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Typos thread [Dawnshard]


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4 hours ago, Ashbringer said:

In the acknowledgements, Isaac Stewart is credited as "Isaa¢ Stewart" with the cents symbol... I don't know if that's intentional or not though.

That is intentional. Each book (with a few exceptions) misspells his name in a different way.

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On 11/6/2020 at 4:05 PM, Frogs said:

In the Fiction by Brandon Sanderson section, the first Infinity Blade is spelled Infinity Blae

On that note, Infinity Blade is absent from the list of books in the epub version.

Chapter 3, p. 51: “‘The place where Leyten got dropped into the ocean?’ . . . ‘Same,’ Kaladin said.” Kaladin’s response confuses me. I think “The same” would make more sense.

Chapter 15, p. 194: “reminding him of the refuse he’d find in the chasms with Bridge Four.” Should be “found”—otherwise it sounds like Lopen still has chasm duty or expects to in the future.



Edited by Neithan
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Though they were a few weeks into the trip, Rysn hadn’t yet received her promised demonstration of those—though she hoped it would happen today.

- Chapter 5, page 52

I don't think that they would be a few weeks into the trip at this point. On the first page of that chapter, Rysn says that "even with the best winds, a trip all the way from Thaylenah to Aimia would take weeks." In the next chapter, they stop at the Hexi wilderness. Looking at the map, that would be under a fourth of the way into their trip. If it takes over 4 times "a few weeks" to get all the way to Aimia, that would end up being over a Rosharan month, which I don't think would be described as weeks.

Either, "would take weeks" from page 51 should be something like "would take about a month," or "a few weeks onto the trip" from page 52 should be something like "a few days into the trip," or maybe "over a week into the trip."

Which one should be changed depends, of course, on how long the full trip took.

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Not exactly a typo, but in my Kindle rendering of the .mobi file at least (and viewed through the app on my iOS devices), I would have expected the Stormfather's side of his "dialog" with Lopen about his Third Ideal to be in SMALLCAPS.




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Not a typo, but something I expect might bother Peter... There's two uses of "invigotrating"/"invigorated" in fairly close proximity.

"Talking with them was exciting and invigorating."

And the very next paragraph:

"Their stories invigorated her..."

The repetition just feels kind of clumsy to me.

On 11/8/2020 at 10:46 AM, Chiberty said:

- Chapter 5, page 52

I don't think that they would be a few weeks into the trip at this point. On the first page of that chapter, Rysn says that "even with the best winds, a trip all the way from Thaylenah to Aimia would take weeks." In the next chapter, they stop at the Hexi wilderness. Looking at the map, that would be under a fourth of the way into their trip. If it takes over 4 times "a few weeks" to get all the way to Aimia, that would end up being over a Rosharan month, which I don't think would be described as weeks.

Either, "would take weeks" from page 51 should be something like "would take about a month," or "a few weeks onto the trip" from page 52 should be something like "a few days into the trip," or maybe "over a week into the trip."

Which one should be changed depends, of course, on how long the full trip took.

This bothered me as well.

Jasnah and Shallan sailed from Kharbranth to the other side of the Frostlands in barely over 2 weeks, a distance that seems double what the Wandersail covers here in "a few weeks". Even with bad weather and delays (which I'd think would be notable enough for a mention) it feels like a stretch to me.

And I have a similar issue with a line in chapter 7:


But now, as they were reaching the halfway point in their journey, everything had gotten odd

So chapter 7/8/9 is just shy of the halfway point, somewhere off the coast of Tukar it seems. This is where Rysn suspects Nikli is the saboteur. Then in chapter 10 they spotted Aimia a few days ago, so they're on the final stretch. And this is where Rysn reveals Nikli, saying she's had "days" to think about it. So if chapter 5/6 was 2 weeks after they left in 4, (which is a generous interpretation of "a few") then 7/8/9 is at least 4 weeks out judging from the map (twice as far) and chapter 10 would be perhaps another 3 weeks after that.

The TONE of the chapters reads to me like 10 is only a few days after 7. And it's weird to me that Nikli sat around for another several weeks without trying some other tactic to make them stop. Several weeks of Rysn suspecting Nikli but doing nothing about it? Just seems odd. I feel like chapter 7 should be put sometime after the halfway point (around Steen probably), with that line changed to "after they had reached the halfway point in their journey".

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On 11/6/2020 at 8:09 PM, Neithan said:

Chapter 15, p. 194: “reminding him of the refuse he’d find in the chasms with Bridge Four.” Should be “found”—otherwise it sounds like Lopen still has chasm duty or expects to in the future.

I read that as past progressive and it seemed fine. "The refuse he would find" meaning "the refuse he used to find".

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One more timeline quirk:


It was a constant source of amazement that her babsk hadn’t tossed her overboard after a single day—let alone hundreds—listening to her complain.

So Rysn says she was Vstim's apprentice for at least two years. ("hundreds" of days)

  1. Gavilar was murdered in late 1167.
  2. Szeth killed Gavilar about 2 years after being named Truthless, according to his TWoK-I-3 interlude. So he was Truthless in late 1165.
  3. Rysn's TWoK interlude was "nearly 7 years" after Vstim bought Szeth. So that interlude is late 1172
  4. Rysn became his apprentice 5 months prior to the TWoK interlude, according to that interlude, so she became his apprentice in early 1172.

Rysn's WoR interlude was about 2 years prior to Dawnshard, making it late 1172. So she was his apprentice for less than a year according to this timeline.

Granted there's a lot of dates here which may not be precise... I can pull all of my exact numbers. But I'm having a hard time stretching it to 2 years. Just wanted to raise this issue in case it needs to be looked at further... Maybe Szeth's book 5 flashbacks will clear something up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not a typo but the ONLY thing that I’ve ever read of BS’s that ever felt odd to me (after 20+ books lol). Chapter 6 Nikli is kneeling beside Rysn, subsequently he looks down at his feet before rising a few beats later. I visualize so I’m imagining Nikli having to rotate around if he’s truly kneeling or lean to look under his thighs if it’s a squat. Lol

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I don't disagree with that, AirSick, and I'd probably have dropped the phrase "at his feet" personally, but it's in my nature to try to see why what is written might not be as odd as it is on first pass (if it's not a straight typo/grammar error that is), particularly since I kneel with one foot in front because I find it much easier to get up from that position.  Both knees on the floor hurts pretty badly after a bit

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
On 12/2/2020 at 5:54 PM, AirSickLowlander80 said:

Not a typo but the ONLY thing that I’ve ever read of BS’s that ever felt odd to me (after 20+ books lol). Chapter 6 Nikli is kneeling beside Rysn, subsequently he looks down at his feet before rising a few beats later. I visualize so I’m imagining Nikli having to rotate around if he’s truly kneeling or lean to look under his thighs if it’s a squat. Lol

I'm fixing this error and the Stormfather talking.

These were already fixed:

  • Infinity Blade
  • Chapter icon
  • The timeline thing with Szeth (in the Way of Kings leatherbound)

The other things mentioned in this thread are not errors.

Edited by PeterAhlstrom
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