Dalinar's voice asking "What is a man's life worth?"
  20. WoK: Right after Kaladin considers suicide. The view is a side view of the chasm. Rain comes down. Kaladin stands before the drop, with his arm outstretched dropping the blackbane leaf. Syl is a ribbon of light above him flying towards he sky. The tagline is 'Life before death'. WoR: When Shallan is talking to the deserters. The background is dark. Shallan stands in the center, brighter than her surroundings with wisps of Stormlight floating off her. On the side are men standing in shadows and looking towards her. The tagline is 'Life before death'. I would draw these, but I'm a terrible artist. I still might try later, if no one else does. I encourage all you artists to show your interpretation of my ideas!
  21. IIRC, the word count is the largest size book that will fit in the binding. WoR was pushing it for the binding. So if that does happen, he will need to cut scenes out.
  22. Part 2 has novelette 2 according to the outline. It's also the only part with Tertiary character 3. He's stated in a previous post that novelette 2 character hasn't had PoV chapters yet. That's probably who the unexpected and interesting character is.
  23. What did Fleet say to the Highstorm? Want to Rayse? How ow do you cook chouta? Braize it.
  24. Imagine Hoid and Mraize meeting and comparing collections. Mraize: Look at my collection of magic! Hoid: Do you have any Lerasium? Or anything from Sel? Mraize: Uh… no.
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