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Everything posted by Brgst13

  1. They might need to Soulcast gold in the future. It will become more valuable for its fabrial effects. Would an Allomancer be able to use Soulcast gold? If yes this could set up some interesting team things. If no it could serve as a deception when facing an Allomancer.
  2. I would say no. Forgery temporarily overwrites the Spiritweb while hemalurgy permanently changes it. Also as far as I know the essence of the thing stolen does not change. I would think of it like this: If I had a temporary tattoo and gave that part of my skin to someone for a graft, that tattoo will still wash off. It doesn't become permanent just because it was given to someone else.
  3. Also I think a fully powered Bondsmith might be able to do pretty well also. He could probably manipulate the Metalmunds' Connection to the Full-on and then go to work. Dalinar Kholin in living Shardplate vs effectively a Mistborn? I know where my money is. Also, he could use Ishar's glue them to the ground trick. It's hard to move that fast dragging an entire planet with you.
  4. Will Nalthis develop a market hawking fake Breaths? Does a Scadrian prince need them to send him their Breath to get through customs? Will Walmart carry poor quality Breaths for discounted prices?
  5. You should read the Stormlight Archive. Dont wanna spoil anything.
  6. I would also guess that since the map is hand drawn there is some error in it. Also remember that the North Scadrians have neither circumnavigated the globe nor developed flight technology. It is likely that the only truly accurate sources of longitude are Harmony and the Lord Ruler. If these maps are based on old maps from the Lord Ruler, it is possible also that errors may have been deliberately introduced either by the Inquisitors or by Ruin itself in order to keep certain locations secret. Also, keep in mind that measuring in relatively small pixel counts is very prone to error. A 2-pixel difference can create about a 1.4% error in your estimate. This error increases for each pixel error in your measurement. Did you do repeated measurements to control for measurement error? Lastly, you are assuming that these ticks correspond with earth measurements. If Scadrial used 200 degrees as the measure of a circle, how would that change your numbers?
  7. I saw Aon Eto as similar to allomantic pewter and enhancing physical strength.
  8. Dalinar and Ishar's Perpendicularity trick is simply Spiritual Adhesion applied across the Three Realms to the Realms themselves. Note that Jasnahs spren refers to it as "three that are one." It's also important to consider that this is the first time the Honorblades have been wielded since Honor's death. Honor had limited the Surges, in order to prevent whatever happened on Yolen. Ishar is wielding a Bondsmith blade with no restraints. It would be interesting to see what Taln could do with Stoneshaping in a world with no bounds on his power.
  9. So you are saying that Physical Adhesion is just the visible result of Spiritual Adhesion? If so, that makes sense Realmatically. Are you suggesting that Bondsmiths are more Invested, per Oath level, than Windrunners? That I'm not so sure of. I wonder if the Bondsmith's ability to manipulate Spiritual Connection on a deeper level is due to the resonance between Adhesion and Tension. The need to work on very fine scales to manipulate axi with Tension might allow the intricate and subtle work with Adhesion as well.
  10. Allomantic cadmium (I think, the one that makes time in the bubble move faster)-increased factory output, rapid travel
  11. I also think that in Mistborn the structure of the story led to a "we can die at any time" vibe. In contrast, the more traditional fantasy structure of Stormlight makes it less likely that characters will die early in the story, but conversely increases the danger as the story progresses. Mistborn kind of warned you not to get attached right from the start.
  12. It is not for sure, but when you have a World hopping group who have technology that appears identical to technology from a world that they did not originate from, and no other world seems to have this technology or a magic system that is likely to produce such, it is most likely that they got the technology from that world. In addition, Brandon has described fabrials as a Rosharan magic system.
  13. Apparently the Ire have visited Roshar or have dealt with those who have, because they seem to have an Alerter fabrial to look for Threnodite Shades. It does not, however, notice Kelsier. Is it specific to Threnodite investiture? Assuming spren cannot leave Roshar, were they able to power it with the Dor? Did they trap a seon? So many questions!
  14. These are pre-RoW theories. We know from Kaladin that the Sibling literally is Urithiru. Also, it was stated in an earlier book that Urithiru won be built in the place "closest to Honor" by ancient KRs. Therefore it can't be a spaceship to bring humans to Roshar.
  15. Also doesn't fit with what we know of Unmaking from RoW, where a Spren could be filled with Odium's Investiture to Unmake them. Also, from what I understand, the Heralds were alive when they created the Oathpact. It seems from what we know it is only possible to Unmake a spren. While the Heralds could be considered spren, it also seems as though the Oathpact protects them since none were unmade in years of torture.
  16. Odium + Ambition = Vengeance Vengeance + Devotion = Obsession Obsession + Dominion = Tyranny
  17. Cognitive Shadows seem to last quite a long time irregardless of how Invested they were upon death.
  18. This raises a few questions: 1. How do they know what Mishram can do if she has been imprisoned since before the Catacendre? 2. Are they pursuing 2 separate goals (one of transporting Investiture off-world and one of getting Kelsier off-world) or are these aspects of the same goal? 3. Would you be able to fill an unkeyed medallion with Stormlight? 4. If not, how would Mraize fill one, as he does not seem to be Scadrian?
  19. Also, would the Iridescent Tones be the pulses of Endowment then?
  20. Glowing people doodling in the air Imprisoned pieces of Gods Charging up like a cell phone battery
  21. Can you cite a source for this? In RoW it seems pretty clear that the Sibling only needed Honor and Cultivation's tones. In fact, Towerlight is explicitly described as such, "the light of science" as Navani described it.
  22. I find the 1 in 1000 comment very misleading. Khriss would only know someone is a Misting if they use their powers where they are seen doing so or let people know they are a misting. For example, Rioters, Smothers, Aluminum gnats, duraluminum, and atium mistings at the least could maintain anonymity either due to a lack of available metal or visible use of powers. 1 in 1000 seems about right for each type of misting, perhaps.
  23. Added Spoiler tag in original post. Didn't realize I was breaking the rules.
  24. So we know a few things about the duel: 1. There is a way for Todium to not be bound. 2. Dalinar is a Bondsmith unchained. Here is my theory: Dalinar will engage in the duel in good faith. At some point, Taravangian will try to create a scenario where Dalinar cannot continue without violating his honor through some stratagem. He will not, however, know that Dalinar has been trained by Ishar. In training him how to reset the Oathpact, Ishar inadvertently shows him how to increase his Connection to a Shard to the point of Ascension. Dalinar is in a unique situation where he is highly Connected to both Honor and Odium. Dalinar attempts to use Ishar's technique and ascends to BOTH Honor and Odium. This will form a new Shard, War.
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