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3 minutes ago, Condensation said:

"Yes, and I'm a..." Crescendo's head drops and she says quietly "Releaser."

"Okay," Sebarial says and takes a note.

2 minutes ago, Negative_Null said:

"That's not a bad question"


"We've been over this."


"So what's the answer?"


"Apparently I'm a Willshaper."

Sebarial nods and writes something down on another paper.

2 minutes ago, Invocation said:

Khash waves vaguely around him. "He's around here somewhere. Truthwatcher-ish."

"Great, plenty of variety."

1 minute ago, TheWard'sGuard said:

Ros looks at Crescendo inquisitively as she does so, but he shrugs it off.

You mean Netollyn? She says she's an Honor Spren.

"That means you're a Windrunner, like one of the teachers."

Just now, Channelknight Fadran said:

Leonie sighs, but checkmates her teddy bear and leaves the room. She hides her face as she makes her way to class.


"Hello, Leonie."

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2 minutes ago, Vapor said:

"Leonie, do you have a spren yet?"

"What do you mean, have a spren?"

Just now, TheWard'sGuard said:

Ros speaks without thinking

"Neither do you."

Ros then looks surprised at himself, and then stays quite.

"What? I..." She remembers when she said she was a monster. "Oh, yeah. I was... lying."

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14 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

Leonie raised her hand half-heartedly.

"I thought you didn't have a spren," Sebarial remarked.

Just now, Negative_Null said:


"She says I did. I don't know what it was though"

"Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination?"

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Diminuendo spoke to Crescendo for the first time in a while. "Why are you so ashamed of being a Releaser?"

"Not now!" hissed Crescendo.

"No. Why?" Diminuendo appeared in front of her. He looked like he always did, flakes of ash drifting down in a miniature ash storm.

"I'm in class, shh! I can't talk right now." 

"I don't understand, though. I understand that those people where you used to live didn't like that you were a Releaser, but these people don't seem to feel the same way. So why are you still ashamed of me?"

Crescendo sighed. "Listen, can we talk later, when I'm alone in my room?"

"I suppose. But we will talk later." Diminuendo settled above Crescendo's shoulder, not bothering to disappear from her again.

Crescendo turned her attention back to Brightness Sebarial.

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1 minute ago, Negative_Null said:

Selia waves her hand dismissively "I'm sure I've said loads of stuff like that."


1 minute ago, Condensation said:

Diminuendo spoke to Crescendo for the first time in a while. "Why are you so ashamed of being a Releaser?"

"Not now!" hissed Crescendo.

"No. Why?" Diminuendo appeared in front of her. He looked like he always did, flakes of ash drifting down in a miniature ash storm.

"I'm in class, shh! I can't talk right now." 

"I don't understand, though. I understand that those people where you used to live didn't like that you were a Releaser, but these people don't seem to feel the same way. So why are you still ashamed of me?"

Crescendo sighed. "Listen, can we talk later, when I'm alone in my room?"

"I suppose. But we will talk later." Diminuendo settled above Crescendo's shoulder, not bothering to disappear from her again.

Crescendo turned her attention back to Brightness Sebarial.

"What was that, Crescendo?"

Just now, Invocation said:

Khash shook himself out of the book's engrossing activities. "I've said it."

"Good. That removes a lot of my work. I know this is everyone's least favorite part, but we've got to go over all the boring technical stuff. 

The Ideals of the Knights Radiant, also known as the Immortal Words, are a set of rules by which the Radiants live. The First Ideal is shared by all of the orders, and is used as a motto for the Knights Radiant as a whole. Each of the orders then have an additional four Ideals that are unique to that order. The Ideals of the Order of Windrunners all focus on protecting the innocent and defenseless. The Ideals of the Order of Skybreakers all focus on fighting for justice, upholding codes, and protecting civilization. Their Ideals and interpretations would be compatible with the philosphy that the ends justifies the means. Skybreakers tell their recruits all five Ideals when they swear the first one. The Ideals of the Order of Dustbringers all focus on responsibility and controlling one's power, and are designed to teach lessons about the nature of power and the responsibility that comes with it. Unlike members of most of the other orders, the Dustbringers cannot access all of their Surgebinding powers until they have sworn some of the higher oaths. The Ideals of the Order of Edgedancers all focus on remembering and advocating for ordinary people. The Ideals of the Order of Truthwatchers all focus on seeking and sharing truth, as well as making sure it is not improperly exploited. However, unlike the Lightweavers, who pursue personal truths, the Truthwatchers are concerned more with uncovering the greater secrets of the universe. The Ideals of the Order of Lightweavers are very different from those of the other orders. Instead of swearing oaths centered around a specific theme, Lightweavers instead speak individual truths about themselves. Some have theorized that Lightweavers' progression is tied to truth like this because their actions frequently blur the line between truth and lies and they need to learn to distinguish the two. It has also been posited that their more flexible Ideals are because they are closer to Cultivation than Honor. The Ideals of the Order of Elsecallers all focus on progressing with each Ideal and discovering and reaching one's true potential. As a result, the order is more open to all types of people, as long as they want to improve themselves. The Ideals of the Order of Willshapers all focus on individual freedom and liberty; the Willshapers champion self-expression and freedom of choice for all. The Ideals of the Order of Stonewards all focus on working with a team and supporting others, which led them to put others' interests before their own. Of the orders, they were some of the least likely to bend their Ideals. The Ideals of the Order of Bondsmiths all focus on uniting people. However, the uniqueness of the Bondsmith spren means that each individual's specific Ideals may take various forms depending on the spren they are bonding and the situation."


There. Super long stuff copied almost word for word from the Coppermind.


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