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Everything posted by Bacon

  1. Whenever Brandon talks about his early writing career, he mentions talking with this other author who debuted at the same time. Brandon got popular. That other author didn’t, apparently. He explains that the problem was that the other author’s book starts as a super generic fantasy story. But late in the book, it twists in a major way and becomes something completely different. Brandon’s theory is that this displeased both people who wanted the generic fantasy story because it wasn’t one by the end, as well as people who like subverting the genre because they never read that far. Does anyone know what book he’s referring to? Popular or not, that sounds like it’d be really interesting to read.
  2. I think it's obvious that leading up to the second half of the series, the time skip will be preceded by massive shifts in plot focus, lore, and universe-breaking developments As a result, I'm pretty sure that book 5 will be called Dianetics
  3. Lift not liking bacon is a horrible character decision that will keep her from being an influential figure the Cosmere and will stifle the reader’s ability to accept her as a viable POV character throughout the Stormlight series once her personality quirks become stale
  4. Put Alcatraz Smedry in a room with Adonalsium The Shattering happens
  5. I only asked him one question Me: In The Final Empire, the captain of the Luthadel garrison is named ‘Bevidon’ Brandon: Yes Me: which sounds suspiciously like Bavadin Brandon: It does Me: Any connection there? Brandon: RAFO
  6. This has been my theory for a while now humans find the dawnshards, use them to kill Rayse Moash takes up Odium Kaladin takes up Honor They both kill each other Shallan takes up both, becomes Sarcasm end of Cosmere
  7. Stick: I’m the Map (Dora the Explorer)
  8. Wheel of Time. That was my first real epic fantasy series and I started it right as Memory of Light was coming out. Around book 8, I learned Robert Jordan died and that someone else wrote the last 3 books. So I made my way through, dreading the switch and expecting them to be poor imitations of the rest of the series. But as it turns out, The Gathering Storm wound up being my favorite out of the entire series so I was hooked on Sanderson. If I had to put it down to a specific thing, the whole is what sold me on him as an author
  9. If I’m being boring about it, it’d probably just be the Book of Mormon but longer
  10. Way of Kings: Words of Radiance: Edgedancer: Oathbringer:
  11. Jasnah uses plate in the final battle of the book. It was heavily hinted at anyway. I forget whose PoV this was, but they saw a fused fly through the air and crash heavily into a wall. The person looked around the corner at the source, and saw Jasnah there, glowing faintly for a moment in a way that wasn't from stormlight, but was identical to earlier descriptions of what it looks like when a Radiant's armor appears/disappears.
  12. Kaladin playing the weird flute Hoid gave him for Syl
  13. The radiants find the dawnshards and kill Odium. Kaladin becomes Honor, Moash becomes Odium, they both kill each other and Shallan rushes in, takes up both and becomes Sarcasm. /Cosmere
  14. That'd work too. I was putting myself in her shoes a bit too much since I would absolutely love to just laze around, eat constantly, and stay fit because I'm burning all those calories by touching people for a second. But she could also hear about someone who needs healing, sneak into their houses, steal/eat their food and then come back to heal them after they go to sleep hungry and confused. Basically a reverse Batman
  15. I don't know why she hasn't thought of how she could use her abilities to get infinite free meals from people. Injured people could just come to her with food. She'd put all of Kharbranth out of business and be fed constantly. Sounds like heaven.
  16. awe damnation, really? Do you have a link to that?
  17. see, I don't think he is. Think about it. Does "I Am Unity" sound like a third ideal? If the skybreakers 5th ideal is to "become the law", then it makes sense that the 5th ideal of a bondsmith is to "become unification". Dalinar is suddenly flooded by a sense of awareness. I think that moment of clarity power-leveled him. His next words were: "I will take responsibility for what I have done": third ideal "If I must fall, I will rise again, each time a better man": fourth ideal "I am unity": fifth ideal That's why Stormfather was so flabbergasted. Hell, even Odium was caught with his pants down. It didn't have a ring of "These words are accepted...sooner than I expected". Instead it was "These words...are accepted...what...what did you do?" Honor's perpendicularity shouldn't be something he has access to until he fully bonds with the sliver of Honor (Stormfather). The direct quote, taken from Awesomness's post in the Dalinar's Fifth Ideal thread from last week:
  18. There's serious power creep in all Sanderson stuff. That's part of the fun. But the radiants are generally capped at the the 5th ideal. On Dalinar specifically, I think that's just what happens when you reach the 5th ideal with Stormfather specifically since he's a sliver of Honor and so has a greater power well than other spren. As far as Jasnah goes, it's not a power thing; she is just absurdly skilled and knows exactly how to convince objects that they actually want to be other objects. I don't think there's any way Shallan will be able to do what Jasnah does
  19. Gotta go with Shallan. She gets so much screentime to do things that have almost no overall plot impact. And her character development is all over the place. The ways she seems to learn and grow randomly disappear the next time the POV switches to her.
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