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Well I will not hesitate to sus you for not saying your votes anyways :P. so- eh :P. you gotta pick your battles ig :P.



oh, on the subject of elims I guess because why not

uh 14p, meaning if it's a 4p team then 10-4 = 6 so that's three cycles for them and 4 for us, and if it's three that means 7 which is three cycles and then lylo so yeah I'm agreeing with a 3p team here. because they can hammer privately I do think that it's basically the same either way in terms of Elims ease of winning because unless the village is united on lylo they're not dying, which, I mean is normal ye but also they don't have to worry about blending in vote-wise because in-thread votes don't technically matter. technical in the way of mechanics. I don't use words right. Fight me.

on the subject of general PMs

I don't think they matter all that much. 11v3 would be fine without PMs, and PMs are fun and all but not needed. if we lose PMs there's not a lot we can do without them. So perhaps I am in favor of not caring and telling people about PMs! who knows! but no my point is there's not a huge reason imo to coordinate the PMs because it's not a huge loss if we lose them.

I'm sad and lonely. EST people are probably sleeping.

If I wake up at 5 my time will people be up? I gotta leave for work around 7:30 so I usually wake up at 6 but If I wake up earlier will there be-


but yes. uhm. anyways. Maybe I'll wake up at 5 to see if anyone is up ;-;.

Edited by Illwei
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Alas, there are not that many rules to analyse. The anonymous vote mechanic is the only item of relevance. Hammers, bandwagons, and counterwagons all become both uncertain and uncontested. I propose we act as normal and execute anyone who lies about their vote without a reasonable excuse. Vote counts will be homemade in this game. Poke votes are even more pointless. 14 players, 20% = 2.8, 25% = 3.5. 3 elims, most likely. Public service announcement: I will be gone on Saturday in a place with questionable wifi. 

Ah, I missed a great deal of conversation due to non-existence. Post-by-post

  1. Archer: 3-person [concur], sheep the Wei [terrible idea], free choice [concur], coloured votes [apathy], give suspicions [yes] 
    1. I just realised you can tab. Wow. I'll use this for reads if any "vibes" exist.
  2. Lumi: Useless poke vote [what's the point?], will track votes [of course], PM taken [needless], 3 elims [concur]
  3. Mateo: 3 elims [concur], Archer don't announce sheephood [inconsequential], free choice [concur], will liveblog votes [alright], poke vote [useless], give suspicions [yes]
  4. Liranil: Exists
  5. Danex: Gut elim on Archer [really? I don't concur], coordinate PMs [If we do chain, the elims can just PM whomever they choose and say that they are opposed. Also, I refuse, and I'm sure others will do whatever they want. I'm PMing who I want.]
  6. Lumi: Vil!Danex [really? I don't concur], PMs useless [true]
  7. Danex: Neat, PMs all we have [true, but still useless]
  8. Kings_way: Optimise PMs [valid]
  9. Lumi: Say who's PMing who [terrible idea since elims can easily sever private communications this way, no one else seems to have complied], PMing Archer
  10. Tani: Coordinate [alright], color votes [alright], share [alright]
  11. Lumi: Honesty [true]
  12. Order: Chain of PMs fails [they were never intended to succeed]
  13. Danex: Banter
  14. Taniel: Banter
  15. Order: Chain of PMs fails [see above]
  16. Lumi: Best case [true]
  17. Order: Supports choice [valid], only X those near the dead to maintain chain [the intention is not a game of telephone. That would be ineffective.]
  18. Danex: No chain mail
  19. Taniel: IKYK! [This statement, as well as Taniel's post wherein they agree, seems dramatically overstated, though Tani does have a very dramatic personality.]
  20. Lumi: Just say it.
  21. Order: If not chain mail, then no point in spread [exactly]
  22. Taniel: Elims won't kill "next to" people. [Wrong, assumes we will X the ones near dead to maintain chain when that was never the intention in the slightest]
  23. Order: Terrible reasoning [true]
  24. Lumi: No, vil reading Tani [really?]
  25. Order: Activity is helpful
  26. Lumi: Trust?
  27. Order: Trusts Quinn, Archer, Taniel, Danex [really? That seems inordinate]
  28. Quinn: Agrees [really?]
  29. Danex: Surprised [exactly]
  30. Archer: Banter, pre-write [as Araris said in the Aftermath, inconsequential], say suspicions, unsure about sharing 
  31. Danex: Releases Archer
  32. Tani: Banter
  33. Lumi: True.
  34. Archer: Pre-written, won't share [concur]
  35. Wei: Sus of Mateo, exists
  36. Mateo: OK
  37. Bridge-Four: Exists
  38. Wei: Sharing top suspicions useless just share votes [true], Mateo nitpicky [true, but not especially noted], saying PM partner is bad [concur], village reads, truce, claim who to vote for [Order's opinions have been consistently strange], suspicions and trusts [slight concurrence]
  39. Order: Doesn't like getting suspicion [OrderSuspicion++; Who cares if you get suspected? What matters is what helps the village, not what helps you.]
  40. Illwei: Will suspect them, 3 elims, PMs don't matter [true]

Conclusions: Tani and Order are strange. Wei seems oddly not strange. Lumi's trusts are weird.

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13 minutes ago, Gears said:

Order: If not chain mail, then no point in spread [exactly]

This point was brought up during the (illegal) pre-game discussion and was the only real plus side to that system, therefore I found out why it didn't work. 

16 minutes ago, Gears said:

Order: Doesn't like getting suspicion

Is there a reason you came to this conclusion?

17 minutes ago, Gears said:

Order are strange

I'm guessing it's because I am getting involved in the discussion, which wouldn't feel normal to others, and it is awkward for me.

49 minutes ago, Illwei said:

I don't think they matter all that much. 11v3 would be fine without PMs, and PMs are fun and all but not needed. if we lose PMs there's not a lot we can do without them. So perhaps I am in favor of not caring and telling people about PMs! who knows! but no my point is there's not a huge reason imo to coordinate the PMs because it's not a huge loss if we lose them.

The reason I am for declaring who we will PM is if we declare we can minimize the loss of PMs, not eliminate it, just minimize it. 

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1 hour ago, Illwei said:

Idk, can't pinpoint exactly what was off about this ya know, but basically I don't see any sorta problem with him specifically announcing he's gonna do this. Mat is picky though (...yeah no that's not the right word. nitpicky? idk, moving on) about things he find suspicious, so ofc there's the chance this means absolutely nothing! but anyways-

Yeah there's nothing I can really say about this. I was trying to reply to every one of Archer's points, I think, though I definitely would have said that anyway and still would.

I don't find it suspicious though, it's just not something I would have said.

1 hour ago, Illwei said:

tsk tsk tsk. Assigning village reads so early? Quinn :P.

This is from the person who read Araris village instantly in my LG? :P.

1 hour ago, Illwei said:

I still think that declaring in thread nulls half of the point of PMs.


Also agree on watching Quinn-Dannex... don't remember why exactly though.

Dunno how to feel about Order's vote patterns. Random votes are about as helpful as not voting at all but it's also NAI and I'm null reading that specific thing. Idk.

...And it's past 10 and my computer is supposed to have shut off by now and I'm gonna push post and I don't know if it actually will post.

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9 hours ago, Illwei said:

Dont ask me to explain this yet, ill elaborate more if i still feel this way after reading everything - I dont like mat rn

(If i see someone asking me to explain this i will personally hunt you down and steal your computer. I would say "kill you", but im on the look for a new computer rn)

Please explain. :P (Please come hunt me down! I need a Sharder friend who I can talk to in person!)

6 hours ago, Gears said:

22. Taniel: Elims won't kill "next to" people. [Wrong, assumes we will X the ones near dead to maintain chain when that was never the intention in the slightest]

This was in response to someone saying we should X near deads in the chain to help maintain the PMs.

6 hours ago, Gears said:

Conclusions: Tani and Order are strange. Wei seems oddly not strange. Lumi's trusts are weird.

Tani's always strange.

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Okay, first of all, Illwei please don't freak out. I am responding to you and in some cases disagreeing with you but I don't have an elim read on you at all so just so we're clear, the purpose of this is not to attack you or shade you or anything like that. Okay? Right, moving on.

8 hours ago, Illwei said:

I think keeping saying three top suspicions and saying something like "Imma vote in here" is pointless and useless. Well, there could be a point in there in terms of something like. ...wanting to hide who you're voting on from the village :P. So if someone does that, you're going on my hit-list!

The point of having top three suspicions is that it gives some kind of accountability but adds an element of uncertainty for the elims (and allows people to have some fun with the unique mechanic this game). After the fact, we'll be able to tell which of the three the player voted for by looking at the final VC, so it's only a temporary delay in information. I personally am not going to do it, but I don't think it's particularly harmful to leave the option open to other people who want to have fun with this (and I don't know if we can actually stop them anyway : P), so I'm not going to oppose the idea.

8 hours ago, Illwei said:

I think saying who we're going to PM is completely detrimental to the village, as not saying anything allows us to hope even remotely that the Elims will slip up somehow and say it. now yeah yeah yall might be saying "but Illwei! They might have not known that, and you just made the Elims more aware about that!" yeah eh they probably are just as aware as they've always been. and anyone suggesting publicly announcing PMs is also going on my list :P.

I wrote out a whole response to this and then realized in your next post you say basically what I was going to xD PMs aren't really that important for the village because they'll do very little to help us solve the game.

8 hours ago, Illwei said:

tsk tsk tsk. Assigning village reads so early? Quinn :P.

Mat responded to this exactly how I was going to :P 

7 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:


I think that depends on what the point of PMs is in your opinion. The fact that everyone knows you have a PM with someone in particular doesn't change that it's a PM, and you can still do everything with it that you can with a PM that no one knows about. It's not like there are PM spies in this game :P ...right Ash? 

The only problem I can even think of is that it gives the elims a potential system of targeting people based on who they have PMs with. Which at first sounds bad, but like I said earlier PMs aren't actually going to be that useful in this game anyway, so A. idk why the elims would do that and B. if they did that it'd be good, because they'd be targeting people based on PM distribution and not based on what's actually happening in-game, which is a suboptimal strategy for them and therefore good for us.

7 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Also agree on watching Quinn-Dannex... don't remember why exactly though.

Because I immediately village-read him after his first post? :P in seriousness though, I have a hard time seeing e!Dannex immediately attacking Archer for his first post. 


Still village-reading Tani, TUO, and Dannex (fight me, Gears >>), it's too early to tell with Gears and Illwei (and if you forced me to give reads other than null on those two, it would be village for Gears and elim for Illwei... which is always what I give for those two at the start of every game basically : P), Archer's most substantive post so far was pre-written so I'm holding off on him as well, and I have no clue what to think about Mat xD Bridge seems slightly more competent than your typical newbie, but that could be due to any number of things so I'm not gonna worry about it too much yet.

Now, given that we have about 7.5 hours left in the cycle, time to point out that the (stated) VC is

Liranil (1): Quinn
Jondesu (1): Matrim
TUO (2): Illwei, Bridge

and that both my vote and Mat's were pokes. @Flyingbooks and @PizzaPower55 have not posted yet. We need more votes, people! :P I'll move my vote to Matrim (Liranil) for now because he's the only person currently on my radar who's not new, returning, a village read, or one of [Gears, Illwei, Archer] (people that I'm pretty sure I just can't read). Idk, I got nothing here : P but I've gotten enough narrowed eyes for asking people to vote while not doing so myself in the past, so I figure I should vote here or something.

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57 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

kay, first of all, Illwei please don't freak out.

(: im not gonna point out how *youre* the one to freak out at the smallest accusation, not me :P. Me saying things about your points is not freaking out, its talking :P.

Also this is a QF huh. Well, i wont be around for rollover. :P. 


Anyways,  my people. Not stating votes leaves the village not knowing where the vc stands and allows the elims to avoid accountability.

Aaaaanyways pt. 2!

@Quintessentialim going to be busy so i nominate you to tag everyone at like...12:30 or 12 or so, and remind people to put the order in their GMPM

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I think my top three suspicions are maybe Bridge, Dannex, and Mat, but this about 95% D1 gut. Voting the same as you do in thread might be the most optimal, but I'd rather not for completely personal reasons. SE is better than normal Mafia because of all the options a forum game has, and I like the complications that make each game unique. At the same time, I realize that voting in thread is best so we can win, so I'll use the three suspicion thing.

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1 hour ago, Quintessential said:

Bridge seems slightly more competent than your typical newbie, but that could be due to any number of things so I'm not gonna worry about it too much yet.

Haha, that is mainly because I have played Mafia 2-3 times before with friends. But that was about it.


I too agree that PMs will become useless very early on, for we don't even know if the one we are messaging to is an elim (I would be very careful to say anything in the PMs personally)

And yeah, I completely agree with Quinn on the three suspects voting. If it is going to be a game of intrigue, then might as well keep people guessing.

Edited by Bridge-Four
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14 minutes ago, Illwei said:

(: im not gonna point out how *youre* the one to freak out at the smallest accusation, not me :P. Me saying things about your points is not freaking out, its talking :P.

In QF51 C1, I was just trying to discuss rules and stuff with you and you interpreted it as me shading you--which it was never intended to be. Hence the disclaimer at the top of my post : P

15 minutes ago, Illwei said:

@Quintessentialim going to be busy so i nominate you to tag everyone at like...12:30 or 12 or so, and remind people to put the order in their GMPM

Will do lol (side-note: I wish there was some kind of @here function on the 17th Shard, like there is on Discord)

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Sisar read the OP and realized magic was discouraged at this party. They groaned. Not even a little spell? Where’s the fun in that?

They began exiting the dance floor, stopping to snag a slice of melon from the buffet on the way, before making their way up a spiral staircase to the first balcony. It was dark, so they procured a wax light from an alcove in the wall. It was frivolously shaped like a bird. Some people have too much money.

They made their way to the outside portion, which had a large cloth awning. There was a nice seat there, so they sat for a moment to rest their legs.

It was quiet. Too quiet. They began to think about the deadly disease they were afflicted with. Darn.

And so the kandra who can’t cast cantrips carried a capitalist canary candle and cantaloupe cross-section to the canopy covered chair and contemplated their cancer.


I think I’ll put a vote on TUO. Illwei voted for them, and they have good instincts D1. They also give me Flyingbooks in the LG vibes; they have upped their game. It’s unfortunate if it is an elim tell because I’d rather reward that than penalize it. I am also conscious of the fact that they were the first NK in the LG. But while my vote will make a three-person wagon on them, I’m expecting high vote turnout and plenty of late action which I won’t be around for. So this isn’t a killing blow in any sense.

I know that’s all meta. My elim gut read on them is based on meta. To be fair to TUO, I’ll ISO them and highlight their most suspicious content.

 I'll be voting every round, and it will likely have a pun attached. So beware. -TUO

Regularly voting is the default, so by making an effort to declare it, perhaps they know in advance they will make controversial accusations. I like puns though.

You, Archer, a little bit Tani, and Dannex, you and Tani are gut reads and Archer and Dannex feel village mostly because of their ideas, I see them as wrong, but village. 

I’m curious why you don’t trust Mat. It smells like recency bias.  

That is probably my weakest point, the reason I would prefer to not say who I'm voting is because, if I actually for some reason need to change last minute, I'll get instant sussed. All of my votes this game are going to be random due to my character. I also rarely get suspicions in the early cycles, so saying my vote in thread when I don't normally vote wouldn't make sense. Unfortunately, my vote this round is going on someone I trust, but that's what happens. 

If you’re randomly voting, your vote will rarely matter. There’s a two-vote threshold for exes. I’m generally not a fan of random voting, especially if you have reads like you said you have already, but this feels like you know it’s going to go poorly and are doing damage control early.

Okay, let’s look at Gears. They often get ignored because of the structure of their posts, so this game I’m trying to keep a closer eye on them.

Lumi: Useless poke vote [what's the point?]

Poke votes have less teeth, but only if people realize that.

Lumi: Vil!Danex [really? I don't concur]

The Dannex is village argument has merit. Knowing they’re wrong, had they successfully exed me, it would have looked bad for them. I don’t think an elim would take that risk.

Taniel: IKYK! [This statement, as well as Taniel's post wherein they agree, seems dramatically overstated, though Tani does have a very dramatic personality.

I agree, in retrospect. Same with everything Illwei has said so far. I’m leaning towards it just be personality, but I know Gneo/Tani’s got off-site experience, so they should know to be careful. They relented pretty quickly. If Quinn was an elim Tani just handed them what they thought was valuable information with little convincing. I’ll go ahead and guess Gneofromthematrix and Quinn are not e-e based on this though. It felt genuine.  

 [Order's opinions have been consistently strange]

Order: Doesn't like getting suspicion [OrderSuspicion++; Who cares if you get suspected? What matters is what helps the village, not what helps you.]

I’m getting the sense that Gears plans to vote for TUO. :P

Illwei: Will suspect them, 3 elims, PMs don't matter [true]

Generally a lot of agreement with Illwei in this summary, so that’s noted. I don’t think it’s overly suspicious though, because in their conclusion they mention it and call it strange.

Everything I didn’t quote from their post I agree with, so Gears is looking fairly clean at the moment.

22 minutes ago, Kings_way said:

I think my top three suspicions are maybe Bridge, Dannex, and Mat, but this about 95% D1 gut. Voting the same as you do in thread might be the most optimal, but I'd rather not for completely personal reasons. SE is better than normal Mafia because of all the options a forum game has, and I like the complications that make each game unique. At the same time, I realize that voting in thread is best so we can win, so I'll use the three suspicion thing.

Good lad. Now why is everyone voting Mat? Did I miss something they said? (That's entirely possible) And are you sussing Dannex for the voting me then retracting it thing, or something else? 

12 minutes ago, Bridge-Four said:

Haha, that is mainly because I have played Mafia 2-3 times before with friends. But that was about it.

I too agree that PMs will become useless very early on, for we don't even know if the one we are messaging to is an elim (I would be very careful to say anything in the PMs personally)

And yeah, I completely agree with Quinn on the three suspects voting. If it is going to be a game of intrigue, then might as well keep people guessing.

Welp, I was village reading you for having the confidence to vote early, but I probably need to walk that back a bit. 

Early on is relative, I'll note. With no elim kills, this game finishes at the end of Day 4. That reminds me, elim kills will be weird in this game. They have to avoid hitting people who might be exed. 

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39 minutes ago, Kings_way said:

I think my top three suspicions are maybe Bridge, Dannex, and Mat, but this about 95% D1 gut. Voting the same as you do in thread might be the most optimal, but I'd rather not for completely personal reasons. SE is better than normal Mafia because of all the options a forum game has, and I like the complications that make each game unique. At the same time, I realize that voting in thread is best so we can win, so I'll use the three suspicion thing.

Gut against this. I think maybe because of their suspicions? There is literally no reason for that (or this:) but I think if Kings is an elim Bridge or Dannex is also

Bold team prediction right here: Kings/Dannex/Quinn

Yeah no I'm not going with that. Full team predictions are a bad idea right now :P 

15 minutes ago, Gneorndin said:

Ok so are we sharing who we're PMing or not?

I'm not, but it could be potentially helpful later on.


I think Order is weird, but I don't think they're elim weird? Idk. I might vote on them anyway because they seem weird. Archer's post helped concise in my head why they feel weird, and my vote currently is on Liranil for a reason I don't even remember that probably were nonexistant. Elim reads are (possibly) TUO, (gut) Kings, (tinfoil) Dannex/Quinn but they both read village to me so ignore that. Village reads are Archer and Illwei and Tani.

1 minute ago, Archer said:

I’m curious why you don’t trust Mat. It smells like recency bias.  

Also curious.

3 minutes ago, Archer said:

Early on is relative, I'll note. With no elim kills, this game finishes at the end of Day 4. That reminds me, elim kills will be weird in this game. They have to avoid hitting people who might be exed. 

Why would they be weird? Wouldn't they just be normal, to some extent? I mean- elims try to avoid killing people getting sussed anyway.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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52 minutes ago, Archer said:

I think I’ll put a vote on TUO.

Mind putting your votes in bold and red in the future? Makes it easier for me everyone to keep track of them.

52 minutes ago, Matrim's Dice said:

my vote currently is on Liranil for a reason I don't even remember that probably were nonexistant.

Did you announce that in-thread? if you did I missed it : P the only person I have you down as having voted was Jondesu.

As a general statement: Guyyyss this doesn't work if you don't say who you're voting for! 

The current VC that I have, knowing now that Mat's vote is on Liranil, is:

TUO (3): Illwei, Bridge, Archer
Matrim (1 {2}): Quinn, {Kings}
Bridge ({1}): {Kings}
Dannex ({1}): {Kings}
Liranil (1): Matrim

It looks like there's more votes than there are because Kings is listed on three people, having said they'd vote for one of those three. In reality, only myself, Bridge, Archer, Kings, Illwei, and Matrim have voted. 

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Just now, Quintessential said:

Did you announce that in-thread? if you did I missed it : P the only person I have you down as having voted was Jondesu.

Yeah I didn't because it wasn't going to stick :P.


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1 hour ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Yeah I didn't because it wasn't going to stick :P.

Both to you specifically and to everyone: please announce votes that you put in your GM PM even if you don't think they're going to stick. First of all, if you forget/aren't on to change them, it'll draw suspicion onto you for having a vote you never said anything about in the final tally. And second of all, if you felt like voting someone in the first place it probably means something, and that gives us more info, especially later and in context. Context which we lack if you don't post when you make the decision, because we won't be able to figure out when exactly you voted, and that can be important.

basically this game is a logistical nightmare for me xD

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2 hours till rollover and I finally have time to catch up on things. :P 

We're kinda past the how-many-elims discussion, but I agree that there's 3-4 elims.

While I think organizing PMs is a fun idea, I think it gives the elims too much information. But I still don't know who to pick anyway, so idk.

I think the thing that concerns me the most is the everybody-dies-in-a-tie thing. Because of that, I agree with everyone who's said that we need to announce votes in-thread. Obviously that's not official, but still. Communication!

So at least to create a larger vote-margin: The Unknown Order

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Current VC:

TUO (5): Illwei, Bridge, Archer, Matrim, Liranil
Matrim (1 {2}): Quinn, {Kings}
Bridge ({1}): {Kings}
Dannex ({1}): {Kings}

Here's a list of every vote stated this cycle, in order, along with the reasoning for each. Bold = current votes.

  • Quinn votes Liranil: poke vote.
  • Mat votes Jondesu: poke vote.
  • Dannex votes Archer: for suggesting we not bother organizing PMs.
  • Dannex unvotes Archer: upon realizing Archer's post was pre-written.
  • Illwei votes Quinn, unvotes Quinn, votes TUO: Quinn for early-village-reading Dannex, TUO for suggesting we organize PMs but saying they may not announce their votes.
  • Bridge votes TUO: gut read.
  • Quinn unvotes Liranil, votes Mat: because Mat is the only person in this game so far that I don't have an objection to voting, basically.
  • Kings votes one of [Bridge, Dannex, Mat]: D1 gut reads.
  • Archer votes TUO: Illwei voted them with reasoning (this in line with Archer's first post), also TUO's statements about how they intend to vote have been weird.
  • Mat unvotes Jondesu, votes Liranil: this didn't actually happen here but this was when it was announced so I'm putting it here. No reasoning stated.
  • Mat unvotes Liranil, votes TUO: TUO feels off this game, Mat concurs with Archer's analysis.
  • Liranil votes TUO: security against a tie.

Given the lack of (public) opposition to the TUO train, it seems unlikely to me that TUO is elim. But I don't see any better options (like, I am literally voting Mat because he's the only person I have no current personal objection to voting, so who am I to judge), and more than half the votes on the train had some kind of actual reason behind them, which is... pretty good for D1. So I guess I'm not unhappy with this outcome. Trying to start another train might end up with a tie, anyway.

On the other hand, only half of us have stated we're voting. Which is... not great. Since we have less than 1.5 hours left in-cycle, and we need as much info as we can get going forward. The people who don't currently have stated votes are @Gears, @Gneorndin@The Unknown Order@Jondesu@Dannex@Flyingbooks, and @PizzaPower55. If any of you actually have voted, please say so, and if you haven't then please consider doing so : P

I probably won't be on for the rest of the cycle 'cause I have a couple of chemistry labs to do. So don't expect me to be around to give any more VCs :P you're on your own!

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5 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

Given the lack of (public) opposition to the TUO train, it seems unlikely to me that TUO is elim. But I don't see any better options (like, I am literally voting Mat because he's the only person I have no current personal objection to voting, so who am I to judge), and more than half the votes on the train had some kind of actual reason behind them, which is... pretty good for D1. So I guess I'm not unhappy with this outcome. Trying to start another train might end up with a tie, anyway.

I could agree with that (as in the first sentence. lack of opposition is kind of odd) and I'd personally switch back to Liranil. I have no clue why I voted her originally, it was... something in the first post, not the part about being busy, but rereading it the post seems fine, so I'm not sure. But Liranil's recent post does have things I don't like... a lot of stating the obvious to me, and jumping on TUO. I get that ties kill both, but if there's a day to do it it's D1.

Y'know what the vote margin is large enough. Going with my gut. Liranil.

And keep up the light sus on me too :P Maybe this way I can dodge the NK and survive a village game other than the AG :P 

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