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The Sentence

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To play the game, you just copy the sentence in the post above yours. You may change a single word in the sentence, or you may add a word to the sentence.

If things get out of hand and the sentence becomes to cumbersome to write out, you can always vote for a reset.

UPDATE: We’re going to try a new rule, you may remove a single word in a sentence as long as it wasn’t added recently and the sentence isn’t too short (say, 10 words or less).

Here’s the starting sentence:

The man went to the store to buy chicken.


Archive of Sentences:

1) Hotheaded Lord Buckethead skated around the stone Scadrial spaceship spore to annoy 25,000 angry dinosaurs, but 90 groovy chickens danced with 4,000,000 dead nouns, and rotting buffalo skin couches imploded. 

The cheerful, ergo, drunken Koloss, eagerly fell elegantly onto Lifts albino Shardfork of comical Gluttony.

3) Tonight, the sacrificial lanes, the bookthirsty Journey SanderFans conquered to the ill and tribal-danced to the screeching screeches of practices being tipped 32 fabreeze coupons

4)  fashionable, yet mostly undead Ookla belly flopped under its inelegant yet elegant book fortress.

5) v27.1  professional french bulldog windrunners flew under the larkin temple to placidly meet yet another sleeping flaming returned Dakhor  Mistborn Inquisitor Awakener.

Edited by Knight of Iron
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