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Wow, Alvron was village? Good on all of you for figuring it out. Sure had me panicking. I'm a little surprised it wasn't Liranil that got sent up, but hey, results are results. 

Not much to report from the Council doc. The drinks were good, but no one told me any secrets. :/ I'll plus one villager(?!) Mat saying don't reveal anything. I've got some stuff I plan to say that I'm saving for the Aftermath. 

Anyone want to play two Truths and a Lie? I'll go first. 

1. I hid some white text in the doc :ph34r:

2. I am the Tineye

3. I still think Illwei is the most trustworthy person and we should all elect them as our leader :P. 

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46 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Smh, Tani, you should know the rest of our team by now. Maybe that’s why you didn’t vote for any of us when we needed it. :P

Why would I know who you are? Oberon doesn't know anything about the elim team and the elim team doesnt know who he is.

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24 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

I think Striker is winning the troll award so far

I have nothing else better to do since you and Tani and the others aren’t voting yet. :P

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Just now, Araris Valerian said:

I'm definitely an elim. You saw me try to hammer there at the end, right?

I was very confused, but yes I saw that :P.

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Can I also claim to be an elim?  I mean I did make a push for my election when the elims really needed to get one of their own picked.  And it's not like I didn't have a fellow elim voting for me.  :P 

Edit: Clearly I'm the Starling.  My disguise is so good that even the GM couldn't tell I was evil all along.

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I'm not a elim, also, @Fifth Scholar, My thinking is very similar to Liranil's I did village read you, but you votes started getting weirder, plus I didn't trust the Bip train at all. I mostly voted Alvron for consolidation purposes. 

Fun fact: This is one of, if not the only, time I've lasted until the end of a game.

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It's good to be back among my favorite folk. Thank you all so much for electing me. I plan to do great things with the position.

Hey, uh, @Archer, how did you know Fifth voted on two elims?


"They made some valid points against Elandera. I wish they hadn't then voted for two elims, but hey, people get confused."


To my teammates:

1. Agreed and maybe? I have thoughts.

2. Agreed

3. Agreed. See above.

4. 4. (1 and 2 have a perfect record, so they're worth considering too)

Edited by Elandera
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