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Everything posted by ParadoxicalZen

  1. All boon/curse related phenomena has been Cognitive in nature no? (You could argue the guy that couldn't feel his hands was physical but it didn't say he can't move them, just that he can't feel them, much in the way alcohol numbs sensation). And all instances of Stormlight healing have shown to heal only Physical injuries (or restoring Spiritual Connections in the case of the Blade cuts) and not cognitive ones, like restoring you to the Spiritual Ideal of Human; prime examples being Shallan and Szeth, who both have more than than their fair share of mental scars but Stormlight healed their physical injuries. Given that the Nightwatcher is to Cultivation as the Stormfather is to Honour, and we know that the Stormfather embodies oathkeeping (Honour, essentially) I would argue that the Nightwatcher cares for cultivating certain traits/things/ideals/ideas in those that come to her. As she gives you what she thinks you need and not what you want/ask for, I would venture that perhaps she laces the boon/curse with a condition/lesson that can be met, as a sign of progression from when you first asked; a condition/lesson that once fulfilled (by fulfilling the purpose intended/cultivating whatever it was) undoes the cognitive rewiring, as seen with Dalinar. (It would be an entirely optional thing). Slight season 5 Once Upon A Time spoilers
  2. Pineapple on Pizza is a gift to the world. We will not be Silenced or Shamed
  3. Yeah, now that my mind has stopped going Izuku Midoriya, I can actually phrase what I meant say. Whichever one you give priority to, I wasn't sure if the trigger from the first would somehow trigger the second for the first time, and then when priority moves to the second, it would activate for the second time (don't ask my why I thought this a possibility, I have no idea why I thought either enchantment would trigger each other, unless I was thinking they were a little similar to Panharmicon) but yeah, i realised the tokens would double before this question even occurred, I guess i just misunderstood the typing in an incomprehensibly complex way. My mind is a baffling place haha I didn't get much synergy with my pre-release, as is my usual case (although I may just need to sharpen my skills more as I've played very little competitive magic) and now that I'm back home for a little bit, with all that I've learned, I'm just wincing a lot at how I've built my old decks (hence why I was asking about Anointed Procession, as figured it was a White Parallel Lives) but seeing as I've already got 2/3 PL already, there isn't much point really spending £6.99 on one (apart from making a Selesnya token Comm deck). Speaking of, I really want the C17 Dragon deck (Cats too) despite how ungreat the manabase is. I agree on the White Vampires, especially as they're often portrayed as Aristocratic, Noble-birth "respec'-m-'authoritah", self-entitled etc. Also, Pariah's Shield and Phytohydra, or even Sprouting Phytohydra; interesting combo? (for argument's sake, it has Hexproof etc.)
  4. Ohhhh that necro.... Buuuuuut...i hath a query if anyone can hazard some help, other boards aren't offering much in the way of help that i can gather from searching. Both Anointed Procession and Parallel Lives double the number of tokens produced by a card's effect, but I can't quite wrap my had around if one or both trigger the each other? As each effect doubles the amount, they're practically the same card but the differing wording is sending me for a little loop. Am I being stupid and just over-thinking this and that Create and Put essentially mean the same thing? Basically my question is this; I have both enchantments out and then I cast a token producing card; I resolve PL first, then AP; but the newly doubled token wouldn't trigger For reference; Anointed Procession 3W If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many tokens instead Parallel Lives 3G If an effect would put one or more tokens onto the battlefield under your control, it puts twice that many tokens onto the battlefield inst Ignore my ramblings, I think I figured it out. How's everyone liking Ixalan?
  5. Didn't Syl also mention what had been tweaked with...? A modification to their Identity and Connection, perhaps their Connection to their Identity? I also seem to recall Kaladin mention there was a lack of one of the skin tones on these Parshfolk that the Parshendi normally have, the ashy black streaks IIRC. I definitely in agreement that you may be on to something here, C! Have an upvote
  6. I do think the Parshmen's severance from their forms may have been willing, or at least partially, to line up with one of the presumably Bondsmith epigraphs and some of the Songs. At least, their talk of abandoning their gods from the songs seems to have some relevance...however that may relate the Parshendi tribe on the plains. I do think the severance/god abandonmernt and the Recreance have a connection though, as it seems like a mutual disarmament between the factions.
  7. Granted, we don't know if the spheres are Dawnshards, but if they are, it could simply mean there are no empty ones available i'm happy to wait to actually find out what they are first
  8. My impression is, for the Orders that actually say Oaths, the 2nd and 4th represent the core ideas behind their respective primary and secondary attributes, whereas the 3rd and 5th refine the attributes (as seen so far with Kaladin and Lift). In the Lightweavers case, I would argue that a similar system is in place, but either 2+3/2+4 are Illuminating truths and 4+5/3+5 are Transforming truths. So drawing from that, Dalinar's 3rd would involve possibly uniting even when others refuse or circumstances won't allow it. "I will unite men together even when the odds are against me" or something
  9. If there was/is another half, i would hazard a guess in the CR.
  10. I reckon there may be an Unmade either in presence, or leaking through a Dawnshard (headcanon) hidden away that can be causing this phenomenon
  11. Lets hope if anyone gets transported whilst on the Oathgate plateau itself, there isn't a wall in the corresponding place on the other side
  12. Confused, shouldn't the chapters be up now is my clock wrong? 13:00 gmt here
  13. I defo do not think the word is evangelation, as to me the 'l' looks a lot like a d. Is it possible it is two words that are hyphenated? As what i think is a d appears to have a hyphen, and what would be the first word looks like 'strong'?!
  14. Tad annoyed with Shallan not truly accepting to truth, but i'll bite. Practically yelling 'WHAT?! C'MON' at the Kaladin cliffhanger. Will be interesting to see what Shallan actually uncovers. And for some reason, i'm getting an Elhokar vibe from the epigraphs, given the amount of pleading. Either him or Sadees
  15. Seeing as the Alethkar Oathgate has been incorporated into Kholinar's palace; if it were to be used would it transport the palace as well, or only biological entities?
  16. Ooo, i wonder if secrets is deliberate rather than secret, given what was written on the Diagram.
  17. @Yata not technically true (i think). I seem to recall that you cannot use the surges by accident, as in you need to know that the blade is an Honourblade first, and not just think it is a regular Shardblade. However i can't remember if this is still accurate as my WoB memory very hazy, so don't quote me on this
  18. He hasn't exactly stated it, others are simply putting two and two together; they need a way to get the other places quickly and unlock the gates, but the only way to do that would be Gravitation style. As Kaladin is away, they do have the Windrunner Honourblade. I don't believe Dalinar has actually told anyone about it, from my recollection of WOR a d these beginning chapters, at to my knowledge he hasn't
  19. @ccstat woops, apologies! My brain has been a bit slow in transferring thought to words of late. Yeah, definitely in a circle rather than a semicircle, although visually the semicircle array sounds better. How i view the description makes it sound like platforms are ringing the field in front of the tower directly rather than the tower directly. However, using the given example measurements for Urithiru I would argue for the semicircle layout as it makes more sense.
  20. Ahh, must of missed that bit in OB, thanks for clearing that up! As for the oathgates, i always imagined them in a ring front of the tower
  21. Also, i imagined the tiers to be fully circle, like the tower is a tiered cake, but with all of the tiers stacked to one side of the circle, hence giving the sheer flat look. Here's hoping Shallan can give us a good picture in this book!
  22. I'm of the impression the Bondsmith that bonded the stormfather merely died so the bond dissipated naturally. The link between the Nitghtwatcher and Cultivation is probably this: she either created the NW from scratch and gave her a fair amount of investiture, or sufficiently imbued her with investiture in her prior form, thereby making her a Cultivation spren. Side note, it seems the Nightwatcher and Stormfather were based on the pagan concepts of Earthmother and Skyfather deities, which i've only just realised
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