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The Sovereign

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Everything posted by The Sovereign

  1. Oudeis did an exceptional job answering your question but I just want to touch on this point a little more. Like so many things in the Cosmere self image and perspective play a large part in this. I wouldn't agree with the idea that being a Knight automatically makes you a good person, simply that you were a broken person who met with the ideals of an order. Lets use the Skybreakers as an example. By their ideals the best thing you can do is be in absolute correspondence with the law regardless of "morality". By their own perspective this may be fulfilling the ideal of being a "good person" but it certainly would not fall in line with other people's definition.
  2. I have not, I was planning on finishing the Cosmere stuff and then branching out to the other stuff. Haha that works surprisingly well.
  3. Peter, will Michael Kramer & Kate Reading be doing the new narration?
  4. Hello Everyone, I'm Tom, nice to meet you. I am a longtime lurker but I finally got around to making an account. I have read everything Cosmere that is released except for The Emperor's Soul. I actually just picked it up yesterday so I will probably start it tonight (and for that matter finish, as it is pretty short). I've also read White Sand and the excerpts of Liar of Partinel. I look forward to being part of the Community and sharing theories and whatnot. P.S. I'll take all those Hemalurgic cookies...
  5. I think my favorite scene in the series is Shallan coercing Sebarial into giving her a place to stay and a clerkship in front of the King and other highprinces. A good runner up is Lopen finally absorbing stormlight.
  6. This is an interesting notion that I hadn't thought of, I don't think the Stormfather ever openly expresses that the visions are intended for a new-gen Bondsmith but I believe this is correct. This actually digs a little more into the mysteries of Gavilar as well; I suspect that Galivar discerned the implication of the visions but was himself unworthy and could not intuit the 2nd Ideal of the Bondsmiths. This brings a new depth to his last words to Dalinar via Szeth.
  7. I disagree with your assessment here. Brandon states that it is hard to act due to Preservation's and Ruin's intents being diametrically opposite. This doesn't imply balance, just that he would require an solution that satisfies two polar opposite intentions which is obviously not easily fulfilled.
  8. Yeah I think the joke was intentional . As for the voices, yeah, James Yaegashi has a pretty "distinct" voice.
  9. "Oh, storms yes! Everybody, give the Lopen your spheres! I have glowing that needs to be done.”
  10. Vasher, I have the same level of patience for stupidity that he has. Also, I'm not great at explaining things even when I am well versed in and have a good understanding of the topic. There is probably some Hrathen mixed in there too. I am very logic minded and will pretty much go along with anything that makes logical sense. On the flip side of that, I'm not particularly impassioned towards things.
  11. This may be my own misinterpretation but I was under the impression that if you had a divine breath you would be returned. While giving up a divine breath to heal someone would expend the divine breath. As far as I know, you cannot actually Pass a divine breath and have it actually add to their store of breaths. This may well be my next question to Brandon.
  12. In the flashback scene where Shallan meets Hoid she sees him put metal flakes in a drink and then drink it so, in short, yes it is very likely Hoid used emotional allomancy on her.
  13. I doubt Hoid is returned. It has been stated by BS that Hoid is "really really really really hard to kill". In order to be returned he would have needed to die. While the 5th heightening would have made him aesthically immortal no aging, immune to sickness, etc. it doesn't make you anymore difficult to kill as demonstrated by Blushweaver dying to a knife wound. With that said, I think it is very likely he has the prerequisite 200+ breaths to have acheived the 2nd Heightening.
  14. Harmony, by definition does not imply balance, simply agreement. Yet in most of my reading here (I've been a lurker for quite a while) people seem to equate Sazed's/Harmony's nature to balance.This seems to me a clever misdirection by Brandon as he has not (to my knowledge) disuaded the notion. Thank you Kaellok, I have been wrestling with this idea for a while but your post was actually the one that made it click in my head clearly. I doubt that Sazed/Harmony would intervene if things got too bad or too good. After more thought, it seems to me that his intervention would be triggered by Odium disrupting his ability to create and destroy.
  15. That makes sense, but I suppose this actually supports my statement. If Sazed/Harmony decided his intervention was nessary for the Preservation of the Cosmere then he propobably could fight Odium in earnest.
  16. Wouldn't it be possible that the act of Harmony destroying Odium is an act in accordance with both intents? Buy destroying Odium, Ruin's intent would be fulfilled via destruction. At the same time Harmony would be preseverving the Cosmere by removing the threat to it that is Odium. I think the main issue for Harmony would be he would need to acknowledge that Odium is a large enough threat to the Cosmere that his intervention would be needed in order for things to be Preserved.
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