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Agent Boyd leaned into the cockpit, she had to yell over the helicopter blades in order to be heard, "how much farther pilot!"

The pilot barely glanced at Boyd as he responded, keeping a close eye on his instruments, "less than a mile and closing!"

Agent Boyd nodded, satisfied with that answer. She moved back into the main body of the helicopter where her team was ready and waiting, "lock and load, Watchers! We're approaching the last known location of an unknown entity, believed to be connected with the current events. The director says he wants it alive, but has authorized any means necessary. Protocol dictates that we're not supposed to take the first shot, but if it comes at you, pump it full of lead, you got that boys!?"

The men nodded as they double checked their gear, looking grim all the while. One of the men approached Boyd, it looked to be agent Willis, "sir, we have anything on what this thing can do?"

Boyd shook her head, "we only got what you heard during the briefing. Whatever this thing is, we haven't seen it before."

Willis cursed, "how far away is it?"

Boyd looked outside of the chopper, "gotta be about a half mile and closing fast."

Willis tilted his head down and shook it, he started to say something but was cut off by a buzz on Boyd's com. Boyd activated it, "what is it pilot?"

"The target's last known location is 500 ft. away and closing, you better get up here."

Boyd nodded, "affirmative pilot, be right there." She shrugged at Willis, who only nodded and rejoined the rest of the group. Boyd turned and leaned into the cockpit again. As Boyd entered the cockpit, she could see the other two choppers through the windshield. She yelled at the pilot, "anything yet?!"

The pilot shook his head, "just hills sir, it could be long gone by now."

Boyd shook her head, "start a search radius, I want-"

The co-pilot cut Boyd off, "look, over there!" He pointed towards a figure that dashed across the hills.

Boyd grabbed the pilot's shoulder, "get us a clear visual pilot, move!"


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30 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Rotcennoc placed a gauntleted hand against the ground. Still nothing. He ground his teeth. It had to be here, somewhere. He was sure of it.

Agent Boyd pointed from where she stood, "there, I can see it!"

The co-pilot looked confused, "what is it doing?"

Boyd snapped at him, "doesn't matter for now, we have it in our sights." She leaned back into the main body of the chopper, "get tactical Watchers!" She turned back to the pilot, " how close can you get us?"

The pilot took a moment to glance at Boyd, "within 50 ft is the safest sir, any closer and I'll start having issues with the terrain."

Boyd nodded, "do what you can. The director sounded convinced that we have a chance for things to not get ugly, but I wouldn't hold my breath."

Boyd watched the entity for a moment before the co-pilot spoke, "this one looks human sir."

Boyd sniffed in amusement, "no telling what exactly it is until we have it in our custody. Has it noticed us yet?"

Edited by The Ward's Guard
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8 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Rotcennoc glanced up at the aerial craft hovering above him. He squinted against the sun. When had that gotten here?

"Sir, it's looking at us."

Boyd glanced at the co-pilot, "I can see that, keep the Helicopter in the air above him, then connect my com to the speaker."

The pilot flipped a few switches before nodding at Boyd.

Boyd lifted her com and spoke into it. Her voice was then transfered to the speaker that was positioned on the helicopter's nose, "entity, do you understand me?"

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On 1/26/2021 at 9:43 AM, Condensation said:

If anyone really wants to get started, think cave/cold stone with basic necessities and hidden rooms.

Kaesiel looks around, scowling. “Well, at least we have a place to stay, now.” She sets down her bags on a nearby table. “Now, I need to go shopping.” She brandishes the hundred dollar bill. “And I’m guessing wherever those flying machines that made that noise are is where the most advanced equipment is. Who’s up for a little outing?”

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11 hours ago, JesterLavorre said:

Kaesiel looks around, scowling. “Well, at least we have a place to stay, now.” She sets down her bags on a nearby table. “Now, I need to go shopping.” She brandishes the hundred dollar bill. “And I’m guessing wherever those flying machines that made that noise are is where the most advanced equipment is. Who’s up for a little outing?”

"Caves are not my thing," the man said with distaste. "No offense, Kitty, but I can hardly stand them. I'll go with you, if you don't mind, of course."

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34 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Ah. Law enforcement.

"How about this," called Rotcennoc. "You leave me alone, and I don't kill you all."

"Keep your hands visible, and do not make any sudden movements."

Boyd switched off her com and shouted at the men in the main body of the chopper, "arm the canisters and fire when I command!"

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3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

"Take that as a no," muttered Rotcennoc, raising his glove and firing a pulse of destructive energy at the aircraft.

As soon as the figure moved, Boyd called out to her men. "Fire the canis-" A strange energy came from the figure, causing the pilot to violently shift the controls in order to dodge out of the way. The pilot moved fast, but not fast enough as the chopper was struck alongside the left side out hull, causing it to spin out of control. Boyd tried to shout at the pilot, but she couldn't even hear herself over the tumultuous chaos that was happening in the chopper as the view through the front windshield spun around over and over again. As Boyd watched helplessly, she could see the ground getting closer and closer; the only thing she could do was hold on for dear life as she saw the imminent crash. Just as Boyd closed her eyes in resignation, the pilot managed to get enough control of the chopper to slow the spinning. As the chopper slammed on the ground, Boyd was launched from the cockpit to the main body of the chopper where she slammed into something large and hard just out of her line of sight. The chopper stopped moving as pain flared through Boyd's side. She pushed herself up to her feet and looked around the main body, she saw four bodies around her, and only three of them were stirring. When she looked got to her feet, she noticed that she was standing at an angle. Boyd spat onto the ground to clear her mouth, "sound off if you're not dead!"

Several groans came from the men as one of them stood up, holding his forehead. "Sir, Thompson and I are fine, Stints is wounded and bleeding out. No sign of anyone else."

Boyd cursed, "get Stints stable and get Command on the horn, I'm checking the pilots!"

The man nodded and got to work as Boyd turned to get into the cockpit. She found the Pilots stirring, but not completely conscious. After inspecting them for bodily harm as much as physically possible, she grabbed her com from where she dropped it and activated it. She spoke into it immediately as it connected to the other two choppers that were in the area, "contact made with target. The target is hostile and powerful, estimated Keter class. Keep track of target, but avoid engaging. Calling for backup now."

When she clicked off her mic, she heard affirmative replies from the other two choppers, and she went back into the main body of the chopper. She found that Thompson was hastily bandaging up Stilts, while the other agent had opened the side door just a crack in order to peak outside. When he saw Boyd, he nodded towards the radio that was active. Boyd picked up mic and put one of the headphones onto her ear, "target has engaged us, and the power level is estimated to be Keter. Chopper 1 is down with wounded, please advise."

The voice that came through was high pitched and nasally, "moving addition units to your location; hold your position and maintain current orders. Engage sparingly, good luck Doom Watchers."

Boyd nodded and turned to the agent that was watching out of the door, "we still have the canisters?"

He nodded, "we lost half of them when that thing hit us, but we still have some that work."

Boyd began to search through the chopper, "well, Command wants us to try our luck. Bring only the strongest stuff, I want that thing unconscious before we get anywhere near it." Boyd lifted up the canister's launcher from where it had fallen and tossed it to the agent, "Where is it?"

The agent glanced out of the door, "still about where we last saw it, looks as if it's searching for something."

Boyd picked up a second launcher, "well, its search will have to be put on hold. Thompson will stay with Stilts and the pilots, you and I will try to gas it.. I'll have the other two choppers come in to distract it so we can get a solid shot on it." Boyd took out her com and activated it, "new orders from command, move to engage target, but keep your distance and stay on your toes. Keep use of force nonlethal unless unavoidable."

After switching off her com, Boyd loaded her launcher and grabbed several canisters in case she had to reload. She nodded at the other agent, "let's move."

The agent nodded and opened the door just enough so that he could slip through with Boyd following; as soon as they got outside, they got onto their stomachs and waited for the choppers to come. It wasn't long before she heard them, then she saw one moving in from the northeast, with another coming from the northwest. They moved to be on opposite sides of the target and kept an easy distance of at least 600 yards, although they were often farther. As the choppers started to open up with their chin mounted chain guns, Boyd and the other agent got up and broke out into a low sprint towards the target.


I may or may not be attempting to distract myself from a school project, so sorry/not sorry for this massive post.


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7 hours ago, Mystic Syn said:

"Caves are not my thing," the man said with distaste. "No offense, Kitty, but I can hardly stand them. I'll go with you, if you don't mind, of course."

"Ah, caves may not be my favorite, but at least they have a lot of storage space for my armies." Indeed, a stream of zombies and skeletons filed into the cave and into a side cavern. "Oh, and you can definitely make it properly ominous for any adventurers. It'll take some effort, though..."

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2 hours ago, AmazingGoob said:

"Ah, caves may not be my favorite, but at least they have a lot of storage space for my armies." Indeed, a stream of zombies and skeletons filed into the cave and into a side cavern. "Oh, and you can definitely make it properly ominous for any adventurers. It'll take some effort, though..."

"I'm not one for decorating," the man said with a dismissal wave. "But it's not my cave, so I don't care what you do."

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5 hours ago, The Ward's Guard said:

As soon as the figure moved, Boyd called out to her men. "Fire the canis-" A strange energy came from the figure, causing the pilot to violently shift the controls in order to dodge out of the way. The pilot moved fast, but not fast enough as the chopper was struck alongside the left side out hull, causing it to spin out of control. Boyd tried to shout at the pilot, but she couldn't even hear herself over the tumultuous chaos that was happening in the chopper as the view through the front windshield spun around over and over again. As Boyd watched helplessly, she could see the ground getting closer and closer; the only thing she could do was hold on for dear life as she saw the imminent crash. Just as Boyd closed her eyes in resignation, the pilot managed to get enough control of the chopper to slow the spinning. As the chopper slammed on the ground, Boyd was launched from the cockpit to the main body of the chopper where she slammed into something large and hard just out of her line of sight. The chopper stopped moving as pain flared through Boyd's side. She pushed herself up to her feet and looked around the main body, she saw four bodies around her, and only three of them were stirring. When she looked got to her feet, she noticed that she was standing at an angle. Boyd spat onto the ground to clear her mouth, "sound off if you're not dead!"

Several groans came from the men as one of them stood up, holding his forehead. "Sir, Thompson and I are fine, Stints is wounded and bleeding out. No sign of anyone else."

Boyd cursed, "get Stints stable and get Command on the horn, I'm checking the pilots!"

The man nodded and got to work as Boyd turned to get into the cockpit. She found the Pilots stirring, but not completely conscious. After inspecting them for bodily harm as much as physically possible, she grabbed her com from where she dropped it and activated it. She spoke into it immediately as it connected to the other two choppers that were in the area, "contact made with target. The target is hostile and powerful, estimated Keter class. Keep track of target, but avoid engaging. Calling for backup now."

When she clicked off her mic, she heard affirmative replies from the other two choppers, and she went back into the main body of the chopper. She found that Thompson was hastily bandaging up Stilts, while the other agent had opened the side door just a crack in order to peak outside. When he saw Boyd, he nodded towards the radio that was active. Boyd picked up mic and put one of the headphones onto her ear, "target has engaged us, and the power level is estimated to be Keter. Chopper 1 is down with wounded, please advise."

The voice that came through was high pitched and nasally, "moving addition units to your location; hold your position and maintain current orders. Engage sparingly, good luck Doom Watchers."

Boyd nodded and turned to the agent that was watching out of the door, "we still have the canisters?"

He nodded, "we lost half of them when that thing hit us, but we still have some that work."

Boyd began to search through the chopper, "well, Command wants us to try our luck. Bring only the strongest stuff, I want that thing unconscious before we get anywhere near it." Boyd lifted up the canister's launcher from where it had fallen and tossed it to the agent, "Where is it?"

The agent glanced out of the door, "still about where we last saw it, looks as if it's searching for something."

Boyd picked up a second launcher, "well, its search will have to be put on hold. Thompson will stay with Stilts and the pilots, you and I will try to gas it.. I'll have the other two choppers come in to distract it so we can get a solid shot on it." Boyd took out her com and activated it, "new orders from command, move to engage target, but keep your distance and stay on your toes. Keep use of force nonlethal unless unavoidable."

After switching off her com, Boyd loaded her launcher and grabbed several canisters in case she had to reload. She nodded at the other agent, "let's move."

The agent nodded and opened the door just enough so that he could slip through with Boyd following; as soon as they got outside, they got onto their stomachs and waited for the choppers to come. It wasn't long before she heard them, then she saw one moving in from the northeast, with another coming from the northwest. They moved to be on opposite sides of the target and kept an easy distance of at least 600 yards, although they were often farther. As the choppers started to open up with their chin mounted chain guns, Boyd and the other agent got up and broke out into a low sprint towards the target.


It was at that moment that the sky began to break.

A tear opened itself up in the heavens, reality dissolving to reveal... nothingness.

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1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

It was at that moment that the sky began to break.

A tear opened itself up in the heavens, reality dissolving to reveal... nothingness.

Boyd cursed and hit the ground when the tear appeared, she didn't know exactly what would happen, but it wouldn't be good.


Quick question, do the tears suck people in to fill the void within?


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9 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:



Good to know

Boyd looked up at the sky to look at the tear, and seeing that nothing had happened to her yet, she signaled to the other agent to move forward. The two choppers that were circling 600 yards away opened up their M230 chin mounted chain guns around the entity in order to get its attention. With this, Boyd and the other agent moved up quickly with their launchers primed to fire. They ran until they were only 80 yards or so away so as to not miss their shots; they stopped and took aim before firing their canisters towards the entity. Moments after the canisters were launched, they started leaking clouds of gases that exploded as they landed next to the entity, launching gas in every direction.

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On 28/01/2021 at 8:47 AM, Mystic Syn said:

"Caves are not my thing," the man said with distaste. "No offense, Kitty, but I can hardly stand them. I'll go with you, if you don't mind, of course."

"Feel free to find your own base. Last I checked, this was your only option. No complaining!" Concerto stalked off, tail bristling and ears laid back.

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35 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Feel free to find your own base. Last I checked, this was your only option. No complaining!" Concerto stalked off, tail bristling and ears laid back.

The man raised an eyebrow. "Last I checked, I remember offering a base of operations before you came along, but I digress."

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