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The Sovereign

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Everything posted by The Sovereign

  1. Yeah, you're totally right, I wasn't using my logic pre-coffee this morning.
  2. I was completely wrong, logic wasn't an ally this morning.
  3. Lift's level of investiture was still a factor. Had she been of the 4th Ideal, she likely could have used both.
  4. The short answer is Lift is weird. Raboniel changed the Towers protections to negate the use of Stormlight, not the specific Surges which is ultimately what shut of the Radiant Powers where it could (this protection isn't perfect and as you suggest the Surges closest to the Shards and/or being of a high enough Investiture via Oaths sworn dampens the affects of the suppression field). Due to Cultivation tampering with Lift's spiritual web she doesn't use Stormlight, she uses Lifelight which is why she wasn't affected in the same way.
  5. I found out about him when it was announced he'd be finishing The Wheel of Time. When I saw the announcement I picked up a copy of Mistborn and knocked it out in a day then devoured everything else he had written at the time.
  6. We had known of it via a couple of WOBs from March 2022:
  7. The issue is if you are on the forum's main page you can see it if it was the last topic in the section to be posted in... As I screencapped, you don't need to be in the spoiler section to see it. I haven't read secret project 3 yet, I now know the Virtuosity has been splintered. I was trying to prevent that for others. And yes, knowing a Shard has been splintered is a major spoiler...
  8. @Mason Wheeler Could you please change the subject line of this thread? When viewed from a computer the subject shows on the main page of the forum and is a major spoiler...
  9. There are some changes as there always are when you turn a book into a show/movie but the Grishaverse books are a trilogy and two duologies. Functionally the first season is a mashup of the first book of the trilogie and the first book of the first duology. Season 2 is mostly the 2nd and 3rd books of the trilogy and about 1/2 of the second book of the first duology. There is also some new stuff in the show and some stuff that was cut. Shadow and Bone is a weird one because the books and show are both good, just different. I think they can be both be enjoyed for what they are.
  10. If you like seeing the Seanchan get nuked, then Path of Daggers is the book for you... Elayne just gave you a small taste. People always talk about the WOT slog but honestly I think books 6-12 are the best of the series (though I acknowledge the Faile plotline drags a bit; it is solid in concept, but it could have been resolved a book earlier than it was and would have probably flowed better if it had been).
  11. There is something there, but you are going in the wrong direction. Without spoiling; the Avienda interaction with the Dagger is more about Avienda than the dagger itself. Note, it is not the Shadar Logoth dagger, Fain does indeed have that.
  12. Honestly I found Raoden pretty boring. He is too much of a Gary Sue for me. Hrathen is the character in Elantris I found most compelling. He is flawed, but also ambitious, intelligent, and simply put interesting. I like Sarene too but she just doesn't have the on page presence that Hrathen has.
  13. Fair, but keep in mind that Ishar is an unbound Bondsmith with Thousands of years of experience with his powers and he is doing things with Connection that wouldn't be possible if Honor were alive and intact.
  14. By their nature Spren can't be in Blade form in the Cognitive Realm. The conversion to the metal is a result of the Investiture fully manifesting in the Physical Realm. I suspect if someone in the Physical Realm transferred into the Cognitive Realm with their Shardblade already summoned it would simply revert to Spren form (Dead Eye or Living) as soon as they were in the Cognitive Realm (I'd need to go back an reread the chapter in Oathbringer, but I believe we've actually seen this with Adolin/Mayalaran). Nightblood is an exception because while functionally a Spren, he is really more like a Returned. He was always his Physical aspect as he was Awakened as such rather than beginning as a Cognitive Aspect and being converted. Regarding Taravangian grabbing Nightblood's Cognitive aspect; Keep in mind that everything exists in all three Realms and when a lot of Investiture is pooled the Realms tend to blur. It is not surprising that the Combination of the presence of Odium, Nightblood, and the transitioning of Taravangian's Soul as he was dying would accelerate this blurring.
  15. Everything/everyone has a Cognitive aspect. This is a somewhat semantic argument but Brandon has said that calling Nightblood a Robot Spren isn't super far off. Have you read Oathbringer and/or Rhythm Of War? We know what a Shardblade looks like in the Cognitive realm (though they cannot be summoned there). As for Nightblood; using Restares as an example, I would guess he just appears the way he does in the Physical Realm in the Cognitive Realm.
  16. Lift's bird is almost certainly an Aviar but we do not currently know what ability it has. Regading the Elantrian at the Lighthouse, this is Riino; the Elantrian that Raoden and Galladon put into Devotion's perpendicularity in Elantris. He is doing work for the IRE in Roshar.
  17. To add to this; Wax likely gained the ability as he became a Steel Savant.
  18. @Elder you should really change the subject your post, this is a HUGE spoiler for anyone who hasn't read the Lost Metal.
  19. Netflix released the trailer for Shadow & Bone Season 2 a few days ago. We get our first look at Nicolai, it seems like they got his nature down well.
  20. This is the WOB you're referring to I believe:
  21. Ooh this should be fun. 1.) Warbreaker 2.) Oathbringer 3.) The Final Empire 4.) Words of Radiance 5.) Shadows Of Self 6.) The Hero Of Ages 7.) The Way Of Kings 8.) The Emperor's Soul 9.) Rhythm Of War 10.) Bands Of Mourning 11.) Secret History 12.) Sixth Of The Dusk 13.) Tress Of The Emerald Sea 14.) Shadows For Silence In The Forests Of Hell 15.) Elantris 16.) The Lost Metal 17.) The Alloy Of Law 18.) Edgedancer 19.) The Well Of Ascension @Frustration having Warbreaker at 19 is criminal mate .
  22. Basically Investiture is the Cosmere's word for the energy that powers all the magic systems and makes the Cosmere work; "The essence of the gods". The Coppermind has a detailed explanation found here.
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