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Hello and good morning! I know it's not morning; sue me. I had this idea for a rp, because instead of doing schoolwork and actually doing something productive, I was playing with my imagination and came up with this idea that some of y'all might enjoy. If not, I'll keep them to myself, lol.

I thought that it'd be cool if all of those rpers and perhaps authors out there were to come together and I would prefer that they bring their own villains that they created into one rp. Not dissing on those who rp as characters from different media, but I want to see how this will all turn out. •3• I really don't have a main idea of what we would do if the villains were to come together, besides try to kill each other to show dominance, but something that I've been playing with is having the ragtag group of villains come together to defeat a greater evil?? I dunno, it's only an idea. Feel free to pm me if any of y'all have any ideas about this because I don't have much right now.

Basically this is something for fun where we can show off write our villains and show them to the other Sharders. If anyone wants something a bit more serious rp with these villains, then pm me and we can see about that because I'll be down for anything like that as well as something a bit more off the walls and do whatever the heck you want.


Now for the FAQ!

Is there a specific world that we're rping in? https://youtu.be/WBYdMrUd0w0 But seriously, we decided for it to be on Earth, because we don't want to go through the trouble of making another world.

Is there a set magic system? I say it's your character; you decide whether or not they have magic. Make sure to keep the characters balanced and have limits, and I'm pretty sure that everything will be fine. We don't want a repeat of Rey Palpatine now, do we? If that magic is what makes those villains them, then go ahead; I'm not stopping you. I love villains no matter how you slice it.

Can I join freely? I would say yes you can, but I would rather that you ask before joining so I can know who's here rping and who's just watching. If people actually read this this topic and post, decide to join, and I possibly make a pm for the rp, you'll be added to that and you can talk about what you would like to do there. Or you could pm me in specific. That works too, I guess, lol.

Can I use my OCs? As I said before, I would prefer that you use your own villain if you have one. If you don't, then I will make exceptions on having y'all use villains from different media in here, but I would prefer that you use your own characters because we don't want conundrums. I love seeing villains that are written by other people, so I can see how much of their villain matters to them.

What if the character or OC I use is from a different universe? We... we just went over that you can join with just about any character here, lol. If you're using a character and you are considering on making their story here canon to either your own writing or to the many rps here, please make sure it's possible for the sake of everyone's sanity here.

Are you making this rp because you're procrastinating? I will neither confirm nor deny that I am making this while procrastinating on my own work.

How do I speak normally without rping when I want to talk about what happened? That's what these quote boxes and pms are for! ["That's what these tests are for!" The Grinch, How The Grinch Stole Christmas; Jim Carrey (2000)].

Are you just stalling for time now? No, why would you ever think that? It's not like I have school assignments due today that I need to get done.


If you ever have any questions about this, feel free to ask me. I just wanted to do this, because I personally love writing villains and I really want to see what creative minds y'all have when it comes to these sorts of things. Not a lot of people will look at this, but I wanted to propose the idea, lol. Some of you are probably not as avid as me when it comes to villains and writing them, but there might be a handful of them who love to rp as them as much as I do. We may never know. >.>

To be honest, if this ever takes off which I have high doubts that it will, it probably won't be active for long. Like, I'm already seeing potential problems, but through some talking, we can work things out and see what we can do about that.

Edited by Mystic Syn
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4 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:


You see, I haven't the faintest clue yet. I'm more of thinking of keeping it on a medium scale; not too low that the villains you're using are basically playground bullies. I have some villains that are gods too, but I wasn't planning on using them. So, I hope that answered your question.


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3 minutes ago, Chasmgoat said:


Well yes, but actually no but yes at the same time??? This is what I think: We're using the villains of either our stories that we write, or villains from the rps that we're in, and are using them here as protagonists. I'm not sure if that made any sense, lol.


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Oh boy, time to make a monologues-for-an-hour-"Mwahaha, I shall throw you into this room with two spiked walls that slowly close in with an easily climbable exit in the ceiling and not watch you"-extremely-smart-but-actually-kinda-dumb-lich.


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6 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:


I personally don't care which character you use, because it's your character and you can decide what's canon and what's not with that character. Either way, I'm sure it'll be fineeeeee.


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5 minutes ago, JesterLavorre said:



Hey, Jester, what would you think if I just used Exodus? Upon looking back at all my villains I've done, I've realized that villains are not my strong suit. (trust me, my villains are the worst)


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15 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

Hey, Jester, what would you think if I just used Exodus? Upon looking back at all my villains I've done, I've realized that villains are not my strong suit. (trust me, my villains are the worst)


I think that would be fine. I just don’t want to use Ara’s family because they’re not the most well fleshed out, yet.


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